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About sirrah

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    Well.... guess...
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    Lead Engineer Plant Design (former F-16A/B MLU mechanic)

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  1. My oh my... this aircraft is so screenshot/photogenic On behalf of my desktop wallpaper, thanks for these beautifull shots guys! (and Heatblur)
  2. Awesome! Sorry if I missed it somewhere, but what are your plans on DCS visualisation? Screens? Beamer+curved surface? VR/AR?
  3. Wow.. Interesting way to react on people that try to help you... DCS World can be downloaded and the Su-25T and TF-51D can be played for free.. how much cheaper do you want it? Apart from that, as Bignewy mentioned, there's several free downloadable and playable user made mods that are really good (A-4E-C, UH-60L, OV-10A, just to name a few)
  4. Fwiw; for whoever is interested: I managed to do the cable mod as described in the above Reddit links, and it works!! Tested for over an hour and it works perfectly again. I didn't even have to recalibrate my PointCtrl (although I still need to reposition the aux buttons a bit for the cable to fit) I know: null
  5. 7900XTX prices here in The Netherlands drop under €1000,- (Perhaps not the best brands, I don't know), making the price gap between 9070xt and 7900xtx not that huge. Hence my question before in this thread if the higher VRAM 7900XTX wouldn't be the better choice for DCS. (I agree with @LucShep on ED having to do better on VRAM consumption, but I fear that one will take long..)
  6. Interesting insight. I didn't even know one could manually reduce fov in the 8KX. I can imagine 140° already being an incredible improvement over the default 100° binocular-view. Why do you think getting a 2nd hand 8KX is tricky? Do you mean "tricky" in sense of availability? (there's indeed not many advertised) (Oh and yes, I'm well aware that I'd need a new pc )
  7. Yeah, that last one "Facebook" account, pretty much kills it for me. I want nothing to do with that stuff You're probably right on not being able to find better bang for buck than the Reverb... How great would it be if someone found a way to replace/reinstate WMR
  8. Thanks for the extended feedback LucShep I really like my HP Reverb, but investing in a new pc and then not being able to update Windows because of WMR support (or lack thereof), is a bit of a no go for me. Additionally, last week my Reverb cable broke, so perhaps this is the time to make a switch... I'm going to do some more research/reading on this. The large fov on the 8KX is really tempting for me and I suppose if I cranck up the pd setting, image quality is probably more than good enough for me, but it's mainly the lack of wear comfort and the need for base stations that is holding me back.
  9. Sorry if asked and discussed before (it probably has, but my/the forum search isn't great) Does anyone here have experience with both the "new" Pimax Crystal and the "old" Pimax 8KX? I read that the Crystal has quite a lot of pro's: Less image distortion Sharper image (better clarity) Better comfort Inside-out tracking (no base stations needed) But... That immense fov of the 8KX... I can imagine that to be "jaw dropping" in DCS. Of course, people here that stepped over to the Crystal, did so for a reason, but still: What's you're overall verdict? (am I overestimating the awesomeness of the 8KX's wide fov?) I currently own a Reverb G1 and in terms of image quality/resolution, that thing is already excellent imho (at least to my standards ). Actually, the only improvement that I wish I could make, is having a wider fov. Would it be reasonable to try and find a 2nd hand 8KX now (I see one at the moment for €600,-), or do all the cons weight so heavy that it would be silly to choose the 8KX over the Crystal?
  10. Sorry for this slightly off-topic side step (I didn't want to raise a whole new thread for what's probably just stupid questions that have been repeated here many times ) 1. If I Googled it correctly , at the moment DCS does not support ray tracing. I'm not sure if there are plans to support it in the future, but let's say there aren't: Looking at performance/costs graphs, don't the Radeon cards offer much more bang for buck? I understand if money isn't a problem, you just buy the fastest Nvidia card out there, but cost/performance wise, looking only at DCS, isn't it obvious that Radeon cards are a much better choice these days? Or am I missing something crucial here that Nvidia has for DCS, that AMD doesn't? 2. What are your expectations on performance of the 9070xt vs 7900xtx when looking solely at DCS? Does DCS lean heavy on VRAM perhaps? (which would then favor the 7900xtx) I can imagine the 7900xtx might be dropping in price a bit when the 9070 releases (but perhaps that's just wishfull thinking) (My system is getting really old and now my Reverb G1 cable also died on me, so I might have to bite the bullet soonish if I want to keep plaing DCS)
  11. Perhaps, but he also specifically mentioned 2 teams. But, yeah, you might be right.
  12. Great to hear more on the DC from Wags!! What struck me in Wags video though; He says: The two helicopter teams are working on the AH-64, the Chinook and "there is another helicopter we're working on" Assuming he's teasing a new helicopter, where does that leave the Early Access Mi-24 Hind? https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/hind/
  13. Hi @MilesD, (or anyone else who may know this ), is it mandatory to place/glue the HMS in the center of the headset? Or will it work just as well when placed ofcenter? Reason why I ask: My Reverb G1 cable broke, so I need to do something like this: nullnull
  14. Nevermind Found a step by step here:
  15. Anyone any idea how to remove the front panel of a Reverb G1? I see a lot of videos and pictures with the front removed, but non of them show how to actually achieve this. ( @BIGNEWY; could you please move this thread to the VR section? I noticed I accidentally didn't post it in the right place)
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