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Everything posted by addman

  1. Totally agree.
  2. Broke the sound barrier in a shallow climb last night, not sure if I even hade the burners on. Gonna check tonight but if it can do that, it's a beast! But yeah it kind of lacks charachter a bit, there's nothing that really stands out about it. I enjoy the old MiG-21 more, it has more "personality". This is purely subjective of course.
  3. HT is enabled and that setting in msconfig was already unchecked so, no luck.
  4. My MT-exe also crashes on startup. I see in your DXdiag you have an i3 I think it's the CPU I also have a dual core CPU with HT, Pentium G7400.
  5. I'd say the frames are about the same as before but there is horrible stuttering, probably because of the dismal frametimes. Doesn't seem to utilise the CPU very well either. Attached a screenshot with metrics from the mi-24 instant action free flight Persian Gulf mission. i9-10900 32GB DDR4 Acer Intel Arc A770 Predator BiFrost OC 16GB DDR6 P.S I did a slow repair but it didn't change anything.
  6. Just want to say thanks to Deka for diversifying in DCS. Really looking forward to this one, "all" we need beyond that is some more Chinese ground assets and a Taiwan Strait map and we're set.
  7. F-4 all the way. I don't have time for ultra-complex 4+ gen fighters anymore. Too much too learn and remember. A week passes without flying and I have to relearn. No time, no patience. Cold War ftw.
  8. Yeah I have that same feeling too. I guess it won't be great since it's emulating dx11 although I've heard performance has improved a lot by the latest Intel driver updates. I also have an RX 6700 incoming so might just stick with that, they cost roughly the same. Br, Andreas
  9. I've got an Intel Arc A770 on order but I'd thought I'd just hear from you guys if anyone have tried DCS with an Arc gpu and preferably with the latest drivers and how it fares? Br, Andreas
  10. One can always dream we would get the J as a full module "Saab 35J[Note 7] Fighter version designated J 35J (Johan). In 1985 the Swedish government decided to modify 67 J 35F2s to the J 35J standard.[60][61] The aircraft received a longer lifespan, modernized electronics, a modernized cannon, two additional AIM-9 Sidewinder pylons under the air intakes and increased external fuel capacity. The modification took place between 1987 and 1991.[60] The final operational J 35J flew for the last time in 1999.[62]"
  11. Why do they do this?! They announce that they have something to announce, why not just wait until they have the "deets" ready and reveal it? Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the Viggen updates but unless you actually av something of substance to announce, why announce it?
  12. Yeah, DLSS, FSR and whatever Intels equivalent is called aren't black magic and they do come at some cost. Primarily in degraded visual fidelity, I can see a problem with this in DCS, blurry gauges, harder to make out objects in the distance etc. I prefer the AMD way though, open for all to use, it's a win-win. Nvidia is living in lala-land with their proprietary technology and insane pricing. I like how g-sync basically died out because of amd's freesync but nvidia never learns appearantly.
  13. Thank you for the info. So it can, theoretically, detect and lockon(?) (with IR-seeker I presume) aircraft at longer distances then let's say an R-60? And I presume it won't alarm the enemy rwr since it's using IR. Nice manual, too bad that it's in Russian though
  14. So the regular R-23/24R variant was completely radarguided but I'm having some problem finding specifics with regards to the T-variant. From what I gathered it required radar-lock to launch and then it went into IR-mode but could you launch at same distances as the R-variant or did it have shorter track/launch-range? Was just reading up on the Mig-23 ML variant and found this interesting.
  15. Whatever is accurate or non-accurate, a lot of people love and fly the MiG-21 any way, me included. Let's hope they keep supporting it and/ -or release some kind of overhaul for it, paid or non-paid because it surely deserves it. Great module, warts and all.
  16. I've had several monitors which weren't advertised as g-sync compatible but when I checked in nvidia control panel they where and I activated g-sync and it worked! Like, many monitor makers don't bother going through the "nvidia validation process" for getting that g-sync stamp. I think most, at least gaming monitors, are g-sync compatible these days. Just make sure to use a displayport cable and not hdmi, freesync seems to work with both hdmi and displayport but g-sync seems more sensitive. I've had good experience with AOC monitors for example.
  17. Yes, they are that small in reality but of course easier to read IRL than on a small, pixelconstrained monitor.
  18. I can't see it released without one at this point, the moustache to plane ratio is high with this one. Actually, could we just refer to the F1 as "The Moustache" from now on?
  19. We have modules that are older than 5 years which still has bugs.
  20. It's probably my most flown module, I stray to other modules but keep coming back to it. I know, there's a lot of switches and stuff in the cockpit that might scare som people away but most of them are just breakers, only thing I have mapped on my stick is ir/radar-missile switch, radar on/standby, radar lock and countermeasures dispense. Basically all you need for A-A. It really is just like some kind of primitive farming equipment, anyone can learn it easily.
  21. Nice, don't forget the Tomcast podcast, hosted by actual former Tomcat pilots and rios: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/f-14-tomcast/id1585680868 also on youtube in video: https://www.youtube.com/c/AIrCombatExperienceACE/featured
  22. Lol! They literally just stuck as many bombs that could fit on that airframe.
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