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Everything posted by Polo

  1. Doesn't the Hornet FCS change at low speed with gear down from straight trim to setting the requested AoA? Seem to remember using up/down trim to align the FPM with the AoA bracket. Admittedly haven't flown it for a while so might be off position entirely...
  2. Are you running MBucchia's QuadViews or Reshade? I'd try disabling them for starters if so, as the crash seems to relate to depth and colour buffer creation.
  3. If you're already hot started (whether on the ground or in the air) the Mavericks should be aligned with the TGP already.
  4. Not sure if you had any luck, but a quick look at your log files and I saw a reference to MBucchia's toolkit - I'd try removing that first and see if it resolves your crash.
  5. Okay...I removed/deleted all the Flaming Cliffs 3 aircraft in the launcher, started DCS to ensure they weren't available and then reinstalled them, again using the launcher. Now all my FC3 aircraft are working again without issue. In game I also had a 'DCS Flaming Cliffs 3' module to install which seems to have no effect.
  6. Same issue here as well - legacy FC3, F5E and F86 owner and the FC3 aircraft (except the SU33 as I've got the Supercarrier) are no longer authorized. The F86 and F5E however are fine.
  7. Try this invite https://discord.gg/qQ4qcNh7
  8. As a follow up question on this - we have a MIZ for a squadron event we've been working on for a few months (since about August last year) where the Datalink STNs for new aircraft are being generated as (in this case) '0Q###' in the mission editor - 0Q465 seems to be the base for it atm. Can't find this reference in the MIZ files anywhere, so is this base STN saved elsewhere in the DCS data files rather than this MIZ specifically? It does seem specific to this MIZ itself, creating a new mission doesn't generate '0Q###' STNs. We also get this occurring in F16s in this MIZ: I can upload the MIZ later once I'm home if that is of any assistance.
  9. Hi all, Been trying to add in a Hornet as either a flight member or donor in the UFC STN page. However as an example I have a Hornet STN down as '0Q003' (i.e. as per the image) From what I can tell only numerals from 0-7 can be entered into the UFC, so is it possible to enter this into the UFC in-flight?
  10. Seeing these as well. Don't have an answer but you can usually hit escape a couple of times to get clear of the error messages when in VR and it crashes.
  11. Definitely interested in this!
  12. Your best countermeasure is to get as much distance from the launcher and missile as quickly as possible. Or put a piece of dirt between the missile and you.
  13. You can set BTN##_OFF in DCS Control Bindings, would that do what you're looking for?
  14. There's a fix (of sorts) for the MultiPlayer WSO desync issues here (originally from Razbam's Discord channel): There's still issues with some items related to the UFC (i.e. TACAN) but it seems to have fixed most of the issues.
  15. Have had the same experience here - resetting the config folder seems to have sorted out the MP sync issue. Just be aware that some items (especially on the UFC) still don't sync correctly i.e. TACAN
  16. Not sure how the Reverb and SteamVR interact, but when I fitted my 4090 (running a Vive Pro 2) SteamVR defaulted my VR resolution up to some stupid amount like 6000x6000 pixels.
  17. Until this patch it was possible to bind under a module as well as the UI Layer. Was useful for various modules.
  18. Same here - clicking the Axis Tune button on the bottom or the context menu on an assigned axis results in nothing happening.
  19. No, can confirm that my v2 grip doesn't have the BLE module.
  20. This was one of the issues I had when I was running the DICE (DCS Integrated Countermeasure Editor) mod with VAICOM.
  21. I don't think RSR is working with DCS and SteamVR, mainly I expect because it's not running in fullscreen mode. AMD's documentation states fullscreen mode is required for it to be active. I managed to get non-VR DCS working using fullscreen mode as the indicator on the AMD toolbar showed it was active, whereas in VR mode it never showed up as such.
  22. Having a blast with your Operations Surrexen! However, struggling with Operation Sea Slug in single player, as it's proving impossible to get any hits on either of the naval task forces, and the SAM coverage from them is covering the enemy held islands (i.e. Saipan) Sending in two hornets with ASM loadouts as well as going in with my own aircraft with Harpoons. Even the advance guard of the fleets are impossible to get hits on. While it's likely realistic (3 aircraft won't be able to take down a fleet) does anyone have any strategies to take them on?
  23. There's this stated in the DCS User Manual (top of page 31) under the 'Aircraft Control Mode' heading: General. Active when a mission is launched with no player or client-controlled aircraft.
  24. Only tried this mission once...ended up being a Fox Four kill. Still managed to land safely too.
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