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El Hadji

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Everything posted by El Hadji

  1. That was my impression as well. And the speakers chatted about other nonsense instead of commenting the actual performance.
  2. Watch the Viggen solo display at Airpower16 in Austria LIVE today: http://www.airpower.gv.at/fanzone/live-stream.html It will takeoff sometime between 16.00 and 17.00 CET. The rest of the block isn't too bad either: Me 262 (solo), Eurofighter Typhoon (solo) and Frecce Tricolori. Todays entire program can be found here: http://www.airpower.gv.at/flugprogramm.html#c3883
  3. Bofors is Swedish, not Swiss. Just saying... :smilewink:
  4. Speaking of doctrines, if we look at how the Soviets had started to organize "front group HQ's" in the late 1970's to lead and conduct operations within separated sectors - TVD's (Teatr Voennich Dejstvij or Theatre of Military Operations). Each HQ could carry out operations within their TVD's. Europe was divided into three TVD's: TVD South West, TVD West and TVD North West. What makes this doctrine interesting from a Swedish perspective is that Sweden is located in two of these TVD's (North West and West): This meant that Sweden would be subject to attacks by units from two TVD's in the event of war. Eventhough the main assault would come against NATO countries, Sweden could not have avoided being dragged into a conflict in Europe based on this doctrine.
  5. Same bug but with Su-27 in AI wingman won't pick up speed even with full AB's and eventually goes surfing like the MiG-31's above. Seems like this has been an issue off and on for a while: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=149459 http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=152011 Same problem with F-15: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=158200 AI Su27 speed issue.trk
  6. Yes it was in safe/middle position.
  7. Any news on fixing this? Really breaks immersion to have McCarran all dark.
  8. Anyone else having problems with missiles not launching at all sometimes? Pylons selected, lock tone, missiles uncaged, holding release button but no joy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Tested with a buddy in MP last night and successful launch seemed to be totally random.
  9. The Draken wasn't designed to attack ground targets. It was designed as a high altitude interceptor. The ground attack role was taken care of by the A35 Lansen until the Viggens came along.
  10. Sure. It is probably possible from a technical point of view. If you have an array of REALLY large SSD's that is... The Caucasus map is approx 500 km2 in size and NTTR approx 600 km2. Together with the currently available modules that requires roughly 60GB of SSD storage space. The surface of the world is approx 500 million km2 so do the math... On a more serious note, FSX, P3D, XP10 and all the flight sims using the entire world as a playground work very differently than DCS. 1. The scenario is built around landclass and terrain mesh and if you want it to look good you will have to add high-res textures which also would require an insane amount of storage space if you did it for the entire world. 2. In those sims the only interaction with the ground is during takeoffs and landings. In DCS you are supposed to fight in a combat environment. Find ground units hiding etc. That requires a highly detailed scenery. 3. In DCS you need working roads and bridges etc. In the sims you mention that is purely cosmetic and made to look good flying at a bit of altitude. In DCS it should look good at ground level as well. And collision detection is required to work with ground objects in DCS which isn't the case on FSX and other sims. So a combat flight sim can't really be compared to FSX, XP10 or P3D. But I agree, it would be awesome to fly around the world in a DCS level aircraft and in DCS level scenery. But I'm afraid that it isn't quite possible any time soon.
  11. I really like this tiger stripe as well:
  12. I use the Warthog throttle flaps lever and the boat switch: Warthog flaps lever Flaps lever - Step down: JOY_BTN23 Flaps lever - Step up: JOY_BTN22 Boat switch Flaps switch Aft: JOY_BTN9 Flaps switch Fwd: JOY_BTN10 Note that the Flap switch Aft/Fwd is reversed i.e. Step Aft is boat switch forward and Step Fwd is boat switch aft. This setup is working for me.
  13. Is it just me or is it easier to trim for level flight in 2.0.3 compared to in 1.5.4? In 1.5.4 I actually struggle a bit to maintain level flight sometimes. That doesn't seem to be the case in 2.0.3 though.
  14. Has this happened to anybody else? Made a quick mission in the ME, picked "takeoff from ramp". When I spawned at Groom Lake the brake chute was deployed.
  15. Definatly a bug in 1.5.4. In 2.0.3 it isn't as bright if you pick ramp start. But you can still adjust the brightness without either batteries, generators or external power.
  16. It had to run DCS_updater.exe manually from the bin folder to make it update to 2.0.3.
  17. I have also noticed this and I also think it is a bug since you can change the brightness of it without power switched on.
  18. Some really nice F-5 footage (and of course F-14) in the film mentioned in the articles as well, "Speed and Angels" from 2008. Like a BS free version of Top Gun. Watch it if you haven't. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1112756/
  19. Propably when it is out of early access like with other modules. When that might be nobody knows.
  20. El Hadji

    F5 Module?

    Not to sound like a douche, but I really don't understand what is misleading about it? The store page quite clearly says: "Requires DCS World version 1.5 or 2.0.3!" high-lighted in red at the very top of the page. So there is no need to assume anything really. It doesn't work unless you have either DCS 1.5 or 2.0.3. It is like saying "this software requires a Dx11 capable GPU" or "this software needs a 64bit OS". I don't see how ED could be any more clear about the requirements to be honest.
  21. I get the message with TiR 5/ProClip (latest TiR version) but it never stops working (I have reverted back to the old 1.5.3 functionality though since I am not a fan of the "updated" TiR functionality). If I happen to place my hand between the sensor and the LED's for a split second I also get the message but for the most part it pops up randomly.
  22. Having the same issue with the Warthog for both buttons and axis. It also occurs for axis with my MFG Crosswind v2 (latest firmware) pedals. If memory serves me right this started with one of the latest 1.5.3 updates but if anything it has gotten worse in 1.5.4. And yes - sometimes it can take more than 10-15 attempts for the input to be registred. Modules I have had the problem in so far (haven't tried all yet): F-5E M-2000C Gazelle C-101 MiG 21bis MiG 15bis Uh-1
  23. It seems to work for me.
  24. MJ1: 4kg/9lb air-bursting explosive against soft targets MJ2: 18kg/40lb proximity fuzed anti-armour warhead The BK90 can carry either MJ1, MJ2 or a mix of them.
  25. Of course. Typo! :doh: I meant Draken. It was a J35 F prototype.
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