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Everything posted by Lobinjaevel

  1. @ snacko, there are both just rotary and rotary with push, the later is most useful for sims IMO. That does require 3 inputs per encoders, (cw, ccw, push). As Brun says, a BBI32 doesn't have enough inputs, you would need the BBI64 or equivalent. I'd go for a BU0836X in this case, if pots are used where it should. But I haven't counted inputs, Buttons need 1 input, Toggles need 1 per "on" state Encoders need 2 or 3 depending on push or not And potentiometers need axis. Hope that helps :)
  2. Rotary encoder is the one that clicks and just keeps going around, so a button press for clockwise and a button for anti-clockwise. A potentiometer usually have a stop and smooth turning, it's also seen as a axis, so not a button. So it depends on what you want it for, lighting knobs are usually potentiometers. Encoder can be used for knobs like radiochannel selection. Leo bodnar BBI boards can't use axis, but encoders work fine. It's just a cheaper board if you don't need axis. The BU0836X can take 8 axis and all the things that work with a BBI.
  3. A Leo bodnar BU0836X will do fine too, you can use 32 buttons and 8 potentiometers, if you use 2 rotary encoders for the Chanel selectors, you can use 28 buttons, 2 encoders and 8 potentiometers, everything is described on the Leo bodnar store how to make it work, it will show up as a joystick
  4. You can't use potentiometers and axis with it, just buttons and encoders :)
  5. http://www.leobodnar.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=94&products_id=180&zenid=e6349654da048c70f630d0848b730a59 That can be used if you want potentiometers, you can use a cheaper BBI board if you can settle for rotary encoders. It's plug n play and all documentation and help is on the site to get it working the way you like :)
  6. You're making great progress, it looks fantastic and well designed!
  7. Couldn't link to his profile on my Phone, but check out CHEP on Youtube for profiles and guides on Cura and creality printer, alot of great tips and settings.
  8. I starten with an old i3 kit, bought a wanhao, now I use a Ender 3. Alot och bang for your buck if your willing to tinker a bit! I mostly use simplify3d, but Cura is getting alot of nice features so I might switch over. I use onshape for CAD, been trying out fusion360 but haven't comitted since I can make what I want in onshape pretty fast
  9. I've been using a 3d printer for my projects since 2012, no regrets, it's a fantastic tool if you don't have a workshop. I live in a apartment and it's very cheap to experiment with also :)
  10. Your embedded video didn't work for me, but followed your signature, it looks great! Very clean simpit, great job, thanks for sharing your plans in the videodescription!
  11. Looking good! Any more pics of the stick? :)
  12. You don't really need the warthog PCB for it to work, that's just if you want to be able to still map all the buttons as a warthog stick, and just the axis on the fssb. I only use the FSSB and see no negativ side to that, it's just an opition if you want to map it as a warthog for any reason :)
  13. Which push buttons did you use on the UFC? Do they have a soft push or click?
  14. This went under my radar, fantastic looking pit! Great job! Really like the floodlighting!
  15. That looks really nice! Would love a FSSB adapter! :D
  16. @Uboats, is it possible to get those panel pictures in high rez and without button description? I'll be making a simpit of you amazing module :) Keep up the great work, Cheers!
  17. God damn! Your seriously did a fantastic job with the backlighting! Would you mind sharing a little more of your manufacturing process? I'd love to see more for when I'm building my own panels. Cheers!
  18. What materials did you use to make the panels? Clear acrylic then paint or white acrylic? Your backlighting looks perfect, very nice and even!
  19. Looks fantastic! Great job! :)
  20. Great to hear! :thumbup: Then it was worth it :)
  21. Did it live up to your expectations, regarding clarity and fidelity?
  22. Looking forward to it! Hope you will enjoy it, it looks fantastic! :)
  23. Very high quality finish, great job mate!
  24. The Gripen and some russian aircraft atleast, russians also have some linear dual throttles
  25. https://www.ebay.com/itm/12mm-Momentary-Latching-Push-Button-Round-Toggle-Switch-ON-OFF-for-Car-Auto/264350977483?hash=item3d8c8bcdcb:m:m62iOhSZcozmKjdMiEFai-g That might be an option? I have installed one as an extra button, so I've not checked the size of the original hole
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