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Everything posted by Djent33

  1. If you use this script for your model then this happens: https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/225768-how-to-add-statics-with-collision-and-destroyed-model-in-256/ Your model must have collision model as well.
  2. I understand, I haven’t tested all features in 2.9 but an export of an object with lighting worked, I opened a 2.9 blend file in 2.8 and it also worked. If it’s about mash and mapping then yeah, if it’s about special effects then I guess it trial and error.
  3. That’s cool, there’re so many acronyms which I have to search online in order to keep up.
  4. Please don't override the original texture.
  5. Haha
  6. The smiley world tells me that you can have multiple versions of blender on one system and you can even test your output with ease.
  7. If you followed that video step by step, then there shouldn’t be any uncertainty
  8. Why has this thread been so quiet for so long?
  9. Yes, I went DYI and inverted the colour for the part on the normal texture for the right side of the canopy frame. This texture is for: \Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\AJS37\Textures, directory. LNS_VIG_CPT_FRAME_R_N.zip Fixing canopy frames isn't part of the start-up checklist but it does eliminate the puzzle. Regards.
  10. Yes certainly but I don’t know who they are.:smilewink:
  11. Don't suppose you know any way to narrow down which one could be the culprit ? I have around 300+ objects :/ I once used a rule of thumb I.e deleted 1/2 and saw which one caused the problem, after a few repetitive steps like that I was down to a handful of objects on which I could click an move to see what they were. Another way is to select all Objects then > Edit mode (Vertex)>“Select”- drop down menu> Select by trait> Select loose geometry, with all that selected, you can then inspect what that is.
  12. I think I know the main problem: the light on Viggen appears dark compared to Su-27 in the EDM Viewer, so I created EDM file with 5 lights of the same range and brightness but with different colours and I guess the result speaks for its self.
  13. But sometime fun appears out of nowhere. :)
  14. Thanks for your excellent work tobi, the ability to manually edit the boundingbox appears to be quite essential.
  15. Wouldn't that be like 100-200k man hours to develop even with SDK?
  16. Is FC-17 = C-17? I sense it would attract some customers who fly large jets on other sim platforms.
  17. I don’t carry boats on my ship!
  18. That's an easy path to follow but that's what we get to fly.
  19. Lion is a cat but it doesn’t look like a sea lion.
  20. A photo of nice cloud for some skin result may be nice to look at. This could get a take off clearance: If ATC don't see it.
  21. That is how V-22 Ospreys were made.
  22. Z1 or Q3 are not very nice aircraft.
  23. No body said it was easy but 6 people riding with joy.:D:D:D
  24. Also the planes that come to rest or just sit on a runway for some 90 seconds could be towed away. The runway maintenance crew could also remove the canopies and other crashed pieces to avoid crash pile-ups. After all “you are cleared to land” sounds better than “you are cleared to crash“. In case where a pilot disregards ATC takeoff/landing clearance and chooses the "neglect" route as the way, then such pilot looses the ground crew COMs for refuel and rearm which would make it fair for the duration of the mission. (fratricide law = runway law in this theory), pot holes on runway, 3-10 min per hole may work,. missile works the runway should. WOW asphalt WOW. wowowwowowo tire vs concrete.
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