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About NoJoy

  • Birthday 12/01/1976

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
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    One lake - three countries
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  1. I had this bug myself for quite a while, the problem was colliding statics on the deck. So check carefully if static planes or tractors or anything else is slightly touching or blocking or colliding with each other. The most easy way would be to delete any statics on the boat and save the mission. Did the trick for me - with several missions. Cheers
  2. Thanks Champ! Really nice and no hurry. I'll try myself to get it working too. Wish you a very nice Xmas!
  3. @Glloq sorry mate I just missed your answer though I hadn't much time for DCS anyways. So here's the mission - I do have some triggers and sounds in it but I guess that's not a problem. Thanks a bunch for having a look, really really appreciated!!!! 2_2_Persian Gulf Sample Mission_aaa_test.miz
  4. hm, I downloaded a new moose.lua and the error pop-ups are gone but still no fireworks. I'll setup a mission from the scratch, let's see what happens then... Thanks so far
  5. Hey guys, I just startet to build more complex missions with triggers but never did a script. The script you did, to have that 'light-show' is just was I was looking for long time and tried myself quite some times - with no joy. So I tried to just set the triggers in a mission I built myself and inserted the lua files I found from Mist and Moose. But as soon as I start the mission i get these errors popping up: And here the trigger page from the ME: Maybe it's conflicting with a trigger I have in the mission or maybe I have the wrong .lua files stored in the wrong place but I just can't get it to work. I'd really aprreciate any help here... Thanks @Glloq for your cool script anyways - VERY COOL!!
  6. I'd really appreciate a 'Return to base' command for the CA UI when in F10 map. When AI Flights are done with their mission or simply go nuts doing stuff not commanded it would be nice to just send them home before crashing or running out of fuel. Sure this would be a fall back solution for bad edited missions but could help in many otherways. Thanks. Out.
  7. Thanks for the update ED! My frames are back up to where it were before - maybe even little better. With my older rig I'm back at 60 - 80ish from 10 - 15 with the august update. < I7 6700K@4500, 32GB@3200, NVME SSD, GTX1080>
  8. I do have huge performance drops but it only affects Syria and the Persian Gulf map. Caucasus and NTTR runs smooth as they're used to. Since the last update DCS Syria & the Gulf I have 5 - 15 FPS where I did have some 60 - 70. Seems like the Chinook and Apache have at least something to do with. When I delete them from the missions from these maps frames recover to 15 to 30ish. Though - unflyable frames. I know trk files are a must and I wouldn't mind to upload some but right now I don't have time as there would be 2 for each map and with and without the helos to see the difference. Maybe some later... sorry.
  9. Hey guys, quick question: After disembarking infantry from the transport e.g. CH-47, who do I get the 'guys on the ground' follow a route / waypoints? In the ME i only can give them waypoints from the spawn point but they won't follow the further route after disembarking. Thanks for insights and hints!
  10. Heads up! Reported in another thread.
  11. Hm, there is quite sure the need for some documentation and how to's. But really on my side as I stick to the 'standard fuses' like the kind we already had I don't have trouble to blow things off. I stick to the M904E Nose & M905 Tail fuse or the FMU-139 which are set from the scratch in the loadout menue. MFUZE N/T for dumb weapons and the EFUZE inst for the smart ones. Hence, there must be some bugs, a proper documentation (which is quite sure in the making by ED) would be helpful to at least sort out if things are broken or if it's just a user error.
  12. I had some crashes even without a crash log. What I did and helped so far was to do a slow repair within the launcher, and delete the fxo and metashaders2 files. Here: C:\Users\user\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\fxo And here: C:\Users\user\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\metashaders2
  13. I do confirm this! I do not find the option for the easy comms in the launcher so I'm not sure if this is connected with the launcher itself. Though since the update I do have to uncheck easy comms after each restart. I do have a track if so wished but it only shows that that comms are working in easy mode not that I do have to switch options prior to start. So the bug isn't considered in the mission but within the start of DCS.
  14. On the F10 map there's the coordinates in your preferrd format on the upper left corner. Just click on that and it cycles through the different formats. Long Lat, Long Lat dec, MGRS, etc
  15. It has always been a FPS killer to me. No matter what I set it costs me about 20 - 30% frames. I switch them on when I'm up high in the sky only. In the Hornet it's not hitting as much frames as in the F-15E so it also seems to depend on the module though. I'm on the lower end with my rig also (GTX 1080, I7 7600, 32GB Ram...)
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