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About aldox

  • Birthday 01/12/1995

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  • Flight Simulators
    falcon, il2 cod, il2 box,
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  1. People are going bananas over the F-35, but what I'm interested in, is what this could mean for WW2 birds. Only thing stopping Eagle dynamics from releasing a full roster of semi/realistic/fidelity, hell even flaming cliffs level WW2 roster of planes, was the lack of real data, right? Not anymore it seems Mk1 spit, 109E, F, G, some medium bombers, imagine having a real use for the channel map with 110s or something like that wow, anyways would you guys be fine with some flamming cliff level stuff or would it be too thundery?
  2. Flaming cliffs exists and they released a new one, what is stopping them from releasing a flaming cliffs 1940' > Eastern front expansion after that
  3. After almost 3 years away from flight sim, I just came back to DCS, I fly mostly WW2 and early cold war stuff, cold war got lots of new stuff since I went away, but WW2 is still a mess with absolutely no sense of where is going, I cannot find anything from the devs expanding on the topics, Normandy 2.0 is a question mark for me, the channel map is completely irrelevant with 0 planes to fly it there, I see that the la7 is coming to DCS and the Corsair, thats cool and all but why?? We got no eastern front map or a plane to counter the Corsair in the Marianas, what's the point? Why don't the devs expand on what is the status on the Channel map, can't they go 1940's? WW2 stuff is all over, no direction and no one is saying anything I came back from a 3 year pause and WW2 servers play the same map and the same plane sets
  4. First time I went to the UK I stayed for a week in a <profanity>ty hotel by Paddington by my own, for a week I went to visit the imperial war museum and the RAF museum apart from planes and tanks I didn't see anything else there in London and I loved it, only thing I regret is not going to a good DNB party xd
  5. ok gotta say is amazing, dcs was unplayable on steamvr, i mean 30% res is awfull, but now im running 80% with buttery movement and everything is just amazing with a 3070
  6. what stutters? since i moved dcs to an ssd i dont have any more stutters and i am playing on a laptop i7 7 gen, 16gb ram and gtx1050
  7. aldox

    Mig 21 radar

    I bought the mig on this sale, and only have one question. Whats the issue with the radar? My fps goes from 60 to 15 when i turn it on, ive tried the mig when we had the free modules event and the radar worked great back then, no fps drop but now its completly broken i cant use radar guided missiles or navigate in bad weather or night edit spelling english is not my thing
  8. Most of the times is bad marksmanship, while the german planes shoot big cannon shells like the 109 or a lot of smaller cannon shells like the 190 and they're pretty devastating anywhere they hit. The mustang shoots a lot of .50 cal rounds but if you only hit the wings or non vital areas you're just damaging the aerodynamics or the enemy, shoot a the engine, rads or pilot
  9. someone is firing missiles on the ww2 test server
  10. i dont think so, many servers set on ww2 have more units like soldiers and stuff, i think this is more for early cold war servers
  11. they have challenge campaigns at least the 51 and 109 the spit doesn't have any if i remember correctly
  12. just fixes and tweaks? Damage model plz
  13. you can boom and zoom with any plane and also turn fight with every plane, you have to think in 3d, try to force an overshoot when youre on the defensive, dont lose energy, be sure that when you make your zoom back up you dont stall out (its easy to prop hang and shoot at a stalling zooming aircraft) and try to not turn on the vertical with spits but depending on if you have mw50 or more energy at the begining of the fight you can, know your plane and physics your turn radius is at its lowest when youre turning vertical and inverted
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