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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, Condor 2, IL-2
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  1. Stsrt dcs from meta enviro and then confirm the launcher which appeared on monitor screen with mouse click.
  2. Here it looks like this: you need the nvpi 2423 and select it here.
  3. In the newest NVPI it looks like <CustomSettingValue> <UserfriendlyName>Preset K (v310+)</UserfriendlyName> <HexValue>0x0000000B</HexValue> but the best option is to download it with nvpi amd select it there. https://github.com/xHybred/NvidiaProfileInspectorRevamped/releases/tag/v3.0
  4. If i want avoid dlss swapper and do it manually, i need 1) the newest dlls and 2) do i need to alter the customnames.xml file to introduce the k preset? Edit, the newest nvpi is necessary. Preset K looks awesome and runs better than Preset J for me. DCS never looked and ran better.
  5. In the main menu under chapter 5. Common and select the middle of three DLSS options. To see J, you need to have this file in the same folder as inspector.exe. New driver works great. I tried preset F and ouch, everything was crawling like worms. Great improvement. CustomSettingNames.xml
  6. I got nvidiaprofileinspector crashing, this version is compatible: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases/tag/
  7. Anyone tried the newest 572.16?
  8. Openxr toolkit is inevitable for many for switching turbo mode on to get smoooth performance. This can be alternatively done by the foveated rendering software.
  9. Im lucky I see none. Only if ASW kickes in, is the nearby passing airplane doubled. And new nvidia driver is due this week, promised to supply dlss 4 goodies without performance hit.
  10. I have finally reached VR nirvana with my Quest 3, cable link. 1. Use Meta quest link as openxr runtime and in openxr toolkit set Turbo mode on. Without Turbo it stutters. I ran dcs with SteamVR runtime before, it was acceptable but with PD of 1.2 max and ASW did not worked. With Meta/Turbo i can use 1.4 (Meta resolution 1.0/72Hz). 2. I had been using H265 codec at 150 bitrate from some reason (above 200 it gave me fps 1). With H264 and bitrate 500, the feeling is like ramping PD from 1.0 to 1.3. 3. New DLSS4/profile J further improved the visual quality. I put PD back one notch to 1.3 as I pay for it, but it looks good as never before. 4. Switch shadows off in dcs settings, it is broken and consumes plenty of power for nothing.
  11. Set shadows off. Are you using steamvr or openxr as runtime? When I had g2, my best performance was setting the max fps to 93 in the openxr toolkit and running it at native 90hz with steamvr. Openxr had poor quality. In dcs, set fps to 300 or whatever.
  12. jurinko

    DLSS "update"

    New DLSS got rid of residual shimmering in F1 pit. Letters and gauges are much better visible. It is more taxing, but going back one step in PD fixed it.
  13. I put 2x mid springs paired with no center/linear force cams and added 2x soft springs no center/ progressive force cams. It feels just right with the extension. Two strongers springs were too much.
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