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About Sile

  • Birthday 02/04/1980

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, Il2 CoD/BoS, Falcon BMS
  • Location
  • Interests
    Flightsim, Astronomy, RC Flying

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  1. I think the key problem is the data structure of the maps / terrains. Combined with an inefficient updater. This leads to enormous update sizes. Like someone said on reddit: "Your doomed if someone slightly adjusted a map texture file." Even if only a single airfield gets updated - maybe some 1-2 GB - the updater downloads the full 30 - 50 GB file which contains the data. And it stores it temporarily till the whole update download is complete. There is no concept for larges files. Most of the data doesn't even change. Today my Updater showed a download size of 146 GB. After uninstalling South Atlantic it went down to about 110 GB. Now read the changelog for South Atlantic and examine the file structure in its mods folder. I mentioned this on EDs discord already, but got a negative answer from a CM: "I will certainly share your concerns, but I don't think it is possible to change the way it is delivered currently".
  2. I recently rearmed and the chute got repacked / refilled. At least I thought so because the drag chute door was closed after rearming. Or could the chute compartment have been empty?! I think the deceleration when landing was realistic. The Engines were still running. Location: Bodo - Kola. MT Client. Multiplayer. Will double check on next ocassion.
  3. exactly what our squadron "sme" - a former F4 pilot - describes. frequent trim inputs with multiple short clicks. But short clicks have too much effect as it is now. (mt client here)
  4. While I find that trimming during level / cruise flight works quite well, I am not able to achive a stable trim when landing / base turn configuring the aircraft at low speed with flaps, … steps seem huge at low speed
  5. Saw the same with lower simulation mode. And alignment never completed.
  6. Received mine today.
  7. I ordered on day 1 of presale - no shirt received, yet. (Germany) Maybe because I ordered the tomcat shirt. All I see is phantom shirts being shipped and posted in social media. Funny thing is two squadron mates received an additional phantom shirt.
  8. The bug is there since end of december after a SteamVR stable update. (Bug has been reported in the beta, but no one cared.) It affects DCS even if the Varjo OpenXR is used. (SteamVR components are used for tracking) - It throttles DCS to 10 fps. Only people with Steam DCS / or Steam MSFS are affected for some reason. I use DCS standalone and don't have the problem. A friend experienced it when setting up his new aero. He switched to DCS standalone and had no issues any more. A workaround is disabling OpenVR in Varjo Base. Another workaround is using an older SteamVR Version, e.g. the 1.27.5 beta. I'm losing hope this will geht fixed: https://steamcommunity.com/app/250820/discussions/3/4036978698787139585/ It feels like the Aero is already dying.
  9. You can have different presets and startup options with DCS Updater - someone already suggested that tool above. You can switch presets for 2D and for VR and have the launch options for 2D / VR in one handy tool. Ingame presets in the graphics options menu are also a way to fast switch 2D / VR graphics settings. (A disadvantage of the ingame presets in the graphics option screen might be, that some of them restart DCS...or is it only the "Fullscreen" option, not sure)
  10. That's strange. It doesn't even show in safe mode, right? What OpenXR runtime do you use?
  11. Hi, currently there is a SteamVR Bug that throttles DCS to 10 fps for Aero Users. The bug also affects you, if you are using the VarjoOpenXR Runtime. (SteamVR is used for tracking but due to the bug it loads additional stuff that throttles Varjo) Workaround is to disable OpenVR in Varjo Base. (your last picture "Compatibility") I see you are using DCS steam Edition. The bug doesn't affect DCS standalone users (yet?) for some reason. (Workaround 2 = switch to standalone ) It would be helpful to post here to make the issue more prominent: https://steamcommunity.com/app/250820/discussions/3/4036978698787139585/?ctp=2
  12. You don‘t see a reduced quality, because it‘s reduced where you don‘t look. You can even improve the clarity by supersampling only the eyetracked focus region a bit. Only on videos the reduced resolution of the downsampled aeras is visible. For Aero I would recommend Varjo-Foveated (VFR) instead of Quad-Views-Foveated (QVF). Different settings and no OXR Toolkit possible with VFR, though.
  13. 1900 € (excl. tax?) for the base model without a headstrap… So I‘m approaching 3000 € if I need eyetracking and want to be able to wear it? Uhhh.. I was hoping for <2.000 € incl. tax for a model with eye tracking (and headstrap!!). Edit: Oh and no inside out tracking so 1-2 tracking base stations (approx. 150 € each) needed.
  14. If you are affected you might try to disable "OpenVR" in Varjo Base. It helped someone on the Varjo Discord getting back to 90 fps. Maybe there is some sort of conflict after the SteamVR update.
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