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Decibel dB

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About Decibel dB

  • Birthday December 13

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Music, Gaming, Planes
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  1. Let's be a bit more inclusive and let's call her Louise since I know one that grow a stache
  2. I select the HDG something when prompt by Jester. It takes about 3 min
  3. @GookaDuke Are you happy with your purchase? Looking forward to ear about your experience
  4. Are there any official campaign that are playable with friends?
  5. I was in a server and dcs crash. After restarting I am not able to find any servers. What did you do ?
  6. That it Thanks guys
  7. I am on beta is that the one? It is
  8. I can't select DLSS on my end. It's grey out
  9. EUREKA. Thank you, for bringing me back to DCS
  10. On a plane you feel, you ear it, you smell. That is not the case here.
  11. Those wing are ridiculously fragile I been searching Google about F5 lost in flight because of wings failure and the only thing that I could find steer me here on the DCS forum. That tell a lot
  12. I tend to use my neck
  13. I have the same flashing black screen since last Beta update. Deactivating/removing the mirror have fixed the problem
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