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Everything posted by sunski34

  1. Gazelle Viviane, Hot missiles - When starting alone on pilot seat, I change to copilot by hit "2" when flying, (and auto hover), a second player rejoins me but he's copilot too (I can select 2nd pilot only, because I was the pilot). So, 2 copilots, no pilot. I press "1" to go back to pilot but it doesn't work. Another try, but I that case, I go back to pilot before a second player rejoins me, that's not ok. So there's a problem if you change pilot to copilot and a second player rejoins in copilot too. - Starting directly (on ground), one pilot, one copilot. When flying (I was the copilot) : My helicopter stopped it's engine (the sound of engine shutdown) and the blades stopped too but of course, still flying. All was ok for the pilot. So I fly with engine and blades stopped !!!! when we arrived near to the FARP for landing, engine restart (and the blades too).... Strange. When I arm (copilot) to "Jour", no lights, same for hot missiles, no lights. I couldn' t modify "arm" switch in pilot side ! Only the pilot can changed it. Same for some other commands... I'm not sure it's a bug, but it's Strange.
  2. Testing protocole Run the mission in multiplayer mode. 1 - Wait for 2 clients (1 remote and 1 hosted) in cockpit and release pause. No message -> Ok 2 - The hosted client changes slot -> 3 events are fired (LEAVE, ENTER, BIRTH) and one more event ENGINE_START if the Aircraft is parking hot -> Ok 3 - The remote client changes slot -> only one event BIRTH is fired even if the Aircraft is parking hot -> BUG 4 - Try to start a cold Aircraft (remote or hosted client) : No ENGINE_START event is fired. -> BUG 5 - Retry with only one client connected before release pause, then the second client choose the Aircraft -> Only events of the second client are fired. -> Ok You can change the module, same problem for example with a P51D Explanation for cases 1 and 5 just for information : 1 and 4 cases illustrate the begin of the mission -> After release pause when run start, lua script starts 1 second after, that's why those cases are différents. In case 1, the 2 clients are already connected (spawned) when script starts, so no event is fired. In case 5, only the first is already connected when lua script starts.
  3. Correction... for S_EVENT_ENGINE_STARTUP S_EVENT_ENGINE_STARTUP is fired only after a S_EVENT_BIRTH only for the hosted client....
  4. Bugs confirmed S_EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE_UNIT or S_EVENT_PLAYER_ENTER_UNIT aren't fired for remote clients in multi. Juste fired in mono or when server client. S_EVENT_ENGINE_STARTUP is never fired (remote clients or hosted client) S_EVENT_BIRTH ok Other events not tested ! Same problem in last version of DCS alpha 2.0.3 Same problem with other module (test with P51D) Here the missions. test event NTTR.miz test event.miz
  5. I wrote a lua script using S_EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE_UNIT or S_EVENT_PLAYER_ENTER_UNIT but in multiplayer mode now, just the hosted client works good. I can't have these events for remote clients. In June, that worked correctly ! Only S_EVENT_BIRTH works correctly when changing slots in multiplayer mode It's a bug !
  6. rear on/off Normally, just have to click on it ! And if you don't want rear view, just put the general option to off, third tab, reav view option. I've got it in French so... By the way, in NTTR for me the fps drop exists (-30%) but in less proportion than in 1.5.4 (-50% fps) and because of the higher fps in NTTR it's not a pb.
  7. sunski34

    GBU12 + JTAC

    Thank you for the information... I will try.... Thanks ;)
  8. sunski34

    GBU12 + JTAC

    yes perhaps it's a bug of ... myself. For me the GBU have to "see" the lase I think. Of course JTAC lasing the target with precision. When I try, on 4 tries, 1 shoot... INS drift no (I don't think so), the flight is short for testing.... I saw YouTube videos but all are old, before latest release (08/19/16). Well I will try again... hope I understand why I have the problem.... With a JTAC and A10C, it's always a good shoot !!!!!!!!
  9. Some people can do that with CCRP designation ! perhaps a problem of methodology .... or a bug in 2.0 ! I will try on 1.5 release version.
  10. sunski34

    GBU12 + JTAC

    Ok ... can you tell me how to do... So where do you put the CCRP cross relative to the target ? how is your flight direction relative to JTAC -> target direction?
  11. Hi, in that thread, http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=168803&page=4 I understood that we have to create (or modify) a WP on the coordinates given by JTAC to work (I don't test). But, when you have only one vehicule on the enemy group, it's the same as directly select the unit with CCRP cross !!!!!! If the enemy group have more than one unit, JTAC give barycentre of the enemy group !! So what is the rule ? Normaly I think (not sure) that your course has to be 90° of the JTAC to target lazing direction ! Is that a bug or a problem of using this fonctionality in M2000C ? And in that last case, how to use it correctly?
  12. sunski34

    GBU12 + JTAC

    Ok but if there's only one vehicle in target group, the coordinates given by JTAC are the unit coordinates !! It's Strange I think there's a bug !!!
  13. sunski34

    GBU12 + JTAC

    For L/L coordonates with JTAC here's a Mod : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=172728 Be careful, coordonates are the barycenter of the group if the group has several vehicles !
  14. sunski34

    GBU12 + JTAC

    1 shoot on 4 tries... why? I tried on Nevada.... JTAC and lasing.... M2000C with GBU-12, I hit 1 on 4 tries... and the GBU overstep the target... I don't know exactly why... JTAC said egress South so I came from the North (15000feets)... the Jtac was on the west of the targets, so JTAC lased from west to east. I put CCRP cross just before the target zone.... Just one shot on four tries... Is there Something wrong?
  15. sunski34

    DCS 2

    NTTR Pas de soucis particulier pour voler sur la NTTR. Elle est aujourd'hui plutôt pas mal même s'il reste des bugs certainement.... Faire bouger les véhicules AI sur une route reste compliqué mais sinon je trouve perso que c'est plutôt pas mal et bien mieux optimisé pour un bon GPU que la 1.5. Si j'en crois les récentes annonces ED, la fusion Caucase nouvelle version et NTTR (améliorée) est annoncéepour la fin de l'année. Tout comme la France 1944 (en WIP ou alpha je pense)qui sera une nouvelle alpha si je comprends bien ! ce n'est qu'une déduction ! A+
  16. Perhaps but not sure... that the CPU is the problem (or Sandy Bridge). Yes Vsync is OFF. And in 1.5.4, turning off rear mirror option solve my pb even if the GTX1080 isn't in full use ! The problem doesn't exist in V2 which seens to use much GPU capabilities. So I will see with 2.5 !
  17. I buy a GTX1080 to replace a GTX970 ! In 2.0.3 (last update), everything is perfect. But in 1.5.4 (last update), when rear view mirror setting is ON, fps are very low at low altitude over trees (setting at 10000), if rear view is on the display. But when the rear view setting is OFF, trees at max, then fps are corrects (not perfect and less than 2.0.3 but corrects, just a bit more than GTX970 with trees at 10000) !
  18. Rear mirror OFF on 1.5.4 Much better fps with setup rear mirror OFF on 1.5.4. No change (ON/OFF) in 2.0.3 :thumbup:
  19. GTX1080 MSI Gaming X & DCS V1.5.4 vs V2.0.3 Hi, I had 970GTX before ! I have a 2600K too, and did some tests, with CPU OC (4.5GHz) and without OC (3.8GHz auto)... I confirm that on V1.5.4 (CPU OC or not) fps are sometimes bad (setup trees at 10000) for such a card. No real change between 970GTX and 1080GTX at low altitude, over trees. But if you move your head (track ir) to look in another direction, fps can go up quickly with the GTX1080 (not with the GTX970) even if the scene have a lot of trees too !! (tests done with Mig21b or M2000C, better with F5 but not a lot) but no real change between 3.8GHz (no OC) and 4.5Ghz (OC) But on V2.0.3, it's always perfect !! The 1080GTX give 2x fps than the 970GTX. Over Vegas, 60 fps is a min (CPU not OC, GPU not OC). All to max in setup. So I think that V2.0.4 is well optimized for such a GPU. I hope that 2.5 Caucasus map will have same performance as Nevada Map ! Wait and see. :cry:
  20. Hi, I did a MOD to have JTAC target designation in L/L here : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=172728 In NATO.lua file we can find a target designation point in 9linesBrief but this point is the group location targetting by JTAC, not the unit location. So when the group has one unit, it's ok, the targetting point is the unit point but when the group has more than one unit, the targetting point is the barycentre of all units in the group. It's Strange !
  21. The coordonates of a group is the barycentre. I don't modify ED lua codes just add the conversion. So I think, that thoses coordonates are the barycentre of the group but lazing is good on target so there's no link between the information point given and lazing. With the barycentre you know where the group is approximatly
  22. Group coord = barycentre Yes, when more than one unit in a group , it's the barycentre.
  23. I will test but ... The formula is easy : take abs value of Vabs take integer part I of Vabs M = (Vabs-I) * 60 so I degrees M minutes with decimals secondes The LL value are given by base.coord.LOtoLL(point) presents in the original file (no change) The best way is to compare with position in editor.
  24. Works in the last version 1.5.4. Have to be tested on 2.0.3
  25. Hi, I modified the NATO.lua file to add L/L (degrees, minutes, decimals). Now, the target designation (accuracy = 3) is given with two informations : -> In MGRS -> In LL I don't know how to get the aircraft type from NATO.lua file to adjust the good information depending of the Aircraft type. :( If somebody knows, ask me !! Sound NATO.zip
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