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Everything posted by tmansteve

  1. Its OK guys. I will have to wait until I can upgrade my rig and hopefully MT should run better. Thanks for your input
  2. Hi All I have 2 versions of DCS ST and MT. I have to use the ST version at the moment because I cannot run the MT very well with my setup (will update at some point). I wish it was possible to update single modules ie Hornet or Map instead of updating the whole core. The MT runs but its not flyable. I suppose I will have to wait until cashflow is easier
  3. No worries Richi, I am always interested in anyones input. Anything to help is always appreciated. Cheers
  4. Richi, I was always looking at 27+ inch monitor but a lot of people were commenting on the pixelisation. I have a problem with my eyes due to an illness and I cannot focus on small icons so always 1080p. And they were saying anything over 24inch, you start noticing. Its very difficult when there is nothing to see comparison images on 1080p with different monitors Cheers for the input Nuggetz, it looks a bit big for the space in my rig. Will keep in mind. Cheers
  5. Getting new might be a better option, at least you know what you are getting and as you say, some prices for second hand is stupid. I've used ebuyer a lot and have decent prices. Been looking at cclonline. Cheers
  6. Many thanks Pavlin 33. I am going to take the slow approach and check whether the mods etc are causing a problem. I am going to increase my pagefile as well and see what happens. I do feel that my gpu is very outdated but it runs ST fine for what I want. Draconus, I have i5 6600k, 32meg ram, 960gtx 4gig and 4 ssd drives. If anything, I would look to get a better gpu.
  7. Many thanks for the info LucShep I will look out for these if poss. Had a few problems with ebay but will check it out. That was the info I was looking for. Cheers
  8. At the moment, I have i5 6600k, 32meg ram, 4 x ssd drives, 650w power supply, 21inch monitor which will be upgraded to 24inch. I don't use VR.
  9. Hi All I tried to run MT the other day and it was disastrous. So I uploaded my Log file and was informed that my gpu was outdated which I realised. Also, a couple of mods might be causing crashes which I will look into My question is this, any ideas on gpu to run dcs MT at 75-90fps at 1080p. I posted before but now the ballpark has changed. I create missions but not too intense with 2 clients and the rest AI. Cheers
  10. I thought as much Bignewy. I might try and look for something better, second hand or new. Any suggestions so that it would run DCS MT smoothly at 60-75fps 1080p? Cheers
  11. I am going to clear all logs and start MT up. Then a 1 plane flight if possible. I will upload the log for anyone to check. I still think its down to my rig but I can't spend big money at the moment as too many jobs need sorting. I have rolled back to a working ST for the moment. I will have a look at Enter-Alt. Cheers
  12. Many thanks for your reply AKA_Clutter. I realised my mistake last night and too knackered to reply. This has been a life saver for my missions. I will save the images so I won't forget and the mission as well. All my stuff got deleted by accident from my tablet and its a job getting all the mods and files. Cheers for your help
  13. The shipping trigger mission that AKA_Clutter gave me works a treat as long as you only have 1 group of ships. I have tried to activate a 2nd group with no success. They just start off at mission start. I've tried adding a 2nd trigger zone for the other group of ships but no go. Is it only for 1 group or is there another way like Hold and late activation? Cheers
  14. Thanks bignewy When i have time I will do that. As a note, I have rolled back 2 places and all is fine. I will load MT from there and PM the logs. A bit of work to do outside while the weather holds before the onslaught of Winter. It comes fast here ha Cheers
  15. I have been with DCS for ages and understand the hard work that goes into it. This is the second time I have tried to run MT with the same results. I am happy to enjoy flying for a while until I can upgrade my kit. My brother has the same setup as me so we will both rollback and enjoy what we can. I can only hope that MT gets some optimisation for lower end PCs then maybe update later. I will wait and see.
  16. Thanks Bignewy / Hiob My CPU and graphics is the problem. If I get a chance, I will upload a log file. I enjoy flying and would rather use ST until I can rebuild my pc so that it can handle the extra workload. All I need to know is regarding rollback. If I can't, I will stick with the version I have. Its the same old story, progress is great but it comes at a cost. Cheers
  17. Hi All I tried running MT yesterday and found it was unplayable. Trackir was stuttering all the time as well as plane movement etc. I have the latest ST version and I realise its broken but am I still able to rollback to the last working ST version? I cannot afford a super upgrade at the moment so will have to do some hard saving. Any info would be great
  18. Thanks Admiral. Thanks for info. No rush Cheers
  19. We will have to see how it goes.
  20. AKA, got it to go at last. Probably my mistake. I forgot to add tick in Late Activation. Thanks for this. I had to try it in MT but it's too stuttery and loading time is slow. Well, at least we got it to work. Now all I need is a fix for ST. I ran a repair but no go. Cheers
  21. I have nothing in the ME, just blue. I tried MT but it doesn't work well for me with stuttering and laggy. I will use it if I have to.
  22. Loaded DCS after latest update and big problems with ME. So until they get on and fix it, I can't create any missions to test. Quite a few others with same problem. Hope it gets fixed quickly.
  23. I couldn't believe it, after the latest update I have the same problem as you guys. I have nothing in the ME. So when do we get a fix for this so I can create some new missions? When I play a mission, and go to Map, I get nothing but the plane icon. Zoomed In and Out with no effect. Tried MT and it doesn't work well for me. Lots of stuttering. So are you saying that the lower end users will have to spend a load just to enjoy DCS? My rig handles ST fine and I am happy with that at mo. If there will be no fix, can I roll back to a previous version?
  24. Didn't get a chance to do any testing yesterday but will later today. Thanks for the mission AKA Clutter, that will be 1st on my list to look at. I will report back. Thanks for all the help
  25. Thanks for the update Admiral. A quick question, do any of your new ships have damage models?
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