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Everything posted by OldCrow

  1. I used to run into this problem a cuple of times before on my xp pc, so I dont thik its casued by vista. It might have to do with some mods in conflict or something like that. The way I solved it was to restart lockon everytime I encountered it.
  2. He's done it again, very nice work Shaggy!;)
  3. Weapon doors are animated, but I dont think its possible to have them activated by a weapon launch, but maybee im wrong
  4. You can simply set the voice to talk in english in the sound options:thumbup:
  5. Cant wait! Thanx to all organizers of VFAT for making this possible!:thumbup:
  6. Now thats Shaggy magic! Very nice job to the both of you!:thumbup:
  7. Looking very good! 4 models at the same time, thats a record!:thumbup: @ HungaroJET, Chinese mig-21 is already available I think;)
  8. Did you use the slice tool to make more vertex points? If yes, that may be the answer to your question. When you are in editable mesh and use the slice tool, it will actually create like dubble the amount of vertexes then you really want. Maybe theres a way to fix it, but I know a way to work around it. Use editable poly instead. Then you have much more options to edit the polys, vertexes and the slice tool works properly. Another sollution to your questin mught be the smoothing groups. If u used the extrude function, the smoothing groups would not be set for the extruded polygons. How to fix it? In your modifier panel, go to the bottom and you'll see a bunch of numbers. If u click on one of the smooth polys u'll see one of the numbers light up. Simply select all of the unsmooth polys and give them the same smoothing number.
  9. To make the lights glow, you dont need to set anything in the lomutils. U simply use a tga texture and in the material editor u set some settings to alpha, dont remember exactly, but here is a link that explains how to do it: http://www.lockon-models.com/index.php?showtopic=221&hl=light You have to register to view the post. Good luck!:thumbup:
  10. I havent tried falcon 4, but for lockon I recomend changing the curves for the pitch and roll in the input option, cause the default ones might seeme alittle weird. What you set your curves to depends on the joystick you are using and your personal prefrances
  11. Quite the contrary, I think you are building this model very fast!:thumbup:
  12. The shelters and maintence hangards are included;) THe shelters replaces the original ones, so you dont have to place them manually. the maintance hangards you have to place manually
  13. Lol, why would they have such microscopic difference in the rudder of the two models?? Well, it is from Sweeden so what can u expect??:megalol: /jk jk jk jk Model is looking better and better, keep it up!:thumbup: Just as a side note, we dont even produce cars here in Norway, so im the last person to judge:D
  14. Cant wait for thi9s bird to be released! So smooth and nice, awesome work!:thumbup:
  15. Alright! Looking good!:thumbup: Do you have any info on how far the model is at this stage? Looks like its almost finished unwraped
  16. alright, back to the shaggywrold:D
  17. Its from the ada mod, and yes its flyable;) In my oppinion one of the best mods for lockon:)
  18. Yea, there is a issue with the textures, we will try and get taht fixed. It has to do with teh texture names, so it should be an easy fix. Thanx for liking the model:thumbup: We jsut made it yesterday, so in one day:D
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