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About MarcosR

  • Birthday 08/15/1984

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  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Calgary, AB, Canada
  • Interests
    Welding, Programming, 3d Printing, DCSing..

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  1. Bumping this thread to avoid creating one. Some issues from the past are fixed but still see a few sync issues. Using a script to spawn a train works fine in MP. but when they are removed (group:destroy()) they don't disappear in MP, they stay in the map... if you go out of the server and get back in the train disappears.. Another issue is, if another units destroys it entirely, if you go out of the server and go back again in, the train will looks like new, doesn't look destroyed. Thanks for the help!
  2. Hi @Grimes i spawn a farp dynamically on my server.. I understand the payload can be send on creation is that the warehouse info? Or will spawned farps will always be unlimited weapons? Would be great been able to modify the stock of weapons and planes even if it’s unlimited…
  3. Just here to say "Thank you".. I had a very very long and buggy code working around this that now I can remove.. now persistence of airbases will work like a dream...
  4. I own the Rotorheads server, Helicopter oriented PVE server, so Creating Farps is quite a common task.. But sometimes due to the enemy position it brings some issues in these farps, I believe (not 100% sure) the distance of a red unit to a farp to change it to contested is 1 nm or so... also a single soldier seems to change this against many tanks etc... so any helicopter can rearm or refuel from those places... So I'd wish there were a way to config the distance or other parameters, to change this bases coalition.... or even have an option to force a coalition and prevent the change in the first place. Thanks!
  5. Hey Fargo! has been a long time.... Good to see you.. Have the same issue in my servers too, comes and goes, there was another post saying something to remove some debugging tool... I haven't tried yet, since at least for me is only happens a few time most of them during the night,
  6. Same issue here, in my Singpore server... not in the North America one. the server run the same scripts etc. no other difference. Seems the server gets stuck before log in in to DCS, not sure if this could be a reason somehow?
  7. As described in the title Sorry the screenshot is not great.. will update soon
  8. Error happened again.. seems happens when a huey crash with multicrew on it....
  9. It happen a few times again today, a few times was short and didn't affect. but jut now again that was long enough to make the server unresponsive, I guess totally desync.. 2022-09-24 17:18:39.117 INFO NET: rejected by onPlayerTryChangeSlot Started and lasted around 3 minutes.. dcs - Copy.log
  10. Sorry not to familiar with uploading bugs, My server went down a few minutes ago (didn't crash just went unresponsive) and the logs show a repetitive message regarding the slot change. Got a screenshot of the portion of the log NET: onPlayerSlot(6,982_2) NET: rejected by onPlayerTryChangeSlot I have no logic in that event that may cause the rejection. As it was reported to me the situation was: Huey Multicrew aircraft was flying and the Gunner jumped to the Copilot Position. Logs stayed repeating the message for 20 minutes when I restarted the server, dcs.log.old didn't generate so I lost the log..
  11. I have to agree that the logic seems a bit off.. whatever number you set at ground it doubles it... I'm taking the weather from an API to make it dynamic and this was a cause for discussion for a while till someone pointed to that duplication happening.. Now I had to set the ground level to be at 0.5 of what I want to have really to avoid this..
  12. Would be nice to have this fix soon,.. I have many scripts failing.. Does this also involves infantry? Having the same issue while calling the getGroup on a dead unit... or this is not allowed anymore?
  13. Tupper here, Rotorheads Server Admin. I struggled a lot with many things, and spend a very long hours sweet and tears building my server scripts. I managed to workaround many things but will be great to have better options to solve issues like, spawning Farps, and handle menus by Units and not just by Groups. Also the Spawn safe areas will be a great thing to have. I set up the dynamic spawn functionality which is key in my server but it requires a lot of manual inputs, I have the info if the intended spawn point is water or not, or Road or not.. but nothing else.. and the areas with trees are a very big issue for me and the Game masters that help me. Anyway,, just wanted to share a bit of the struggles and the workaround efforts I put there... I endorse this document as well. Marcos "Tupper" Romero
  14. I don't think there is.. but Is there a way to know which user moved units around? with CA (of course in a MP server). Would be great to know who is moving things around....
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