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Everything posted by bennyboy9800

  1. You can use the Lantirn as the pilot, providing you have the mod. However, heatblur intends to intentionally break this mod once Jester gets the ability to use the pod. Don’t really like this idea but we’ll have to wait to see what they end up doing.
  2. I’d assume in emergency situations you would get rid of all ordinance, maybe even including the tanks, if it means saving the airframe. But if saving the airframe isn’t an option then the only priority at that point is saving yourself.
  3. Unless the Devs tell us something, we’ll just have to wait.
  4. Looking for some clarification/ throwing out an idea to the devs if able. Is the GBU-39 planned at any point in DCS’ future, F-16 or otherwise? It entered service in 2006 so it’s not outside the realm of 2007 Vipers to carry it. Lack of information is understandable but I think it would be a nice precision strike alternative, as you can carry a larger amount of them than say a GBU-12 or Gnu-38.
  5. Would you mind releasing a blank tan flightsuit?
  6. Would someone be willing to make a tan flightsuit for the Tomcats? The coloring used in this:
  7. Got it working, I guess my mipmaps were off completely.
  8. Here is a question to any experienced skinners out there. I have noticed that when i create a skin for the F-14 it suffers from pretty bad anti-aliasing, while some other peoples skins and the Tomcats default skins do not suffer from this. Is there another way to fix this in the dds FILE? Without having to turn SAA on and lose performance? Here's an example of the general idea I'm talking about
  9. Hi all, I've recently encountered a continuous crash when trying to enter multiplayer servers. I've been able to replicate it multiple times with similar crash reports on multiple servers. The game does not crash under any other circumstances, anything single player is fine. I will attach my most recent crash log for more information. Anyone who might be able to help I would greatly appreciate it. dcs.log-20190109-050623.zip
  10. Sounds good! Thanks for the update!
  11. Currently working on a Missile pack that will eventually include the Python 3, Python 4, Python 5, and Derby A/A missiles. These missiles will be available on the F-15C, as well as on the AI F-15E and F-16 3D model work is almost done, and we are working on the dynamics and code. Screenshots: Updates will be available as they come up. Feel free to leave Feedback.
  12. Wow, incredible work so far!
  13. You're saying a bright pink Jet or tank flying around?
  14. Because it is ever so slightly irritating that we use to be able to use texture mods no problem - which cause no harm - and now we can't.....
  15. Not reading what I'm writing, its a system in the game... like the cockpit mod.
  16. I agree, I thought I heard of a system mod like that of cockpit liveries that you could use, but I can't find it.
  17. I am modelling missiles, and the lighting materials are all screwed up and way to bright, I thought I turned down the reflection value but I may not have found the correct "reflection", I did it in the maps tab in the material editor, anyone able to help? I am fairly new to this for DCS. EDIT: FIXED, problem with my material, starting over with material fixed it.
  18. Very, very true...
  19. Would anyone be able to make a .edm plugin for maya? The 3d max 2014 is borderline impossible to download, and it is killing the modding community.
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