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  1. Same here...i just started without 3DMigoto and picture looks garbage...so blury - on G2 its almost unplayable
  2. Waiting as well Thank u
  3. Hi I love your mod and been using it for a while and I try to learn A10C II and notice this mod when you are inside cockpit doesn't work. When i switch to external view mod works no problem. Any idea? Thanks
  4. Yes....found a long ago best settings and hardware so far is: OpenXR / Composite + Motion reprojection + HP G2 + 3DMogoto Mod (if you need setting file let me know + helps with helicopter props to hide) DCS High settings and (multiplayer average 35-45 per eye, single / compagne - 45+)! Great visuals, sharpnes and performace - finaly enjoy game I9-12900KF (overclock performance core 5.3ghz, efficent core 4.7), Asus z690 Hero + 32GB DDR5 6400 + 2tb 980 pro nvme + Asus strix 3090 + customer water cool
  5. does new update OpenXR Motion Reprojection is working?
  6. i think i tried it and it is not the same....thanks for possible solution. I think DCS need to come up with some kind of a solution. Until than I'm not touching game or will go to Stable - which is not the same!
  7. I need my OpenXR Motion Reprojection back - without it G2 in VR unplayable - all the time micro stutters flying low level or turning head! Befor Patch was all was smooth 75-90fps
  8. Video you can see micro stutter - OpenXR Motion Reprojection is game changer - with my 3090 i was getting 70-90 fps and smooth flow image... Most you see whn you move head or low flight over building
  9. you can start openXR from toolkit in Safe mode and when you start dcs CTRL+F1+F2+F3 will resest everything. But on G2 without Motion Reprojection it is unplayable
  10. Same here....same issues and than i realized it is unplayable because DCS OpenXR doesnt accept Motion Reprojection. Before i had everything smooth anf flawless 70-90fps with G2 and no i cant play - too much stutters and head movement micro stutters unplayable.
  11. I had game running all smooth and flawless until last update. Average was getting 70-90 FPS great ground visual movements and no problems. No after update my game started with OpenXR window - and all ground objects and head movement stutters - flying over at low you can get headache and dizzy from stuttering. It is unplayable. My specs: I9-12900KF (overclock 5.3Ghz), Asus Z690 Hero , DDR5-6400 32GB, 2TB SSD 980 Pro, Asus Strix 3090, Custom Waterloop, DCS Beta + Winwing setup Headset: HP G2 No mods. Too bad DCS decided to put everyone under the same blanket. So many different headsets and not everyone using OpenXR! I rather leave it as it was before and let customer setup DCS and his PC according to his headset and best performance! Now I have 15k unplayable Sim setup or easiest way go to Stable which not guaranteed wont get messed up in a future I had Oculus, Index and G2 so far is best for visual and FPS, DCS, WVR + Open XR with Motion Reprojection - best combination after days and months of tweak! If anyone has solution how to setup and enable MOTION REPROJECTION in Open XR that would be great! Thanks, Norm
  12. Same here - I had with Motion Reprojection ON smooth 90fps air and ground and now it is UNPLAYABLE! Specs - 12900KF, 3090, 32gb DDR5, High Settings, VR G2
  13. Do you use Jetseat and kicker combine? How? are they both giving exact same signal and feel or they work differently? Thanks
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