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M4 - Headtracking - Gun Sight view Lock
Nightmare22 replied to Nightmare22's topic in DCS: OH-58 Kiowa
We believe in you! Never give up - Thanks for replying -
Is there a way to lock the view to look down the M4 gunsight, with Head Tracker on as soon as I move the rifle, some of the angle's I need to contort my body to try maintain looking down it mean I have to do a handstand, inside my washing machine 2 rooms away to get the sight in frame
Nightmare22 started following CTD when adding FCR & Using TADS Video Feed
TPOD - Designate to coordinates - Not Ground Stabilised?
Nightmare22 replied to Nightmare22's topic in AV-8B N/A
I've the warthog throttle and using the designated TDC slew stick with a generous deadzone. The elevation! Brilliant, thanks I'll have a look at this, I often set it to 0 having being used to the Harrier autopopulating the elevation for so many years originally, so I'll try with some true heights! Thanks -
For a few months it's been really playing me up that when I designate the T-POD to coordinates that I've added as a WP the TPOD is not ground stabilised to it - is this normal? By the time I press to then manually ground stabilise, it has dragged the TPOD over a fair distance (more so if the target is masked or currently out of sight) I can't understand why it no longer locks onto that coordinate and instantly stabilises like it used too. I have Easy TDC off (Something I 'think' I've always had set off) Has something changed, am I missing a new process? It's quite frustrating getting into range of a target expecting to see it in the TPOD and then fighting having to slew it back to the WP marker on the MAP. Thanks in advance for any input or insight!
Mike Force Team started following Nightmare22
If this is the case in 'realistic' what is the point in ever slaving it to cords? Or am I meant to DESG and then ground stabilise instantly ? Thats fine as long as there are no line of sight issues as it would ground stabilise on any obstructions?
I've noticed that on more than one module since 2.8 - you used to almost get a love heart to stay in the sky but now you get like 50ft of smoke before it scatters so it must be a core thing. I assumed it would be to help frame rates on acrobatic servers but it unfortunately doesn't look as good as it used to
I managed to damage the Nose Gear 3 times yesterday Taxiing out of Nellis - the first two times I felt like I was being gentle on the brakes, the third time I was off the brakes altogether aircraft lurched, pilot blacked out and nose collapsed - am I doing something drastically wrong or is there still ground/ NWS issues?
Nightmare22 started following BIGNEWY
Armament Push buttons ON / OFF Bindings not working correctly
Nightmare22 replied to Nightmare22's topic in Bugs and Problems
You, Sir, are a genius THANK YOU - I have nearly every single module and have binded them all with a modifier and have never done this by accident before -THANK YOU, problem sorted!! -
Armament Push buttons ON / OFF Bindings not working correctly
Nightmare22 replied to Nightmare22's topic in Bugs and Problems
Unfortunately not, I think the issue might actually stem with an issue to do with modifiers not responding properly say I use button 1 for an on command, then button 1 + Modifer (button 5) for Off command - after one cycle using the modifier the button will then only work with the modifier engaged, it almost makes it a toggle button but with less consistency - I don't seem to have any issue with the use of modifiers on other aircraft -
Toggle keybind needed for many controls
Nightmare22 replied to Flying Toaster's topic in Controller Questions and Bugs
Using the binding for ON also only seems to work for me once, afterwards the OFF binding seems to intermittently turn the same button on AND off - I agree a single toggle binding would be far better especially for the buttons that are actually toggles in the aircraft. -
When using a keybinding for the 8 Armament Push Buttons on the RH side For each of the 8 Buttons after pressing the binding for: ON = turns it ON OFF = Turns it OFF But after doing this once the binding for ON no longer works and pressing the binding for OFF works almost like a toggle for the button, so after one use pressing OFF then turns the button back on and Off again (but not always constantly) . Personally with these being toggle buttons in the aircraft the binding should be a single ON/OFF toggle anyway if possible
I only ever seem to have George AI Issues on multiplayer servers, if I play my own basic missions he fires every time. Is there a chance that multiple use of the same laser codes are causing issues? (especially on servers with Drone JTAC constantly lasing 1688) If I change the laser code via code option on the weapons page to say B would it change for George too?
This is happening to me with the rudder pedals, which is really frustrating. If I push say 20% left rudder pedal then trim, by force of habit from my other helicopter modules I will often physically keep my feet at that 20% left rudder pedal position, then when I want to increase to say 40% left rudder I can't just push from my feet from the already 20% left rudder position to 40% left rudder as it locks up left rudder wont move at all, I then have to re-centre centre my pedals and then recommit to 40% left rudder from centre. The problem with this is to re-centre quickly I tend to over correct to centre with a slight right rudder or have to lift my feet of the pedals which just feels wrong - either way it looks messy.
Thanks will have a look!