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Everything posted by MainSail

  1. That is a question only you can answer.
  2. Beta 4 has an auto start, search the forum for the key combo.
  3. So set it to low or medium, problem solved. I like how the water looks on high realistic or not, personally i dont care. :pilotfly:
  4. You can save your profile in-game -> options -> controls -> save profile as
  5. Rearming at a airbase in Beta 3 works. No problems with rearming.
  6. None problems here with the landing mission on Beta 3. :thumbup:
  7. My CPU is an E8400 (core2 duo) overclocked to 4.0Ghz. A very good program to measure your GPU is GPU-Z. See here http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/
  8. Lower your view distance and the frame rate will improve drastically. The game is still cpu limited if you have such an powerful graphics card as the GTX480.
  9. Do you have a HOTAS setup with the view setting assigned to a digital range axis ? I had the same problem, and that was because my HOTAS cougar was spiking as hell.
  10. Why don't you buy LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 ? More than enough choice there.
  11. Same here, my old gpu (3870X2) was working at 100% and my CPU only at 60%. I replaced the graphics card with an HD6870. The CPU is running close to 100% and the gpu around the 60-80%. Now the sim is playable for me ! :joystick:
  12. The landing mission is not finished yet. So that one is not going to work.
  13. F4AF is really missing a lot of functionality. So you can not compare the 2 IMHO. :joystick:
  14. The oxygen low light comes on at exactly 0,5L just as the real thing. Pretty amazing ! It would be even better if the oxygen blinker/flow indicator was always indicating flow when switching to emergency or test-mask.
  15. I agree except for the no voice is needed. I love the voice and it really simplifies things for me.
  16. Lower your view distance to medium or even low. That will do wonders for your FPS.
  17. That the oil pressure drops a bit when pressing the brakes or moving the flight controls. :thumbup:
  18. I prefer number 1. Let the instructor say that you are on a free flight and that you can quit anytime pressing the escape key.
  19. See here : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=58793&highlight=checklist
  20. Here for the F-16 they are in black and white only.
  21. No it's not. Because most of the system is classified i am not allowed ( i would love to) to explain what the reason is and how the the signals are processed within the different LRU's by the software.
  22. Just installed this mod, and what a improvement !!! Must-have mod. Works fine with the 1.01 patch and DragonRR's airfield textures.
  23. I'm sure for my installation this mod causes the crashing. DCS works fine up until the moment I install this mod with Modman. When starting a mission a pop up box appears from the windows system with the message " This programs has stopped working". That only happens when this stand alone mod is installed. Not a big problem because i can do without it.
  24. The best is to complete uninstall and than reinstall 1.0 and then apply the the patch. I even removed the directory just to be sure.
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