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  1. Please look into this, light flak needs to be able to fill a necessary role in the overall anti-air hierarchy.
  2. Would be great if ED could support talented modders such as @Walshtimothy with proper editor support so they can really flesh out terrains to reach their full potential. Right now, the Normandy map in particular is missing essentially all of the Luftwaffe's historical airfields during Overlord. And support like this along with expansion of the map itself would be of great benefit to the DCS WWII community.
  3. Hello everyone, I have a copy of the Fw-190D9 Flugzeug Handbuch Teil 0, which has a table of engine settings. Above, 2700 U/min (RPM) is shown to be for Dauerleistung. This is equivalent to the English term "continuous power". With 3000 U/min being shown as Kampfleistung (combat power) and 3250 U/min being for Startleistung and Notleistung (emergency power). In the DCS: FW-190D-9 manual (as of September 4, 2021), there is this table: With continuous power being listed at 3000 U/min and Kampfleistung being 3250 U/min. And then various economy settings. However, Continuous should be 2700 U/min not an economy power setting and 3000 U/min should be Kampfleistung (Combat). Could the manual be updated to reflect this information? I can give you the manual, but I won't post the link here as my source has it behind a paywall as a way to help fund his research and I don't want to undercut his work by releasing it on a public forum.
  4. I'm doing bug hunting this month in the Dora. @NineLine, I was wondering, would you be able to confirm with the team how engine damage is modeled in regards to detonations. For example, is there a generic boost:RPM ratio that is used across all warbirds that acts as a threshold for when detonation damage begins to accumulate? We suspect that since the Dora has a relatively high ratio of boost to RPM for the Economy 1 setting, ~1.4 ata and 2700 RPM (the setting that seems to be causing the most amount of issues in long flights), that this is erroneously triggering this threshold. Would you be able to look into this and get back to me either through this thread, PM on here or a message on Discord? Tails#0417. Thanks.
  5. This is one of the bigger bugs in my opinion, given the age of the module. If you fly around 2600 RPM, there's a very high chance your engine will eventually fail. It's a bit ridiculous to have your engine fail because you're NOT pushing its performance, but rather flying on economy power. I've primarily moved on to the Anton, which has its own dumpster fire of bugs waiting to be fixed.
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