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  1. Are you using Mavericks in wide or narrow FOV? Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  2. This will never work in multiplayer though. You can try to create mod that will allow SU to hook to the catapult, which will not pass IC. But ED will never make it officially possible simply because it is not. It would require change of nose gear model and then it won't be SU-33 anymore, but proper frankensukhoi. On the other hand all you need to take off from Kuz is enough thrust. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Try pressing RCTRL+RSHIFT+TAB that should work. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Since when does the F-16 or F/A-18 have working jammer? I'm not aware of that being implemented yet, am I wrong or are you playing on a future build of game? As for the F-14, you should ask Heatblur if jammers affect its radar. And if not, then when will they implement it. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Mate, you did more testing that I did. I'm sorry for suggesting such a bad procedure. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Go to your DCS folder\mods\aircraft and just delete all the planes folders you don't need. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Don't forget to set your flaps to cruise and for a start just practice formation flying with tanker without trying to refuel. Take your time, get comfortable first and stay calm. The T.16000M is cheap, but quite good, of you're really struggling with your current stick, then go for it. But honestly I couldn't refuel even with my Warthog, until one day it just clicked and since then it's no issue anymore. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  8. It's the lever behind your left shoulder, #2 step in startup sequence (I believe) is to push it down. You just need to unlock it with a keyboard shortcut and then you can interact with it in the cockpit. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I would start with the fuel shutoff lever. From the manual: Fuel Shutoff Lever UP = OFF (Fuel Valve Closed) DOWN = ON (Fuel Valve Open) NOTE: The Fuel Lever will automatically lock in the DOWN position. To unlock the lever, use the “LWIN+F” key binding. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  10. If you don't mind low fidelity, then F-15 is a very good weapon platform. JF-17 is also surprisingly good. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hi, first of all I absolutely love this campaign! But whenever I try to use the Hornet I get following error: INFO:root:Generating flight : 2020-10-26 00:48:18,218 :: INFO :: Generating flight : INFO:root:airgen: for 80 at Airport(King Hussein Air College) 2020-10-26 00:48:18,219 :: INFO :: airgen: for 80 at Airport(King Hussein Air College) ERROR:root:'tasks' 2020-10-26 00:48:18,257 :: ERROR :: 'tasks' WARNING:root:No room on runway or parking slots. Starting from the air. 2020-10-26 00:48:18,259 :: WARNING :: No room on runway or parking slots. Starting from the air. INFO:root:airgen: for 80 at 3000 at 550 2020-10-26 00:48:18,261 :: INFO :: airgen: for 80 at 3000 at 550 Traceback (most recent call last): File "gen\aircraft.py", line 862, in generate_planned_flight File "gen\aircraft.py", line 624, in _generate_at_airport File "pydcs\dcs\mission.py", line 1072, in flight_group_from_airport File "pydcs\dcs\mission.py", line 929, in _flying_group_from_airport File "pydcs\dcs\unitgroup.py", line 429, in load_task_default_loadout File "pydcs\dcs\unittype.py", line 153, in loadout KeyError: 'tasks' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "qt_ui\windows\mission\QMissionPlanning.py", line 156, in on_start File "game\game.py", line 178, in initiate_event File "game\event\event.py", line 111, in generate File "game\operation\frontlineattack.py", line 39, in generate File "game\operation\operation.py", line 195, in generate File "gen\aircraft.py", line 774, in generate_flights File "gen\aircraft.py", line 875, in generate_planned_flight File "gen\aircraft.py", line 682, in _generate_group File "gen\aircraft.py", line 648, in _generate_inflight File "pydcs\dcs\mission.py", line 1173, in flight_group File "pydcs\dcs\mission.py", line 1030, in flight_group_inflight File "pydcs\dcs\mission.py", line 966, in _flying_group_inflight File "pydcs\dcs\unitgroup.py", line 429, in load_task_default_loadout File "pydcs\dcs\unittype.py", line 153, in loadout KeyError: 'tasks Is there anything I can do to fix it? Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Hi, I'm playing version 2.0RC6 and whenever I try to generate mission I get following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "qt_ui\windows\mission\QMissionPlanning.py", line 142, in on_start File "game\game.py", line 150, in initiate_event File "game\event\event.py", line 126, in generate File "game\operation\frontlineattack.py", line 77, in generate File "game\operation\operation.py", line 133, in generate File "gen\aircraft.py", line 313, in generate_flights File "gen\aircraft.py", line 415, in generate_planned_flight File "gen\aircraft.py", line 201, in _generate_group File "gen\aircraft.py", line 180, in _generate_inflight File "site-packages\dcs\mission.py", line 1161, in flight_group File "site-packages\dcs\mission.py", line 1017, in flight_group_inflight File "site-packages\dcs\mission.py", line 953, in _flying_group_inflight File "site-packages\dcs\unitgroup.py", line 399, in load_task_default_loadout File "site-packages\dcs\unittype.py", line 152, in loadout KeyError: 'tasks' Is there any workaround?
  13. Do you have the correct modulation (AM/FM) selected? Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Heatblur did Tomcat, ED did hypoxia. Heatblur implemented ED's hypoxia modelling into the Tomcat. Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It's been a while but iirc what you've found will only switch between "normal" and hotas controls of t-pod if pressed twice. You can only select t-pod from MFDs Sent from my SpyPhone using Tapatalk
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