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  1. The F-5E was abysmal in multiplayer for me (slide show), with a server with a lot of objects but no other players around. In Single-Player, it was only bad.
  2. I came here looking to see if anyone else had the same problem with yesterday's patch and the remastered F-5E. My FPS issues in VR were far more dramatic. I went from smooth 45+ FPS on the ground (in an F-16) to something like 2-3 FPS. On our multiplayer server (which I think is a bit of a CPU hog as it is), I went from probably 24+ FPS to literally a frame every 5-10 seconds. I thought the game had locked up. I did not have this problem before yesterday's patch. However, I did clean my caches before running.
  3. I have it, I love it, and I'm keeping it for as long as it stays flying. It's my favorite plane in DCS, and I'm annoyed over this, but I'm still hoping that they'll come to a reasonable resolution. The MiG-19 is another favorite, which is finished and works great, but I worry with every patch if *THIS* will be the patch that breaks the Farmer.
  4. Okay, this is kinda weird. I use a Pimax 8KX, and I was amazed at how smoothly it was running over the middle of Cairo last night. Granted, I've tuned my system as well as I can for VR, and I was running the Multi-Threaded client. I thought it ran better than Marianas. Were you folks with VR issues running on the MT client? What are your shadow settings set to? (I am not at my home system, so I can't check...) I am running on a 6900XT, so about the equivalent performance of a 3080.
  5. Can confirm - this is still an issue. The "\" default keyboard command works fine, but it's hard to find it in VR. It ignores my joystick button mapping.
  6. Even worse than: any aircraft on the ground (or ocean) is practically indestructible, short of a 2000-lb bomb.
  7. I took the gamble and bought it despite the warnings. At first blush, it looks like everything's fine once you purchase it. It's just a website glitch.
  8. Same issue here. I assume it has something to do with the license check for having Normandy 1944 and the Channel both (I do),
  9. Ditto. I was just looking to see if anyone else was encountering this problem. Likewise, I saw it in VR, haven't tested it in 2D. Looks like it's a legit issue. Hope they fix it soon.
  10. It says available now in the trailer... do we have a release date for MAD 2?
  11. I was initially a little disappointed, but I could see its potential. Over the weekend I've flown in it a lot more, and even had a medium-sized multiplayer mission over the Falklands, and not only am I even more thrilled with its potential, but I'm happier with its current state. They clearly have a lot of work to do, and it's not ready for, say, building a commercial campaign in it yet. I'm seeing lots of ways to use the map for multiplayer missions with my squadron right now.
  12. Okay - I answered my own question with experimentation last night. The problem was the optimization setting in Liberation turning off vehicle movement. Apparently, if the vehicles don't physically move to past the enemy base in DCS, the front line will not move. This hurt frame rate quite a bit in VR, but both bases were taken in a single turn with the setting turned back on.
  13. If I have ground unit movement turned off as the optimization setting (I fiddled with a bunch of those after having some early framerate issues in VR in Syria), will that make a difference? I keep blowing up the defending units, but of course they keep getting a trickle of reinforcements each turn.
  14. How long does it take ground forces to capture a base? My front lines in a Syria Civil War map have been "parked" in front of near-defenseless airbases for several turns now. I've tried setting the ground AI to both "aggressive" and "breakthrough" (the northern side has been just "aggressive" throughout) but the front lines haven't moved. I am still getting the messages in the log each turn that our ground forces are "making progress" toward Hama and Al Dumayr, though. Is there anything else I need to be doing? Or is it just a matter of more turns passing? Because right now, the missions are getting pretty boring...
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