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Everything posted by topol-m

  1. Nice analysis Moosefoot, hopefully some biased "lol"ing and "hehe"ing people will read it and it will make them think with their heads next time they plan on unnecessary showing us their unconcealed hate towards Russia.
  2. It's not a big deal guys, the negotiations on the European missile shield are ongoing. No big change will come out of the Russian president's statement. Still if there's one place I'd like to avoid in case of Nato-Russia nuclear war (not that such is likely to happen) it would be Poland :D
  3. Hey thanks for the info. +1 for the Hornet ;) Too bad we don't have SDB either.
  4. I agree with your post. That's what I expected to hear not some jiberish jaberish like: 1. "a radar? where are you gonna put it, it has a car-sized cannon in the nose" I never said it has to be in the nose 2. "it's a CAS so it doesn't need it" I didn't say it can't do CAS without a radar, I said the radar would increase its capabilities, gave you examples of aircraft doing CAS and using radar. 3. Whether it requires or not such additional capabilities will depend on many factors, terrain, targets, tactics, hostile air defense assets, tactics used by the enemy, availability of other types of air support, recon, etc. etc. Generalizing the CAS role without taking into account the ever-changing battlefield sounds exactly like underestimating the threat the aviation posed to ships in the early stages of the WW2, something that resulted in heavy losses. On the cost-effectiveness I do agree that in the current situation, both economic and political to design and introduce such an upgrade is unlikely, unnecessary and not affordable. Looking into perspective it probably won't happen at all since the aircraft is aging and most likely will be used against an enemy similar to the enemy it is facing nowadays. I can bet though its replacement would be capable of performing many more tasks and would definitely have a use for a radar. Very original.
  5. Then why are the European nations using radar-equipped aircraft for CAS? Cause they can't make a radar-less version of these aircraft? Or when the USAF or NAVY are using aircraft for CAS different then the A-10 do they perform the tasks without using the radar at all? Or when the Apache Longbow has to do CAS and the enemy is using vehicles not just AK-47s, is the crew specifically instructed not to use the radar cause they could do their job without it?
  6. hmm I expected slightly longer range kills, must test with high speed and say just 2 bombs of loadout.
  7. It did start on the A-10 and then there were arguments stated that since it is a CAS aircraft it doesn't need a radar, just one of the arguments I don't agree with.
  8. ^^ Sounds promising, thanks for the link.
  9. When you look at it from a different angle, how many aircraft today are used for CAS and how many of them have radars? A-10 is used only by the USA, and even the USA are using radar-equipped aircraft for CAS. To say that CAS aircraft will never use radars cause they don't need them seems to me like denying the technological progress and the possibilities it would offer in future. The A-10 will be used for several decades more and then it will be replaced by a more capable aircraft, can you with absolute certainty say this new CAS aircraft will not have a radar?
  10. ^^ Just curious. What was the target you hit and what bomb did you use?
  11. +1 Some guys obviously are not trying hard enough though, so it's better not to start such topics.
  12. ^^ Interesting, never seen that last video. Nice first post :) Welcome to the forum.
  13. Happy Birthday mate! Have a great one! :drunk::chair::beer::cheer3nc: Edit: lol Viper creepy! :D
  14. Do you guys monitoring closely the news on PAK-FA and its development know how many prototypes will participate through the test flight program? Also anything announced on possible flat TVC nozzles? I was also expecting some design changes in the underside of the plane, but perhaps it's too early or it won't happen at all, particularly the area where the weapon bay doors are. Seems like it's forming 90° angles with the engines... I don't know, without being an expert on stealth it looks to me like that particular area needs work on the most.
  15. Thanks I got it, it's the same link Groove posted earlier. BTW UK's Typhoons are using Litening TGPs, right?
  16. Eh? You lost me here. The one Groove give a link to? I thought it was made by F-22 using some targeting pod.
  17. 58 nm, still far enough. What pod did the Raptor use when taking that picture?
  18. "EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE" I do not deny that, but convincing me something has never been said and I'm imagining things is not what I expect of you guys. Why did I have to dig years old posts to prove this "9 month period" is not in my imagination when you know that already. Can't you just tell "I'm not allowed to talk about this or that..." or if you are allowed to talk about it to simply give the required info without someone having to literally take it out from your mouths. I'll exagerrate a bit here but some of you look like you've signed a new NDA recently, acting kinda jumpy, not open like you used to be to criticism on the sim's flaws (something I noted on several occasions in different threads lately). This may seem funny to you but I haven't been around for a while and this was not like that before so it must be new.
  19. Well what is this then? http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=681118&postcount=285 back then ^^ it was not about DCS A-10A but about DCS A-10C. If there is one source of information I'm sure about it's gonna be GGTharos. Be honest about it, I think my eyes are not lying to me when I read this, and certainly Tharos is not mentioning "MY schedule".
  20. Thanks for the link, I'll read the info. Fact is fact though DCS A-10C should have been released in 2009 yet it got released in 2011. From what I've read as of February 2010 the testers were testing FC2 and A-10C hasn't been ready even for testing (info from a tester). Whatever it was the reason for the huge delay it's a past story right now I sincerely hope the next DCS Fighter would not be delayed by all the projects developed in "parallel". Not that someone will admit it if it happens, form what I read in the DCS A-10C 60+ pages thread it was never officially stated why the Hog got delayed so much. Not that such details are so important even if I'd love to have more openness and honesty on these forums.
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