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Everything posted by topol-m

  1. Apache Block III's improvements over Block II:
  2. I'm actually not so excited anymore to find out which is the aircraft that will be modeled in DCS Fighter, whether it's gonna be F-16 or F/A-18C or F-15E it will be great either way. I'm more excited to see the first screenshots and to read the first preview. Of course if there's going to be a trailer with the Glowing Amraam's Project 10 quality I'm anxious to watch it :)
  3. どういたしまして :)
  4. I think the sound is coming from the sudden change of angle of attack causing vortices around the leading edge extensions, i.e. the sound is airflow related not G-load related.
  5. Wait what? ED should ban itself forever?! Cause in here: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/news/ at "33% online store discount" they refer to FC2, BS and Hog as "simulation games". If they ban themselves who's gonna make DCS: Fighter? :huh:
  6. Not anytime soon :) I expect it to lose again against the Eurofighter for the Indian tender and the Brazilian one is frozen for the time being so pretty much Rafale's export future doesn't seem very bright.
  7. Congrats! That's a big success for the Swedes.
  8. topol-m


    BTW are you Japanese, Pyroflash? Cause I'd understand a Japanese guy asking for a forum but then you posted you are studying Japanese at the university. Obviously though your English is more than fine sooo... I'm freaking confused.
  9. I was laughing and face-palming at the same time watching this... thing. That's the right reaction after watching a japanese ad :thumbup:
  10. topol-m


    Reading his post I don't think he needs translation.
  11. Hopefully it won't need a PC from the future to run.
  12. I just saw this on the russian part of the forums:
  13. if you think what happened in Libya was out of interest and compassion for the Libyans :doh: BTW do we need another political thread?
  14. I just saw there are two threads on this so here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=81293
  15. it looks fine to me: Especially if I'm flying A-10C or say Apache, I don't need need to see at 150 km. Actually even in a fast-mover why would I need to see that far, apart from mountains and seas you cannot see anything at that distance in the first place.
  16. I agree with aaron886, even if it is not with Arma 2's engine I expect some real changes in DCS: Fighter. For instance I was really impressed by Wings of Prey's terrain. Browse it in youtube, it's gorgeous! Just look at the towns, hills, vegetation... FC and DCS' terrain is seriously aging. Edit: here's one video demonstrating WoP's graphics although it's not 1080p
  17. Thanks for the input Spetz, also editing the campaign missions is a great idea.
  18. +1 Drop the crop-duster, Funky Cliffs 3 and give full power to the Hornet! :D
  19. Quality work! Now we need a genius/geniuses to make these MFDs functional so that different weapons can be used and this aircraft will be the only one I'm going to fly :)
  20. 2 threads with interesting tweaks affecting fps in Black Shark and Hog, might be useful to people trying to get the most out of their PCs: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=81942 http://www.159thgar.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6256 (pay attention specifically to 159th_Falcon's post on page 2 where he says how to change the MaxFPS setting in graphics.lua Seems this has a positive effect and gameplay feels smoother.) Also I mentioned disabling tree shadows earlier, just found the link provided by Mustang: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=81532
  21. It's really amazing... DCS: Hornet where are you?
  22. You can hardly compare Russia to North Korea in both military or economic strength or in terms of political influence. These two countries are incomparable in pretty much everything.
  23. Yeah right, WW2: German quality vs Soviet quantity; Vietnam war: US quality vs North Vietnamese quantity; Soviet war in Afghanistan: Soviet quality vs Mujahideen quantity. "No chance" he says, "pooor" he says :doh:
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