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Everything posted by topol-m

  1. ^^ The Iranians gave it so quickly to the Chinese that there wasn't any time to take a couple of shots :D
  2. "With the lack of reliable info anything is possible" I do not deny this. There's a possibility that God exists. Now going back to the news posted, the people who commented in this thread are not drawing conclusions but are posting possible scenarios, much like you did in post #8, so your call for not drawing any conclusions is somewhat redundant at this phase of the discussion.
  3. It's not always that simple, it took them how much, several days to find the F-22 that crashed in Alaska? And that's not on the other side of the world in hostile territory. We don't know where it fell, might be in an area with heavy anti-air defense, loosing a Mud Hen in addition would be a much greater loss.
  4. The only more sophisticated thing in Iran is the sophisticatedly hot weather, nothing more. That's for sure :D
  5. Is this the official NATO version of what happened, cause the info info I've seen is the confirmation on a lost aircraft over western Afghanistan... ninja'd.
  6. The way it was decapitated was atrocious, almost like looking at a predator eating alive its prey.
  7. Yes, now with the vanilla craters posted it's obvious the new ones look much better. Good job! Now having in mind how you can do magic with these textures as you have proved more than once already, I wonder if you have plans on improving the explosion effects, i.e fire, smoke, dust clouds, blast wave, probably fragments, etc.? Probably some of these effects are hard coded, although I might be wrong here, but is there any part of the explosion effects that could be improved as currently explosions look most lacking?
  8. I'd be happy if something good comes out of your ideas and if it is so easy to realize. At the end of the day deeds are more important than words so if you manage to turn ides into reality it would be great. I myself know nothing about programming so I can't argue on what's easy to achieve and what's hard, there are definitely better looking sim terrains out there, but from what I've seen in the latest Nevada shots, it looks like a very big improvement of DCS' terrain engine, and I definitely want to see this type of terrain or even further improved one in DCS Fighter.
  9. Could you please post a screen with the vanilla craters it's always better looking at them side by side.
  10. In addition there is a program undergoing which goal is to upgrade the F-2's J/APG-1 AESA radar and avionics to allow the use of AAM-4 medium range air-to-air missiles. I don't know when is this program planned to be completed, it would probably require several years upgrade the whole F-2 fleet.
  11. Thanks Mustang, will try different values to see which one works.
  12. hehe I meant disable them on all aircraft not just turning them off on mine :D It may pose a slight danger when flying at night, the thing is someone mentioned the AI is turning them on during the day sometimes, so disabling them permanently is an option I'd try to see if this will save some FPS.
  13. I mean the Gameplay game settings menu. So I have to have this pressed while moving the mouse? Sorry I'm not on the PC right now so I can't test it. Edit: Ok I got it about units, it's changing the units of measurement in the Editor.
  14. http://en.rian.ru/video/20111107/168485947.html
  15. I saw some guys complaining from aircraft navigation lights having an impact on FPS in, unfortunately I can't find the thread. I'm using but anyways how can I turn them off, for the sake of testing different performance tweaks?
  16. The first thing I imagined looking at that thing was the "hand" part of the robotic arm turning 180° and then squishing the pilot to the ground... Ouch! :D
  17. 2 questions: 1. The option in the menu that allows you to change from imperial to metric units, what exactly does it affect? Does it affects everything in the sim or part of the data will be displayed with imperial units and another part will use metric system? 2. How can I set mouse view in the cockpit? By default mouse view is enabled in external view but how can I set it up for use in cockpit? In the controls menu clicking on set axis is sending me to external view controls.
  18. the BMP-2 has a stabilized canon, it seems in the video there is a problem with the system, probably hydraulic failure and the operator has to manually aim it. At least it has a manual aim option, otherwise with a hydraulic failure it will become pretty useless.
  19. ^^ Ninja'd :) and here's the developer CSTS Dinamika's site: http://dinamika-avia.com/
  20. Oh my I'm dreaming about DCS Apache Longbow but if the Alligator ever gets released I'll be equally happy :)
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