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  1. Nice one kneeboard looks awesome. Quick Q. i have VA Pro but dont really use it for button mapping etc, i use my own profile, but can i run the kneeboard just by itself with my normal VA profile. thanks
  2. Great app thank you. I get this message when loading upa debeief log. however i dont get any characters to choose from. any suggestions. 'Please select a character to proceed' thanks
  3. Another great job by Bailey well done man. Thanks!
  4. Cage the Bear is great. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3308483/
  5. Do you need an amp for the Jetseat? Tks
  6. Its an MKV. surprised it hasn't been reported more
  7. Anyone got an idea on how to fix this where the fov is messed up, have tried everything but a reinstall of DCS? thanks
  8. The tech is there but the software is not, many games run great in VR, unfortunately DCS isnt one of them. Surprising it looks half as good as it does on 1 core etc, which is really ten years old software development. Maybe with MAC they have started afresh and we will see something better, sooner rather than later, but in the meantime i think I will also park the VR.
  9. is this the stupidest post ever seen on this forum
  10. Starts big rant about a free server. Could always start your own or go elsewhere.
  11. get out the tissues
  12. https://vr4dcs.com/
  13. Nice updates, your campaigns are great, well done.
  14. Have a look on Page 115, i have the same setup as you and worked well
  15. Some great stuff in these posts. Been doing some good tuning on the setup and really seeing some benefit. thanks all.
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