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About lonewwolf

  • Birthday 07/31/1974

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS Word, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane
  • Location
    Porto, Portugal

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  1. Thank you for this great mod @FoxDelta The latest files (nonivasive mod v2) are in the dropbox link, but I can't find the assembly instructions... anyone has them?
  2. ++++++1 for Easy/Auto AAR option I'm an avid sim enthusiast, and like many here, I like it has real as it gets (or it isn't a simulator for me), and as a study level the DCS F/A-18C is, it requires practice in many aspects, incluing AAR. But for practice, free time is needed accordingly, and proper hardware setup is also needed... witch I don't have both, and so I prefer to focus on avionics and weapon systems, that I can learn in less then an hour and enjoy them as I like, when I the time for it, then mastering a task witch I can't even succed with hours of trying, and frustration, for not getting to it... So, why not having it as an option ? like the word means, it's optional, you can have it enabled or not...
  3. I s Absolutely! The replay needs something, witch apears to be simple, a replay scroll bar with controls... I'm not a coder nor similar but is it something (to) difficult to implement ? Something like X-Plane has for years... ? Just my 2 cents...
  4. Is there a way to check manualy entered STP's data entered? Like on MSN page, where one can visualize and check target data entered. Thanks
  5. I do some rolls, intentionaly, they're great to watch on a flyby view, but I would recomend you do it at an altitude no less then 500 ft. On a straight level flight veer your cyclic (joystick) completly to left or right until you do a complete 360º on horizontal axis...
  6. What a noob!... and I thought it was related to OPEN something... Thanks!
  7. Last post by @Wags What does "OP" mean? Thanks
  8. I guess it was canceled, it's not on the roadmap nor in FAQ. If that's the case it's realy a disapointment (for me).
  9. I couldn't agree more on that! @Schlomo1933 if you get to hang the Apache controls perfectly, i'm happy for you, but I really can't, and it's not lack of practice, and like me there should be many, In fact, i've just come to realize that the "auto-rudder" feature was removed from roadmap/FAQ, witch for me it's a bummer I was really hoping on that to ease things up... I have de Apache, the F/A-18C and other modules, and whatever the way I fly them is my concern only, so guys like me deserve to enjoy DCS the most as we can, also.
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