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  • Flight Simulators
    Falcon BMS
    MSFS 2020
    Strike Commander
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    Mainz / Germany

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  1. Thanks Lord Vader for adressing the energy bleed discrepancies. And thanks @DummyCatzfor taking the time for investigating. Until this will be adressed I hope this will stop the endless debate about people flying circles for Tacview and discussing a plus minus 0.2 deg / sec turn rate difference to the EM diagram when the real issue is the energy bleed rate. That was what I was suspecting for quite some time but I was not proficient enough to put it to a test like you did.
  2. Just my amateur 2 cents. I did not expect the DCS F16 to bleed too little energy at corner speed. But 21 deg / sec wont win a fight against a 23 deg / sec jet anyway. Even if you can sustain it longer than you should be able to. The only option is just to stay fast and watch your opponent outturn you or to bug out and reset. Because going slow is even worse as it drains your energy so fast and you will struggle to get it back. It makes sense considering the overall impression the flight model gives, that the slow speed performance just punishes you a lot more than in other airframes.
  3. How do you mean that? Max instantaneous turn rate is just a max performance max available G pull. Not sure how you could "fly" a max ITR.
  4. What about the energy bleed at slow speeds? From 300 kts the DCS F16 bleeds down like crazy and does struggle to gain energy back.
  5. As many people stated the trim speed of a trim button push is too sensitive to reset the trim properly, which of course should be adressed. But why cant we just have a "reset trim" function that can be assigned to a button for the time being. Its basically already there. The user YAGA just wrote a couple of lines for that. You just have to add these lines in the joystick/default.lua in the F16 folder: ( search for the "speed brake" entry and paste the code below the "speed brake" line) {down = control_commands.RollTrim, cockpit_device_id = devices.CONTROL_INTERFACE, value_down = 0.0, name = _('ROLL TRIM RESET'), category = {_('YAGA MOD'), _('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}}, --MODDED {down = control_commands.PitchTrim, cockpit_device_id = devices.CONTROL_INTERFACE, value_down = 0.0, name = _('PITCH TRIM RESET'), category = {_('YAGA MOD'), _('Throttle Grip'), _('HOTAS')}}, --MODDED It gets reset with every update though. Why just not make it be permanently accessible by ED?
  6. Yeah. But the Sniper is just an addition to the F16 compared to the FLCS and the flight model thats always present. Also the slow speed handling characteristics which still produce oscillations at some configurations is something that could be related to the FLCS and should be looked at again. Not sure how many efforts to improve the flight model will be done after early access.
  7. Everything concerning the FLCS should be looked at while DCS F16 is coming closer to the end of early access.
  8. That implies two possibilities. ED wants to have exclusively the only F16 for DCS, although they dont want to develop F16 variants. Or ED does not care to have a second F16 by a third party developer. That would be the first step. Hopefully sales of the MSFS F16A are good, so Heatblur considers to bring it to DCS. But on the other hand, HB develops the 3d model for Indiafoxtecho. The follow up question is, does HB even have the rights to use it as their own? Many questions for a desirable DCS product, many people would like to have on cold war themed servers. Fingers crossed for it to happen.
  9. I would even help to start a crowdfunding to get an F16 A. ED stated they wont develop any F16 variants.
  10. Yeah. How to bring attention to the slow speed handling and energy retention of the DCS F16 while people still flying circles for Tacview and complain about + or - 0,2 degrees per second turn rate difference to the EM diagrams, that made them lose the fight against a jet with a 3 deg / sec advantage.
  11. Although I said I would not investigate. Seems like the stutters getting worse each time you visit the menu when connected to a server. Might be placebo, but it seems to help if I respawn with the keybind ( its per jet and called: Get new plane - respawn) instead of using the menu to respawn. EDIT: Forget it. Its a placebo. I spawned into a stuttery mess on the server right from the beginning. Also reverted to the previous Geforce drivers did not help. Unplugging the mouse as some people say it causes stutter did not help either. To sum it up: I really give up now.
  12. Yeah stutters are back. I had good results using process lasso to disable E Cores and Hyperthreading for DCS but after the latest updates its just micro sutters again. Also not related to be close to other aircraft that can trigger LOD switching. Its something new now. I give up because I dont have the nerves to investigate again in it.
  13. @Deltaalphalima1For the Force sensor TDC slew upgrade for WW F16EX Throttle your website says that youre awaiting more stock for July 2024. Did I already miss it, and its sold out again, or are you still waiting for it to be produced?
  14. Same here. Could not identify it. Only happened in Afghanistan though. Turned the radio down completely, which works if you are flying as singleton on the map. But together with teammates its not a solution. I thought it was a multiplayer issue only. Apparently not.
  15. Thanks for the info. While I am waiting for my order to process, the only thing that worries me comparing the VR1 to the Aero is the front heaviness for dogfighting. Checking six and the headset will fall off is my biggest concern with it. Also I purchased without MR cameras as I hope to save weight.
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