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About Peq

  • Birthday 03/06/1980

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  1. I'm sticking it out. I don't want a refund (unless complete debacle like Mudhen only available in older DCS versions). I remain optimistic.
  2. Thanks for the info, Silver Dragon, I stand corrected. Is the Samuel Chase already in DCS? Oh, boy, I should play more often!
  3. IIRC Essex class carrier, Yorktown class (Enterprise with Measure 32/4Ab), Mogami class cruiser and Liberty Ship. I could be wrong though.
  4. Peq

    DCS : F4U-1 Corsair

    VF-10 skin? I love it!
  5. I'd prefer an Independence-class carrier. Plenty of those in 1944 and 1945. I'm not against the Big-E though.
  6. Tinian West Field No. 4? I'm not sure.
  7. P-47s in Saipan were Razorbacks IIRC. Okinawa would be a perfect fit for the bubbletop.
  8. Peq

    -3 or -5?

    F6F-3 would be a perfect fit for Operation Forager in the upcoming WW2 Marianas map but I think it'll be a F6F-5.
  9. IMHO is not fair to compare ED and Ugra latest maps with new third parties. The former had years of experience in map making. Normandy or old Caucasus are not in the same league as Syria, Marianas or the Channel. New third parties will get there eventually. They need time, practice, and our support.
  10. IIRC the 318th FG had Razorback Thunderbolts in Saipan. Marianas 44 is Hellcat territory with permission of Avengers and Helldivers and a few SBDs. During Forager only Enterprise carried Corsairs (F4U-2 from VF(N)-101 but I could be wrong. Okinawa would be a perfect fit for Magnitude's Corsair, don't you think?
  11. Okinawa would be a perfect fit for late PTO and wouldn't be a massive undertaking for a new third party.
  12. Peq

    Corsair Hype!

    WW2 carrier ops! This module is gonna be a blast!
  13. Helicopters are not my thing but I'm excited about the Apache!
  14. Apache is a legend. I'd buy it in a heartbeat and I couldn't care less about helicopters. As Mbot said, it's been hinted, but never announced. I like the F-111, but it's not a best seller like the Viper is or the Apache or Mudhen would be IMHO.
  15. Thanks for the replies. Now I understand a bit better. Actually I wasn't referring to the noise, but the "vibration". As grafspee pointed out "any shock wave from exhaust is directed under the wings" but is it that smooth in a real P-47 cockpit? Is that subtle you can't barely notice the "trembling"? Don't get me wrong. I really love DCS P-47. Probably my favourite module along the Tomcat (and Hornet, and Warthog, and... actually I love 'em all)
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