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Everything posted by laertesson

  1. I can totally confirm that when running very high supersampling, the JF has HUGE frame drops as soon as I turn on the battery. If the battery is off, runs butter smooth. When SS is turned down and MSAA is on, I don’t notice it. I should add that I have no problem running even higher supersampling in modules like the F-14. I recommend trying a VR setup with high resolution to reproduce . I doubt there is an issue otherwise.
  2. EDIT: ive finally narrowed it down to a binding issue, not a WMD7 issue. When I lock target using the keyboard, or my Warthog throttle, it works. But I cannot lock target using my Warthog stick. At least the nightmare is somewhat solved. It looks like it was just some very complicated double bindings, and I will have to delete my config folder. It's incredibly annoying because if I press the button in adjust controls, it says its bound to lock target, but doesnt work in game.
  3. Thanks for the video, that surely is the sound I'm talking about. It's a bit like the WIP sounds we're hearing now to me, just needs a bit of refinement.
  4. Yeah I did, I saw the change log but did not click the link to get the picture for more info, now I understand.
  5. Hi, I flew JF last night for one of the first time in 2020. I turned on oxygen valve and connected hose as always, sealed the canopy and turned on ECS. When I flew over the target zone I pulled turns 4.5-6G, and blacked out. I’m wondering if I was overheating because of PG temps? Is there a new feature im missing? Edit: apparently yes, sorry about the redundant g suit question, I believe I found out why it’s happening at the least
  6. This point is fully negated by the fact that they’ve been advertising MC as a Huey feature forever.
  7. laertesson


    I so hope a bit more time is spent porting NS to different modules. I’d imagine it would actually be pretty good money for Aerges to add it to UH-1 especially, using the knowledge gained with this C101 implementation.
  8. Same here, apologies if it’s in a thread somewhere but I did not remember hearing anything since then.
  9. It seems like theyre trying to add the buzzsaw sound on mid RPM, but the fact that it persists through high RPM is not at all realistic and also sounds awkward. The old high RPM sound (when takeoff water is on full tilt) was much better, but I really appreciate them attempting to add the buzzsaw sounds. Once they are refined a bit this will absolutely be a worthwhile addition to the sound of the airplane. In real life, buzzsaw seems to only be audible at a very specific RPM range, and I don't think what's just been added is right. Maybe we can get an update from the new sound engineer if RAZBAM/Decoy is reading?
  10. According to NL the developer is still working on it. It’s okay I haven’t been dreaming of it for 7 years since y’all put it on the store page... they should expect us to be at least a little sensitive to more silent delays about this feature. Seven years is enough time to birth a child, hope they develop an interest in choppers and fly it with him/her when this thing gets released.
  11. seriously, its awesome in the mi-8. please ED.. however, i dont think the c101 patch note implies it will be a 3d model. not sure though
  12. anyone tried with the new update yet? shaders may have changed with the claimed 500+ bug fixes. will give it a try today and post results..
  13. Can't wait to hear his plans. Thanks for the extra update!
  14. Thanks for the news decoy - and thanks even more for the GPWS sound updates. The harrier’s audio is nearing perfection.
  15. TGP won’t slave in FLIR, only TV mode.
  16. I would love to hear the engine buzzsaw on takeoff and the spool down sound, it's been a while since I read they may be getting updated.
  17. I didn’t even know JDAMs had TTI until I found this thread. I assume it’s on the stores or JDAM display? Never seen HUD symbology like with laser guided bombs. It’s marked checking now so let’s cross our fingers.
  18. I understand that, but that doesn’t explain why it can’t hold an area track for me. It just drifts along the ground.
  19. Tried from hot start and cold start, the TGP just won't track a single point on the ground (it just drifts), unless its in SLAV looking at a waypoint, and even then it jiggles around and won't stay exactly still. Is there something I'm doing wrong, lock target and unlock target don't affect it, it never ground stabilizes
  20. Can confirm, targets not at sea level have a calculable miss fore or backwards in CCIP. Sucks.
  21. But 50726 is latest, they have fixed HUD in patch notes.
  22. Everything is ****ed and ED seems to feel no pressure for a hotfix.
  23. Nice, this is what this thread needed, not the last two pages. Grass slider full down and mirrors off for now!
  24. This is too bad. I hope its not too complex of an update. Kegetys may even want to choose to wait - internal lighting is messed up anyway so I foresee a hotfix in the near future that will alter shaders again.
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