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Everything posted by Notso

  1. THANKS! That's very helpful. I didn't know about the 2nd entry step on #1 to get SS.ss. I entered some off-axis terminal stuff just to see what it would do. Like 90 deg off run-in attack heading. I wonder if that is what caused the wide misses.
  2. Hi all, I've been trying to learn JDAM in the Hornet over the last couple of days with Mixed success. I've read all of Chuck's guide and Wag's tutorials on the JDAM and there's a few things still confounding me. Questions in no particular order 1. When in PP mode, there are not enough decimals when hand entering coordinates on the UFC. Deg-Min-Secs only. NO decimal places that it seems to accept. So several of the PP shots missed by a fair amount even though I was using the HSI data block for that steerpoint using the Precise coords and converting them to min/sec. Is there something I'm missing. 2. In TOO mode - I was trying to play around with sending both the coords directly from WPDESG button only and then using the TGP. Doing both, I was maybe 50/50. And the steerpoints were put on the TGT very precisely in ME so I got the most accurate coords. Sometimes the JDAM would shack it and other times it missed by a lot - like not even in WFOV of the pod - using both techniques. I was dropping from about 17K AGL, .8M in Manual and well within the Min/Max Range circle on the HSI. Any ideas what would cause these huge misses? 3. IN TOO mode, as soon as the weapon was pickled, the TGP would slew off the TGT to some random place. I finally figured out if I cycled the JDAM mode on the stores page from TOO to PP and back to TOO after release, the pod would slew back to the TGT. What am I doing wrong here? 4. Is it required to input Angle, heading, speed into the bomb each time for each release or will it default to something if you don't enter any values? 5. Ref #4 above... How sensitive is the bomb attack heading vs the fighter heading? Can I have it set to 90 deg off my final run in heading or will it run out of energy? I'm sure I have lots more Q's but this will get me started. I feel like I'm missing some steps somewhere. TIA.
  3. Thanks for the tip, that worked like a champ. I finally got some JDAMs to hit today, although I uncovered some new issues. User error I'm sure.
  4. The Motion Smoothing button in Steam VR setting under DCS game.
  5. Haha, So true. You know what they say.... opinions are like..... @ss( ) :P I guess I don't notice the cable because I have it ziptied to the headrest of my chair and I don't notice the weight. Before I did that, I agree it sucked. I've not had any issues with synching, but I have a very bright room, so maybe it copes ok once the sun goes down. As for the difference between the Vive Pro and the reverb colors..... its likely because I had about a 2 month break without using the Vive before I got the Reverb. So I probably forgot what the colors looked like. On the audio, that is definitely crap compared to the Vive. Yes they deliver sound (when the ear piece was not broken off as was the case on my first Reverb), but at least the Vive actually touched and somewhat cut out external sound and was more like an actual headphone with rich sound. My reverbs just barely rest against my ears and the air gap makes it difficult to hear anything well. Its like I'm in an aquarium. And I didn't mean to strap a set of external earphones on. I specifically said "ear buds". I have a nice set of Bose earbuds that plug into the headphone jack and they are WAY better than either the Reverb or the Vive OEM audio solutions. Just my opinion.
  6. That makes sense. $11 is more than worth it if it works well. Thanks. Edit: Just ordered it. Buy the time I added manufacturing time, shipping, and tax - it cost $29. :doh:
  7. I haven't used the Rift. But my previous headset was a Vive Pro and the Reverb is leaps and bounds better in terms of resolution and clarity. I don't regret the upgrade at all. I have no issue with head tracking at all, unless it gets dark and I forgot to turn the room lights on bright. The SDE is much improved for me, its still there but barely perceptible. And I know everyone talks about the colors being flat. But I'm not seeing a huge difference between the Reverb and the Vive Pro. The only two areas so far that I'm disappointed in is 1) the audio from the ear pieces and the ear pieces themselves are junk. But you can hook up a set of plug in earbuds into the headset and the audio is awesome then. And 2) the face fit to me is not very good without some mods to the foam cushion to change the eye relief. My understanding is the Reverb Pro is different in only two areas. 1) the aforementioned faux leather face pad because it was intended to have multiple people use it in a business or training environment and 2) the Pro comes with a long and a short cable whereas the consumer version only has the long cable. The thinking is the Pro business model might use the portable wireless backpack and the short cable would be for that use. You might want to wait and see what the Reverb G2 looks like.
  8. Oh, I have no doubt it will almost exponentially continue to get better.
  9. Speaking of NCTR, do you have to have a lock of some sort for it to work? Or will it give a print in RWS if the aspect is nose-on?
  10. Cool thanks. I've been trying to just look over my shoulder in VR and occasionally I can see the wire as its retracting. But it's been occassionally hard to tell which wire it was. I'll try F2
  11. Ah OK - that's a good work around. I'll try it. However, has it always been this way? I was playing on stable previously in both the Hornet and Viper and do not recall this being the case with cueing the TGP to the steerpoint.
  12. Hmmm. I did put the elevation of the steerpoint at my flight altitude (about 15000ft MSL) for where I wanted to spawn my aircraft and yes the rest of the points used the same altitude. But that still wouldn't account for the TGT elevation in the JDAM being at 9000 meters. That's around 30K feet. I'll go back and play with the HSI data and do what you suggest. But I had done this before with the Hornet targeting pod and LGBs (not JDAM) and I don't recall ever having this problem with the TGP slew to the correct point on the ground. I never had to manually enter the tgt altitude before to get the pod to point at the ground correctly by slewing it to a steerpoint.
  13. Thanks. Does this update turn off the button in the Steam dialogue box or do you have to go back into the config settings file to turn it back on?
  14. I was an avid flight simmer back in the early days with that other F-16 sim and MSFS. I got bored and gave it up and said I would never stick my toes back into flight simming until VR became mature. VR was just barely even being discussed back then. Then I heard about how great DCS was for several years and finally broke down and bought A-10C in 2011 and hooked it up to a 65" flat screen HDTV thinking it would be wow. I got bored with it within about 45 min and never touched it again. FF to this past summer, I bought an HTC Vive Pro for some FPS games on Steam to see if VR was finally "mature" enough. While setting it up, I read where that old A-10C DCS code on the box would work would work in Steam and I tried it for shiggles. Since then, I've never even opened the FPS games I bought since stepping into a VR DCS cockpit. So no, regardless of the current limitations - it's VR or nothing for me. And I'm still working on trying to justify that Xtal..... :D
  15. I'm very tempted to try this. I hate having to lift it over the detent - which is totally unrealistic. So I flipped mine over and just guess where the detent is in VR. What part of the piece do you sand down and how much? Any chance you have a pic of the finished product?
  16. (2.5.6 OB) I'm moving back to the Hornet after flying the F-16 for a few months and I'm now trying to relearn the A/G systems. I built a couple of simple routes in ME last night to work on JDAM PP and TOO w/o the Targeting pod and then later another simple mission for GBU-12s with the pod. Using the Mission Editor (NTTR), I created a new mission and I simply dropped waypoints on top of the targets as I've alway done in the past with no issue. However, when I got out to the TGT area and selected WPDESG on one of the steer points for a target vehicle, the diamonds were way up in the sky. Obviously, the JDAM PP didn't work although it gave me an IN RANGE cue when using a manual release mode. When I looked at the TGT data in the JDAM stores page, it said the elevation was something like 9100 meters! The actual TGT elevation on the F10 map was 5100 ft. I then tried a TOO attack by hand entering the coordinates off of the F10 map (converting the minutes to seconds for the stupid antiquated Hornet computer:mad:) and put in the elevation in feet and it still hit way short but at least in the vicinity this time. Later I created a new mission for LGB practice doing the same thing. I put two groups of armored vehicles in 64B and put steerpoints on top of them so I could cue the Pod to those coordinates. Again, the points were way up in space instead of on the ground. The only way I could get the pod on the tgt was to use the Velocity vector slave mode, roll in, designate and then that worked fine from then on. But before that, the Pod would cue to the point up in the air. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I've done this same ME mission build before and never had an issue with it.
  17. What missions are you running? Perhaps the briefing freqs are not correct. I've seen that a few times. The best way is to go into ME and click on the tanker itself and then see what Freq it's set to over in the dialogue box on the right side. Whatever that freq is, that's what you want to set regardless of what the briefing says. Or change the tanker freq there to match the briefing if there is a mismatch.
  18. Use HMCS and -9x, cash a bunch of energy in and shoot the bandit across the circle. And hope it works :music_whistling:
  19. Speaking of the 3 wire, when you successfully trap - how do you know which wire you caught? Is there something that tells you or do you just have to know based on where you stopped on the deck? I can usually tell a 4 wire since I'm almost up to Cat 1. But for the others, how do you know?
  20. That's true only if you have a donor aircraft (AWACS or another fighter) who is able to interrogate for you and then display that via MIDS.
  21. Has anyone tried to do any form takeoffs and landings as the wingman? I can't get AI to formation takeoff or land with me as the lead and I've tried a couple of times to formation TO and land on a random AI. But they don't behave all the well and obviously fly to the centerline of the runway. Does anyone have any suggestions for setting this up? Ideally, this would be best with a human lead, but I haven't gotten to MP yet.
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