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Everything posted by Notso

  1. Huge thanks to N26 and Chic for this. I followed all the directions and have the mod installed and chic's profile loaded. All works fine except the transcribe command. Scratchpad opens and closes fine and the dictation voice prompt works (Begin and end dictation). But I can't get the "transcribe" command to work. When I say end dictation and then say TRANSCRIBE.... it cycles the hook on the F/A-18 and no text in the SP window appears. The SP window is definitely open per the readme caution at the bottom. Any idea what I'm doing wrong????
  2. Yep, ditch the VR controllers. Worthless for what you want to do In DCS. As others have said, get a good Stick, throttle (TM Warthog seems to be the norm) and rudder pedals and then you will control everything with the HOTAS button using muscle memory (it get easy fast with some practice). And then anything else you want to click in the cockpit, you can do various controllers such as a mouse (I use a trackball). I just downloaded Voice attack and LOVE it for doing all the communications commands for wingman, ATC, AWACs and the like. You can also have VA do voice activated switches as well (pretty much everything) but I made a conscious decision not to VA switches as that's not realistic. In a real jet you still have to reach down and do stuff with your hands. For me, the mouse trackball is easy. Eventually when the haptic gloves become mature, that will be the way to go. I've even added a couple of the Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs and I am loving being able to do that in VR as well. It was easier to find the buttons by memory than I expected.
  3. One trick I just learned was if you add a steerpoint in Mission editor that you want to use in TOO mode, make sure to put the steerpoint altitude at 0 feet so it will then give you a true MSL altitude that transfers to the JDAM or JSOW. If you leave it at the aircraft altitude like where you want to be when you spawn in at WP 0, the rest of the points will pick up that altitude as well if you don't manually change it and then your JDAM will think the TGT is somewhere up in the sky. And to re-emphasize: in an AUTO release, as soon as you see the weapon release line start moving down the ASL from the top - press and HOLD the weapon release button until the weapon is released from the jet. And a good technique is to keep holding it for a couple more seconds just to be sure. Especially if release multiple bombs on the same pass. See attached screenshot from Chuck's guide
  4. The other thing that is not adding up is the range to the designation in the numbers in question (assuming that's what it is) and the Slant range (F001.1) obviously don't add up. Look on pg 187 of the DCS F-16 Early Access guide. It labels everything except that bottom row. But clearly you can't have a slant range of 1.1nm and a ground range of 7.8nm. The relative bearing adds up taking into account mag var, but not the range. Something's afoot at the Circle K, Ted
  5. Agree that its very unlikely to be SLR, as that would require some angle computations using either a sensor or some kind of altimeter to compute the triangle. It's not that the range couldn't be SLR, just unlikely that it is.
  6. Ownship speed plays a huge role in range as well.
  7. True, but that still wouldn't account for the bearing being that far off.
  8. The more seasoned guys here can correct me if I'm wrong, but I *think* in the viper, IF you have external tanks - you need the AAR door open a few minutes prior to getting on the boom. This allows the externals time to depressurize and thereby allow the fuel system to fill them during AAR. I recall someone said like 3-4 min prior. So if you open the door right before getting on the boom, then they may not fill properly. It don't think its required to open the door early if you have a clean jet with no bags as you would be filling internal only. I've done this technique of opening the door several min out on the way to the tanker and never had an issue topping off with externals.
  9. Thanks again for the tip on the DDMMSS [ENTER] and then ss [ENTER]. That worked like a champ. That makes more sense now why WAGS in his tutorial video was saying "Enter enter" because he was skipping the step of entering the decimal seconds. On the DLZ, I'm going to go back and experiment to see if the "D" in DLZ works with different terminal inputs. From a couple of quick drops yesterday - there must be some default terminal settings if you don't enter any numbers. Presumably, it uses the release heading as the default heading. Not sure what it uses for angle and velocity though. For angle, probably something like 45 deg. However the DLZ circle on the HSI did appear to shrink and grow based on aspect angle of the jet in relation to the TGT, which is what you would expect to happen. I noticed when I was beaming/arcing the TGT outside of the DLZ circle and then turned in nose on, it would grow in size. I'm going to run some experiments with "IN RANGE" ranges at different aspects to the TGT to see if the DLZ is responding correctly as well as some runs with different terminal parameters. IRL, for instance if you put in say a 90 deg impact angle or a 90 deg off axis heading from your release heading or a higher velocity - the DLZ should shrink accordingly.
  10. Ok cool. That makes more sense. I thought I was going crazy not being able to find it in the ME.
  11. Agreed. I find the explosion modelling to look quite accurate.
  12. What is this “key combination” thing you speak of??:music_whistling:
  13. Yes. It’s a great module to start with. You’ll have a blast.
  14. One last question: I went back today rewatched @wags video on JDAM and he mentioned you can program PP mode in both “editor” as well as in-flight. I looked all over the ME and couldn’t find any way to set up the PP mode JDAMs. Where is this in the editor? Or did I misunderstand him or was it a misspeak on his part?
  15. Thanks. That makes sense. I went and ran some PP and TOO practice runs and finally all worked well. I also figured out how to do multiple releases on a single pass in both modes. Whoo hoo!!
  16. Yep. That was my earlier question. Someone said the new Steam VR update changed it back to off. Does that mean I need to go comment the line out again or just verify the button is still showing on? I checked yesterday and the button still was set to "Enabled".
  17. IIRC, 3 in the slot seemed to be the norm when doing element (2+2) Formation takeoffs - since both 1 and 3 could be positioned downwind. If doing 20" interval departures, it didn't really matter.
  18. No. F-16 uses pickle button for both A/A and A/G ordinance release. Trigger for gun in both A/A and A/G master modes.
  19. HAs anyone seen #3 happen? Any thoughts. 3. IN TOO mode, as soon as the weapon was pickled, the TGP would slew off the TGT to some random place. I finally figured out if I cycled the JDAM mode on the stores page from TOO to PP and back to TOO after release, the pod would slew back to the TGT. What am I doing wrong here? The pod slews off well away from the current target area and cycling from TOO to PP and back again seems to be the only way to get the pod back on target. Am I doing something wrong in the JDAM setup?
  20. Awesome, thank you! I might try that and get my $30 back before it ships.
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