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Everything posted by L4key

  1. Barra - you're a genius. Well I'm a bit dim, but I've just tried it and you're correct! Tango, cheers too. :thumbup:
  2. Hi - apologies in advance if covered already, I've had a look, so please direct me to thread if so. Since installing the patch my laser doesn't get the correct range. The labels on targets will say 3.9, so within cannon range, but when I designate the target in the Shkval the range comes up as over 5. Same happens with the missiles, the labels say about 5km out but then my desigated target range then comes up as 7? What am I doing wrong or what have I missed, the two were in sync before.
  3. Have you tried backing up you're wife and/or dinner? I'm not sure which the file is but it'll be there somehwere... My groundcrew, ahem, I mean Mrs is always making my dinner at inopportune moments.
  4. I agree with you a bit Beerman, it does seem harsh but... Have you tried the old 'ctrl-alt-delete' out into the task manager before the debrief loads? Pain in the arse to reload but keeps the last mission 'I think'. That said I haven't checked my number of deaths yet! :doh:
  5. Show off! :thumbup: Does that give me enough time to then fly to, say 5k and hover again, switch on HMS, target designate, fire (oops forgot damn master arm :doh:) set master arm, fire, boom? I realise I am being incredibly lazy and taking advantage of your goodwill, not to mention your mathematical genius but it's a consideration the (very) average player will need to know!
  6. 17 seconds? Can someone work out how far out you need to be to illuminate a target if you fire over it at say + 5 degree pitch? Some complex speed & trajectory calcs required methinks! I'm a kartoffelkopf so I won't be able to do it. ;)
  7. Haha love those three guys in the Shkval! looks just like real life :smilewink:
  8. I wasn't, thems being new and all. I dare say it's an alternative method now, but not in the spirit of the mission as designed originally. What did people do before without illumination rockets? Also - another question now seeing as you've mentioned it Dragon, so I don't have to trial and error it, whats the range of an illumination rocket? - Do you just aim into the night sky above the target, or at the target?
  9. I am having difficulty at night getting in position to hit targets in time for the illumination flares to be dropped. Normal A-B flight time is ok but the trouble is I can’t go A-B because of about four ZSU23 emplacements en-route. With only 12 or so mins to get to the IP I have not the time to take them out (definitely not at night!) or to fly round them and still be at the target area for lights on. If anyone has any general tips on this that would be appreciated. It’s recently happened on the second campaign, about mission 14 but it has happened on a couple of other night sorties. Another thing; I play with labels on, being only a part time player and pretty rubbish I have to. I got to thinking how on earth do you good players manage at night without labels??? It must be impossible, the first thing you’d know about a gun battery or SAM in your route would be when it lit you up surely? Anyway – any tips would be useful. Thx
  10. To Zorrin, I know to only engage AH at a low speed, it's the approach to get to that speed prior to engaging, that the problem occurs. Joey, HUD reading and you're right - it's looking out the window that tells me I'm reversing (plus the fact my attitude is +10 degrees!) Sinelnic, could be a sideslip I guess and to be fair, though I can't be sure I think it happens more at a higher altitude. I can't remember it happening when I'm lower than 100. Thanks chaps. It may be that wind and height and all that means the lateral speed comes into play. Jeez this sim is modelled in detail!!
  11. Sometimes when I am approaching a hover, decelerating at a steady rate, the speed stops going down and starts increasing again, as in going backwards. It happens at different speeds but normally around 30 knts. I normally hit the auto hover button at sub 10 knts but I end up not being able to get the speedo (sorry) to read anything other than 30 either going forwards or backwards. 4 times out of 5 I have no trouble, the speed bleeds down nicely at ten degrees nose up down to single figure knots then I push the auto hover and all ok. Why sometimes does it get to c.30knts then start going up again, depsite my nose up attitiude? What set of circumstances cause this? Ps love the sim, thanks in advance.
  12. I didn't infer that was a bad thing, I love the KA50! However, extrapolate your logic and you could say that all modern cars are just the same basic design as the first wheel? I get your point though.
  13. Good point, the KA50 is pretty much WW2 technology(!) compared to something like an F16. The level of information required would be mental, though having done LOMAC this would hopefully give a headstart. All speculation must be funny for ED to read... Good publicity though that BS has been such an appetite wetter.
  14. I wouldn't be in favour of launching two aircraft at once whether fixed or rotary. Surely the best thing about BS is the realism and depth, by having multiple a/c it would risk the focus and could potentially lose realism. (remember that sim on the Amiga that you could fly nearly 100 aircraft??!!) It's a pain to wait each time but the A10 will provide some fixed wing fun. I do agree with the poster before though that it seems a shame to go straight back to rotary after the A10. Stick a multi role fast jet in there after the A10 and I'll be more than happy by then to go back to rotary!
  15. Everyone's allowed an opinion I guess but jeez! I thought the tree thing was an ok point but skins- WTF? Does it matter there is no pretty colours on the outside?
  16. The B-1B will no longer use afterburner when taxing. :doh: :lol:
  17. If in auto hover, Alt hold is on and doesn't cause problems with auto turn to target.
  18. At the moment I bet you're a baddass piano playing m-f'er. But don't think strafing is easy with joystick, it's like saying 6 fingers would make you mozart, if I may be allowed to continue the theme!
  19. In real life I suppose you'd fall prey to fixed wing enemies? Also don't SAMS really have a far longer range at a higher elevation? It may work but I understand AA's problem, I'm a bit the same, sure it works but probably not as intended.
  20. You're a better pilot that me fox! I have to be hovering to cope with the workload! I tend to clear any ground to air threats from 3km out and tend not to get engaged from there. Will definitely try some of your tips though when I get more confident.
  21. My favourite cock up is to leave the collective control on my joystick all the way up so when I start a new mission and I'm commencing some preflight checks, lining up the ABRIS, setting the countermeasures etc I look up and am in mid air, normally about to crash. Done that about five times now.:doh:
  22. Yep, you're probably right NightHawk, I do spend a lot of time using the collective to go up and down while in auto hover and on alt hold. AP Computer probably doesn't like that! Back to the landing question, I tend to have a shallow, slow descent from a few meters away skewed to the right so I can look out of the deeper left hand window at the FARP as I approach it.
  23. Are you sure that it's switched on to auto target mode rather than fixed? I think it's the switch next to the laser & HMS ones one at the bottom. With auto target the reticle tracks the relevant vertical alignment (within reason) leaving you to just tap the rudder to line up your horizontal alignment. A fixed reticle would mean firing viks would be similar to unguided rockets! I don't think I've hit anything threatening with a rocket yet :cry:. Apologies for the poor terminology, please someone correct, but could this be a factor? Or is that switch relating to cannon only. Certainly firing Vik's should never be as hard as how you describe Wags. I'm rubbish and I can do it every time!
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