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  1. Sorry for the noob question but why can I not keep my tgp on the target through to impact? I’ve seen the tutorials on turning so as not to overfly the target and I try that but still can’t keep the thing on the thing to keep the laser on it. Im coming from a hornet where it doesn’t matter and I am a little lower normally, c.15k, than I used to be but surely it should be it should not be this hard? TIA
  2. Hi Florence I’m having a tough time in m3. Most of the Sead harriers missiles hit the trees so I’m left with 1 or 2 working SA8’s only 2 miles from the primary. Ive got close on occasion, dodging and trying to get them to run out but I eventually get hit or CFIT as I’m still hauling all the weight. The one time early on in my attempts that they DID clear out the SAMs I missed with 2/3 bombs and only got 45. Wingmen next to useless as there is no command at any point that gets them to attack the right target (obvs not your fault!) on about the 6th go now. Can’t bring myself to skip, just wondered if any updates had changed parameters. That’s if you are still supporting this campaign of course, great job either way BTW, thanks! L4
  3. Must be a mod thing? coincidentally I played that mission today, no issues. Another great mission though, this campaign is very high quality. Should not be free!
  4. Hi, checked and it’s in there. I don’t think I have any mods. is there a specific time to select the option or can you do it as soon as you load up and are on deck? Thanks Edit: it’s ok - just tried again and it worked! awesome campaign still!
  5. Ok so one question - does the skip forward work in the radio menu? I tried it on M4 to take me to the push point and it exited me to the debrief screen. Tried it from the deck and airborne and did same both times, am I doing something wrong? TIA
  6. Bump. What a great campaign and I’m only on M2! Bit annoyed I failed though because I switched to ATC before the prompt on way home and the trigger didn’t, er, trigger. Minor issue though, I’ll just wait for all instructions. Can’t wait to do the rest thanks Sedlo.
  7. Yep - awesome campaign, thanks so much. It will also be special to me as was the first time I A2A’ refuelled. I agree with the above well considered comments. I don’t mind having to repeat missions (sometimes a lot!) due to my skill level but those last two it felt like I did not have enough intel to complete first time. m12 switching to AMRAAMs and having AWACS would probably solve it. m13 there is just not enough weaponry or time to sort - unless you know to hit the WP4 targets in advance. Also, could do with knowing where to park, I ran out of fuel taxiing looking for the hangar! Before you say anything I’d taken a fuel tank hit and landed with 100lbs left , it wasn’t bad management on my part. I failed though because I’d not parked properly! All in all I loved it, that low level Ingres solo mission was my favourite. if you need another tester then I’d gladly do so!! Cheers.
  8. I finally managed A2A refuelling last week after 200hrs in the Hornet! It was mission 12 and wow that is satisfying! The tips are all helpful, I’m not sure what did it for me, it just happened… This is a brilliant campaign by the way. The solo missions like this one and the low level one were fantastic.
  9. Just did the mission- first time no probs. I didn’t select any difficulty, I’m assuming it continues as not invulnerable as default? anyway- easily one of my favourite missions, really brilliant thanks. The enemy fighters scrambled but never turned hot at any point so all all good. Wouldn’t have fancied 1v2 with sparrows!
  10. I had this today, it might be that you have already designated a target (with tpod) and need to deselect it (nws button) - worked for me
  11. Hi - I had this issue last week on Inherent Resolve M02. Are you on INS or GPS? I was going to try switching that to see if that worked.
  12. Thanks Badger, awesome campaign again!! Difficulty curve, immersion, storyline all spot on. Like all good campaigns I’m gutted it’s over so help me out - what’s on deck next we can look forward to?
  13. Finally managed to complete all the tasking!! Only problem was my ACLS landing drifted too far left and I crashed into a load of parked a/c - anyone know what may have caused this? I’ll still do it again, but land manually Also, while I’m here - Badger what difficulty are those migs set to? I managed but only just they seemed above average the couple of times I’ve done this. Finally - thanks for the vid, but in the end I had to strafe the last target - that GMT is difficult to get a well handed off lock. As usual this campaign is wonderful, like your others!
  14. I keep getting the one Mig, but the other takes me out as I only have one 120… Just my poor A2A or any tips for getting into aim9 range for the second? cheers
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