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Everything posted by WildBillKelsoe

  1. Huh?? No not buying one bit of that.. Beats me bro this must be an easter egg? Pfft.. no way I flew through my munitions I am way faster in a dive and besides, if you saw a cluster canister open it is heavy so it can not shoot up after it drops, nor can it race the launching platform and win. Simple physics negates this clause. I am seriously bugged I can not reproduce it.
  2. Unfortunately all tracks are deleted because I needed space But if that is the case it must be a bug why would it fly up
  3. Finally! I found the cockpit footage of the object!
  4. Jesus look at that 15:10 marker he ran into his lead wake. This is bad airmanship or lead.
  5. true but its possible the aircraft sustained damage from birdstrike or random failure. I just checked above our discussion and it looks OP has random failures and birds checked. its a game anyways...
  6. It is very difficult considering the cargo cabin governor is practically in the forward half so unless the cargo is an elephant with its trunk touching the governor switches, I hardly see a connection. That said, I think the OP might have overstressed the engine one way or the other either by ECL misuse or commanding sudden RPM or it might be their controller hardware wiring commanding a 0-100 due to poor soldering or power spike/surge. Lots of culprits to point to a single cause on this one.
  7. I think you could have double tapped the engine condition lever to emergency and forgot to return it midway.. RCtrl+Home twice...
  8. I dont think you should let the speed drop below 230 kmh unless you are asking for a crash. Check my humble tutorial here
  9. Breaking: Mi-24P struggling to lift off and crashing shortly thereafter
  10. A little extra crispy M109 Paladin made to order by a more than capable Su-25 pilot: Get a load of this guy, he knows the value of "weighting" And this pinky went into a tree line:
  11. I suspect it is indeed given that I was in a bombing run when it happened I was flying the Su-25 cold war warrior campaign attacking a road bound column with bombs. As I peeled off this object (two of it) came up from below. At first I suspected it was manpads but wondered why manpads would still be alive after all that cluster. If it is what Ironhand says it is its unrealistic and should be reported. Still searching for the captured footage
  12. bro its not a unit.. its something shot up from underneath me Unfortunately the track file is no longer there. I will see a recording of the incident.
  13. Pulverization authorized Bombing approved
  14. Its not a unit it shot up from underneath me!
  15. The kneeboard is cropped overflowing the bottom of the display (unseen). I have to resize and drag it to be correct size. Which LUA do i need to edit to set it at a specified coordinate and size?
  16. Noticed during a replay from my cockpit. It shot upwards. Two of them.
  17. wealth of info there thanks! I noticed a lot of praise for Freejoy too, which confirms my suspicions that MMjoy is no longer actively developed.
  18. is it better than Trackir in a lighted room?
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