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Everything posted by WildBillKelsoe

  1. So I've ditched my first WW2 P-51D in DCS, my newly acquired Spitfire, in favour of settling with this beautifully engineered beast powered by Daimler-Benz 605 yet the AI adversaries in campaign missions tend to be ridiculously easy to kill via snapshots and all sorts of funny surfaces come flying off, however, there must be a drill one can practice when it comes to perfecting this type of shooting. I can swear the AI does one of three things 1- turn fight in horizontal, 2- climb to stall hoping I'd usually skim past into their gunsight, 3- Rolling scissor fight where you criss-cross into a roll coupled with pulls on stick and usually this is the best way to practice snaps. I was hoping ED would change the adversaries to the allied planes and not German aircrafts as the parent module to signify variety and the real opposition. Some inclusion of a mission to positively ID and engage select, timed, and sequenced bandits with different plane types or colors (like shoot this red Mustang, this blue Focke wulf, this green Spitfire) to help and familiarise players with both target identification and correct engagement. Also, the Bf-109 campaign could use some choppers to kill like the P-51D vanilla campaign (iirc there were two missions dedicated to killing choppers), bad weather navigation with charts, climb angle (with cockpit triggers for speed and variometer versus a.t.a. and RPM, system failures missions (like the Ka-50 returning home mission, with proper checklists).
  2. the altitude youre supposed to fly in is denoted on ADI in the form of horizontal yellow line (altitude caret) like the A-10C uncaged ADI glideslope. There is however one very important shortcoming with the F-15C; you cant change the altimeter setting like the Su-27. This means that youre flying MSL most of the time or AGL but not flexibly both.
  3. Detective McLane, might have to try these. Thanks
  4. or even as in game kneeboard pictures like the P-51D campaign.
  5. this made my day hhhhhahhahaahahaa I'd say the Nevadese infantry don't eat enough carrots.. :megalol:
  6. AI.. God I'd be scared to try multiplayer unless I have an expert human wingman..
  7. From axis tune top down, set the values as follows 30 100 30 or 40 0 should have flat middle and linear extremes in the graph. enjoy!
  8. was also confused who is who up there. Still, looks fun, although I will also buy predominantly Su-27 campaigns, I have Ultimate Argument and sure this is much better at least from dialogs point of view. Awaiting PDFs. Thanks for this campaign fellas I appreciate it!
  9. any ones featuring Dan Hampton?
  10. Any sound mod to get the external canopy open engine off firing sound in the cockpit when canopy is closed? I dont like the machine gun sounds with canopy closed in vanilla.
  11. no, only aileron and rudder trims are set on the ground in options/special tab. elevator trim is in the plane and player modified like the P-51D. I tend to think this airplane is an evolution from the Fokker WWI stuff. And you can guess the amount of forward stick from rise of flight. I usually set my rudder trim to a target speed and hold aileron trim the same amount in the opposite direction. This usually means having hands on the stick all the time since they are not modifiable inflight. Elevator trim is also sensitive you must use a rotary encoder as opposed to the hat switch. At least thats my opinion. Otherwise, in a dive past 500 kph, your stick is useless...
  12. At least they dont have lag
  13. I just read this, its gold. From a tail dragger pilot too.
  14. You might want to check Lshift+V or the following commands Ripple interval, Ripple quantity. I'm in the pit, testing..
  15. But in all fairness, Mig-21 can and usually does nail me with their R-3R from longer distance.
  16. a certain amount of stick pressure is necessary. Its not a hands-off plane.
  17. Aha so all of them converge at 400 meters? Sorry cant speak German.
  18. especially the clouds.. that enter your airtight canopy... and flicker with transparency.
  19. it doesnt work. there is still cockpit reflections.
  20. Ah thank you. Nice chart and explanation. So in mils that translates to half the first tick above cross at almost full span of fighter sized target, and the first tick at close to half span the same target? thanks D.
  21. besides there is a new damage model to be implemented yet
  22. so what youre saying is that bullets will hit the center of the cross at 400 meters, thats roughly a quarter of the 100 mil reticle, for a fighter sized target.
  23. to what distance in meters?
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