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Everything posted by MorrisMessing

  1. Hi everybody, we recently discovered the bug, that simultaneously activated S-3Bs (starting from parking position) block each other from launching on CAT 1 and CAT 2 after taxiing. I tried blocking one from hooking up to CAT 2 while the Viking on CAT 1 was doing so and it worked. After CAT 1 was clear the second one also launched as intended. They just do not seem to launch when both are hooked to the cats. Should be pretty easy to reproduce. The Ship was CVN-71 in case that is important. Let me know if additional information is needed Just wanted to let you guys know that this exists, because this could ruin a day or night on the ship pretty easily. I’m sorry. To be clear. It is CAT 1 and CAT 2. I can’t change the title anymore.
  2. Multiplayer Tracks. I cannot upload them here as the files are too large, but here is a goolge drive link to the files, if that helps. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12zv4dnNFgUANiLVHfAwDVaxOL-sB8L9H?usp=sharing There are 2 track files from the same mission. One is from the server and the other one is from my game client. Both running on the same computer.
  3. Hi, since the 2.9 update I have found, that player aircraft on the supercarrier are not beeing spawned/displayed in replay tracks. Replays were without problems on missions from airbases. Although I do not have a replay track with aircraft on the carrier and other launching from airbases, the problem exists on 100% of my carrier mission replays since 2.9, so I figure that there is an issue with the SC. Just wanted to report this. Let me know if I can help with any additional information Thanks for your great work ED! Best regards, Morris
  4. Hi, my name is Morris and I am CAG of vitural Carrier Air Wing 22. Part of our flight training is Field Carrier Landing Practice on Rota Island to get our pilots used to carrier procedures as it is done in real life. Since there is no Shore Based IFLOLS system in DCS (at least not anymore) I figured, I'll code a mod to trigger a IFLOLS overlay similar to the one coming with supercarrier, so that the pilots can learn to fly the ball, without the need to fly to the ship. I got a solid understanding of most programming terms from years of python coding, but most of my programs were only single scripts. So I need a little help with using functions from one file inside another and stuff like this. Furthermore I do not really get how the structure of DCS Mods works and what triggers what or what depends on what. First of all: What is the minimum I need to do to show my overlay inside the game after loading into an aircraft? The overlay I am using is a copy of the FLOLS from supercarrier. So I assume the DLG file works. The next thing: How do I read the aircrafts coordinates from DCS? To calculate the position of the Ball, I need to know the aircrafts coordinates and altitude I know I need to write a hook, so that I can get data from DCS. But how do I do this? This is my first try to mod DCS, so any help is appreciated. I hope you guys understand what I am trying to do. Thanks in advance, Morris "Cuzy" Messing
  5. Nope. There is a French fictional trainer version with a round nose and without the rudder antenna. So, it is definitely possible to set those parameters as you like and not dependent on CC or EB type.
  6. @BIGNEWY Hi, Same BUG as mentioned above occured today (for the 3rd time in total) DCS did not create a zip file in the logs directory in saved games, but I will try to give you as much input as we can provide below. Shared between all 3 occurences: - marianas map - we were on a server hosted by myself - a client (not me) dropped the SLAM-ER - the SLAM was given a STP1 which was (N11°27’ E144°40’). Steerpoint was entered with following 0s to complete the full (D)DDMMSS.SS format. (there was no specific altitude assigned to the steerpoint) - after release the SLAM turned towards the steerpoint but failed to maintain its assigned altitude (through FLT HIGH setting) Differences between the cases: - during the 3rd occurence the SLAM-ER that is believed to trigger the crash was dropped by a different client than the first two times. - the game did not always crash with the slam beeing on the same alt, but it was below 1000ft in all three cases. - the SLAMS were fired from different aircraft (not the sam unit, but the same flight) Additional information: - a SLAM-ER drop was tested yesterday (one day before the third case) in singleplayer using the same coordinates and it worked without any problems. It was a different mission file though (& not on my system) What we think it is: We strongly assume the crash has something to do with the Steerpoint coordinates messing up the guidance of the SLAM-ER. Because any other SLAM-ER fired in the same mission (&mission file) worked as advertised. I hope you can get something figured out with that information. I would ba able to send over the server trk file but is is to big to upload it here. SAME_BUG_14_12_2022.rar
  7. @Vibora Hey I got a question regarding the C-101. I noticed that there are two versions of both the nose and the tail. There is a round nose and a conical nose & there is a tail with a round plate on top of the rudder and one without. Are those parameters set in the description.lua although they modify the 3d model? Where can I find the parameters? Looking forward to hear from you! Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi guys, since the 2.8 hot fix 1 we are experiencing radio issues on VHF. The frequency seams to be 0.005 MHz higher than dialed in. DCS ATC does not answer requests and SRS shows the 0.005 offset. as always, we at vCVW-22 love the jet! have a great day
  9. Hi, we recently had 2 server crashes when a SLAM-ER, which was programmed to fly towards a steerpoint, headed towards the sea surface. As mentioned this happened 2 times in a row. Multiplayer track files did not generate so the only things I can provide are the TACVIEW Files, the DCS log file and the mission briefing (for the Steerpoint coordinates) DCS SLAM ER BUG.rar
  10. Hi everyone Recently me and a friend wanted to practice some IFR Flying with the IFR Hood installed, but it does not show up for the player in the rear cockpit. If you are in the front seat and look behind, you can see it, but the guy in the rear cockpit has a clear shield of glass in front of him. Just wanted to report this and thank you for your great work making this module! Best regards, Morris "Cuzy" Messing - vCVW-22
  11. Since the last update the VOR/ILS frequency knob for the first digit does not work in the front cockpit. Just wanted to say this, in case nobody noticed Thanks for the awesome module, we love it!
  12. Du bist an taktischem Fliegen interessiert? Mit realistischen Prozeduren und Wingmen auf Augenhöhe? Wenn du jetzt auch noch die F/A-18C meistern möchtest, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir sind der virtuelle Carrier Air Wing 22 (vCVW-22). Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, die F/A-18C Hornet, innerhalb von DCS World, so realitätsnah wie möglich einzusetzen. Spezialisiert haben wir uns dabei auf die Simulation der Fliegerei bei der US Navy. Egal ob du blutiger Anfänger ohne Flugerfahrung oder erfahrener Hornetpilot bist, bei uns werden alle Piloten auf das gleiche Level gebracht. Unser Flugtraining umfasst alles, von den fliegerischen Grundlagen mit der C-101, über den Einsatz aller Waffensysteme der Hornet, sowie Formationsflug, Luftbetankung und Flugzeugträgeroperationen. Was du mitbringen solltest: Interesse am realistischen, trägerbasierten Fliegen Lernbereitschaft Grundlegendes Verständnis der Englischen Sprache um Codewörter verwenden zu können Zeit für 1-3 Flüge in der Woche (ca. jeweils 2h) Was wir dir bieten können: Umfangreiches Wissen rund um die F/A-18C Hornet und die C-101 Anschauliches Material zum Erlernen von realen Prozeduren Realistisches Teamwork Regelmäßige und abwechslungsreiche Flüge Das hört sich bisher alles ganz gut an? Dann kommt jetzt der harte Teil: 1. Du musst folgende DCS-Module besitzen: F/A-18C, Supercarrier Die C-101 für das anfängliche Flugtraining bekommst du von uns gestellt (Allerdings besteht die Möglichkeit diese Module auch nacheinander zu kaufen) 2. Das Flugtraining beinhaltet ca. 60 Disziplinen in 12 Stages mit insgesamt 10 Überprüfungen. Die Ausbildung kann also, je nach Student Pilot, gut 2 bis 6 Monate in Anspruch nehmen (Bis zu deinem ersten Einsatz kann also einige Zeit vergehen. Allerdings gibt es auch im Flight Training einiges an Action. Vor allem nachdem du die Grundlagen hinter dich gebracht hast) 3. Wir bilden wie in der realen Fliegerei nach dem Klassensystem aus. Wir nehmen also nicht durchgehend Bewerber an. Derzeit hätten wir 4-6 Plätze zu vergeben. (Weitere Bewerber werden erst nach dem Ende der Ausbildung ihrer Vorgänger angenommen) 4. Wir legen Wert darauf, dass am Ende eines Fluges genau so viele Flugzeuge auf dem Träger landen, wie zu Beginn gestartet sind. Das virtuelle Leben (und vor allem das Überleben) spielt also eine wichtige Rolle. Deshalb erwarten wir, nachdem ein Pilot abgeschossen wurde, ein „umfangreiches“ Debriefing und Vorschläge wie man den Abschuss/Absturz hätte verhindern können. Auch wenn sich das jetzt alles erstmal ziemlich ernst anhört, sind wir trotzdem für jeden Spaß zu haben. Wir sind mit Sicherheit nicht für jeden die richtige Wahl aber bei uns hast du ziemlich gute Chancen Freunde mit gleichen Interessen, im Bezug auf zivile und militärische Luftfahrt zu finden! Sollte dich das Ganze noch nicht abgeschreckt haben, dann melde dich gerne direkt via Privatnachricht, unter diesem Post oder in unserem Discord: https://discord.gg/GqUsXQHy42. Dort beantworten wir dir auch alle Fragen, die aufkommen. Beste Grüße und always blue skies, Morris „CuZy“ Messing (VFA-219 „Moonwalkers“ - CVW-22)
  13. Hey guys and gals, I wanted to move DCS to my system SSD and therefore uninstalled it and reinstalled it on the right drive. Since I did this DCS does not start anymore. It appers in the Task Manager for a short time but dissapears within seconds. Has anyone experienced the same problem and found a solution?
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