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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS A10C, F16C
    WOV, Yankee Air Pirate
  1. First off, I have not read every part of this thread. This is a great mod that I use following every flight and I applaud the work you've put into it. Is it possible to add ground forces to the Main Enemy Alliance selections? Cheers!
  2. Nice work Mbot. Do you have any suggestions regarding how to edit the lua to spit out Gun-Target Line, maximum ordinate, and time of flight data? Cheers!
  3. Open Beta 2.9 In the rearm dialog, with weapon selected for station 7 and/or 5, when station 6 is populated 7/5 weapons disappear. With weapon selected for station 6, when station 7 or 5 is populated station 6 weapon disappears.
  4. Please get this one into the roadmap. It seems like an easy kill and would open up loads of possibilities for FAC(A) missions.
  5. Mission 3. I sat in the chocks fiddling around with stuff. -2 (BIFF) started taxiing on his own, took off, crashed off departure end of runway. Otherwise, enjoying so far. Thanks!!
  6. V2.5.6.59625 A10C II does not ‘transmit’ newly added weapons on checkin. TX ‘...I have 1150 gun.’ Screen displays ‘...AGR-20A, bombs, ....gun’ JTAC will not ‘assign’ newly added weapons. AGM65L APKWS GBU54 JTAC transmits ‘...use’ or ‘request’. Nothing follows voice or on-screen.
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