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  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper - Preliminary IFF



In our next Viper update, we will include a preliminary version of the Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) system of the F-16C. This is done using short (SCAN) and long (LOS) left presses of the Target Management Switch (TMS). This will then display a green circle and 4 (mode 4) if the contact on the radar display is friendly. If there is no response, then the contact is unknown/hostile.


Later, we will add more functions to the IFF system like other modes, time of day settings, and more. This preliminary version will now allow you to determine friend from foe outside of visual range.

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  • ED Team
Posted (edited)

One of the big focus items for the Viper is the air-to-air radar with immediate focus on:


1- Track While Scan (TWS) mode

2- Contact refresh rate in SAM

3- Dual Track Target mode for SAM


Items like TWS and SAM/LTWS refresh will then help bring new functions to the Hornet radar.



Edited by Wags
  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper - Track While Scan (TWS) Radar Mode



This is an introduction to using the Track While Scan (TWS) radar mode of the F-16C. This is a useful mode to build situational awareness in air-to-air combat and guide multiple AIM-120 AMRAAMs simultaneously.


The most important commands you will be using are the HOTAS commands for:

- Target Management Switch (TMS) Forward

- Target Management Switch (TMS) Right

You can find these in the Controls/HOTAS category


With the Viper TWS mode ready to go for the next Open Beta, our team is now developing TWS for the Hornet.

  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper - Data Link Introduction


DCS: F-16C Viper - Data Link Introduction



In the next Open Beta update, we will be adding the data link (Link-16 with MIDS) to our F-16C. This is a very useful tool for building situational awareness and more effectively managing wingmen. This will be implemented for both single- and multi-player.


The initial version is work-in-progress and further elements will be added during the early access period.

  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper – Multi-Target Engagement with AIM-120 AMRAAM


DCS: F-16C Viper – Multi-Target Engagement with AIM-120 AMRAAM





In a previous video we looked at the Track While Scan (TWS) mode of the F-16C. In this short video, we’ll look at how to use it with the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile to simultaneously engage up to six targets.


The operation is quite simple:


1- Set the group of track targets as system targets (TMS right)

2- TMS right again to bug (designate) the closest target

3- Launch an AIM-120, then TMS right to cycle to the next in priority sequence, and then launch the next AIM-120

4- Rinse and repeat




All targets must be within the 25-degree scan area until their onboard seeker takes over.


Target will only get a search radar hit when engaged in this mode, until the AIM-120's radar goes active.

  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper Update - 27 November 2019



In the next Open Beta update, we will be releasing a series of updates to the DCS: F-16C. Some of these were covered in previous videos like the Track While Scan (TWS) radar mode and data link. This video provides a basic functionality look at other features like the Counter Measures Dispenser System (CMDS) manual option programming, the external lighting panel, and more.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper - Wing Flex Demonstration



A new element being added to the DCS: F-16C Viper is wing flex and twisting. This provides a much more dynamic and interesting behavior to the wing as you takeoff, maneuver the aircraft and high-G, fly low and fast in turbulence, and even release heavy ordnance. This is the next large element that we are adding to the external model of the Viper. Following this, our next external model task for the Viper is to complete the texture template and create several more skins.

  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team
Posted (edited)

Hey everyone,


With the holidays behind us, the team is back at work on the Viper. Here is a list of the tasks the team is currently working on. Although the following are being worked on, we cannot promise that all will be ready for the next Open Beta:


  • The radar directed gun sight is working great internally based on EEGS Level 5 sighting. It is very stable and practically a sniper weapon. Starting tomorrow, the team will be creating the dogfight HUD (Attitude Awareness in DGFT).
  • The afterburner effect has been greatly improved. Quite a blow torch now!
  • Fuel flows have been tuned to be more accurate based on available data.
  • Turn performance further adjusted regarding over Mach 1 below 8,000 ft MSL.
  • Wind is better accounted for in the flight model and displayed air speeds.
  • Several updates to the INS and alignment system.
  • Corrected PPLI display in network play.
  • Updates to the AIM-120 that include launch delay and HUD cue centering in the TD box.
  • Added ILS declutter function.
  • Adjusted the command steering cue localizer to be less sensitive.
  • Corrected AA TCN error.
  • Added further functions to the Link 16 system.
  • Added cursor switch depress to switch between AIM-9 BORE and SLAVE modes.

There are many more, and these will be listed in the change log for the next Open Beta. Once we have the new dogfight HUD working, I’ll be creating a new video that explains it, and displays the accuracy and ease of use of EEGS Level 5.


After the next update is completed, we’ll discuss the next set of new features and changes planned for the Viper.




Edited by Wags
  • ED Team

Hey everyone,


Probably the most wanted new feature of the Viper is the radar-directed gunsight. After all, there is not much more fun than BFM in a Viper! Today, we completed the first pass of the system, and it's working quite well. However, it does need extensive testing before we can roll it into an Open Beta.


For the Viper version we are simulating, it uses the EEGS Level 5 sight (not the old LCOS) that combines the funnel with a radar-directed gun pipper for accuracy, even at max range. It also includes the Attitude Awareness Arc (AAA), the Ghost Horizon Line (GHL), Bullet At Target Range (BATR) cue, Multiple Reference Gunsights (MRGS), T-Symbol (Foresight Cue for Hornet pilots), the Aspect Angle On EEGS TD Arc, and more.


Here is a real-world video that is rather close to the version of the radar-directed gun HUD we are implementing.



I hope to provide a video of this in operation this weekend.





  • 3 weeks later...
  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C - INS NORM Alignment Update



In a recent DCS: F-16C Viper update, we updated how the alignment of the INS NORM (normal) system works to be more realistic. When performing a cold start, you must either enter or confirm the latitude and longitude coordinates of your aircraft on the INS DED page within two minutes after starting a NORM alignment.


This is required for not only for correct navigation data, but also correct display of information on the HUD.


This video is provided to better help understand this.



  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper – Stored Heading INS Alignment



In a previous video we discussed the normal (NORM) Inertial Navigation System (INS) alignment in the Viper. I also mentioned a Stored alignment but misspoke regarding the need to update/confirm the LAT and LONG. This video is provided to help better understand starting the F-16C using a stored heading alignment.



  • ED Team

Hi everyone,


It's a small thing, but something many of you have asked for: we have added an option in the Options / Special Tab of the F-16C to select between the gold tint and transparent canopy. Based on talks with SMEs, around 2007 the USAF/ANG started using the transparent canopies and phasing out the gold tint. Both have the same RCS reduction properties. We hope you enjoy the option to have both!


Also on the Viper front the next update:


1- Continued work on the Dogfight switch functions

2- Addition of the DLZ to the radar page, Dogfight HUD, and HMCS

3- Fix incorrect IFF ID in network play

4- Adding new interactive training missions

5- Adjusted horizon line when on the Persian Gulf map

6- Adding flight to refuel commands


We also hope to provide


1- Many new skins that will first focus on actual USAF/ANG Blk 50 operators

2- Steering cue adjustments

3- Next phase in damage modeling

4- Better accounting for wind in the flight dynamics


Please note that these are not promises, they are simply to let you understand that these are the items that we are working on.





  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

Hey everyone,


While a lot of effort is currently on the Hornet, the Viper is also still getting a lot of love. Here are the items currently being worked on:


Added HACK time

Adjusted strobe light

Updated engine and throttle audio

CNI adjustments

External skins

Improve performance

Damage modeling phase 2

AIM-120 Active and TTI indication adjustments

Adjusted IFF HOTAS commands

Tuning NWS authority




  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

Dear All,


I promised that we will try to deliver the AGM-65D Maverick air-to-surface missile by the end of April. However, our new developer was not able to overpower the complexity and need a little bit more time and help from the main devs who are working with Hornet features at the moment.


That being said, we will deliver the small updates such as strobe light to be brighter at night, anti-collision light to be seen on multiplayer servers, improvement to LEF and FCR Hostiles.



The Eagle Dynamics Team

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team
Posted (edited)

Dear pilots,


I apologize for the long gap between Viper mini updates. Things have been rather hectic here, and this fell off my to-do list for too long.


We have two full-time engineers actively working on the Viper, plus other engineers lending a hand when available. While we originally had separate teams for the Hornet and Viper, we had to combine them to release the Viper on time. We’re happy to have two separate teams again, following the addition of new team members. The below is a summary some of the items in-work or already completed internally.


  • Implementing the AGM-65D
  • Implementing the AGM-88C HARM in HAS and POS modes
  • Further updates to the Litening targeting pod to include cursor zero and many other functions
  • Corrected RWR power
  • Corrected INS alignment if pilot does not confirm coordinates in NORM mode
  • Adjusted FLIR night brightness
  • Added Israeli, Turkish, Greek, Japan (F-2), Italy, Poland, and new US skins
  • Cockpit pilot body and helmet
  • Adjustment to AoA/G limiter

Thank you and kind regards,


Edited by Wags
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • ED Team

Viper Update – 27 August 2020


Dear DCS Pilots,


The primary development items for the Viper remain the AGM-65 Maverick and the AGM-88C HARM in HARM As Sensor (HAS) mode. These were introduced into our internal builds today, and they will be subject to testing over the next several days. Initial tests are good, but there are several items to still resolve.


We are shooting (not a promise) to release both weapons for the Viper in our September update. However, as always, it will highly depend on testing and how long it takes to resolve issues discovered in testing.


We understand how eager many of you are for these two systems, and we apologize that it has taken longer than expected due to several reasons. However, we are getting there, and we thank you for your patience.


In addition to these two new systems, we are continuing to investigate and make needed changes to the Viper targeting pod, flight model/FLCS, HMCS, and data link where needed.


Kind regards,




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper - AGM-65 Maverick Basics


DCS: F-16C Viper - AGM-65 Maverick Basics



Hello everyone,


In a future DCS World update, we’ll be adding initial implementation of the AGM-65 Maverick tactical air-to-surface missile for our F-16. The Maverick provides standoff ranges between 6 and 8 miles and is ideal for attacking short-range air defense systems and armor.


Our F-16 can be loaded with four versions of the Maverick, the AGM-65D and G imaging infrared and the AGM-65H and K that are electro-optically guided. Whereas the D and H have 126-pound warheads, the G and K have larger 300-pound warheads. The larger warhead versions are better suited to ships, bunkers, and larger structures.


Additionally, the D and G infrared versions allow automatic target handoff from the targeting pod.


A bit later we’ll add Maverick seeker bore sighting, dual targeting, and some changes to the HOTAS. For now though, this will allow you to start employing this weapon and raining Mavericks on foreheads.



We hope you will enjoy


Thank you from Eagle Dynamics

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  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper - AGM-88C HARM in HAS Mode



In a future DCS World update, we’ll be adding the High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile, or HARM, for the F-16. This missile homes in on the radar emissions of air defense radars and is an important tool in the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, or SEAD, role.


We will first release it with the HARM As Sensor, or HAS, mode, and later we’ll add the Position (POS) and HAD/HTS modes. For HAS, it uses the sensor in the nose of the missile to detect and track detected radars that are in one of the three threat tables. Once the threat is handed off to the ALIC and the missile is launched, it will fly a directly to the target with no range data. As such, it has more limited range than other modes.


ALIC Tables:


Table 1(ID, name):

-110, S300PS_TR_30N6 (SA-10_TR)

-104, S300PS_SR_64H6E (SA-10_SR)

-103, S300PS_SR_5N66M (SA-10_SR)

-115, Buk_LN_9A310M1 (SA-11_TR)

-107, Buk_SR_9S18M1 (SA-11_SR)


Table 2(ID, name):

-120, Tunguska_2S6 (SA-19)

-119, Tor_9A331 (SA-15)

-117, Osa_9A33 (SA-8 )

-121, ZSU_23_4_Shilka (ZSU-23-4)

-109, Dog Ear (RadarDog Ear)


Table 3(ID, name):

-123, S125_TR_SNR (SA-3_TR)

-122, S125_SR_P_19 (SA-3_SR)

-108, Kub_STR_9S91 (SA-6)

-126, SNR-75V (SA-2_TR)

-118, Strela_9A35M3 (SA-13)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team


We will soon be releasing the next mode for the Viper’s AGM-88C HARM anti-radiation missile. The Position (POS) mode allows you to launch a HARM at a designated steerpoint and have the HARM seeker look for and guide on a selected radar type. In the RUK (Range Unknown) sub-mode, the seeker will search a large are around the steerpoint when the exact location of the SAM in the steerpoint vicinity is uncertain. POS mode allows you to attack non-transmitting SAMs and engage them at longer ranges.


The ED Team

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  • ED Team

DCS: F-16C Viper | Targeting Pod and Maverick Tips




Since the last update, we have continued to refine the function of the Targeting Pod (TGP) designations and its behavior with the AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missile.


This video is provided to help you better understand how to best use these two systems when paired together in Preplanned (PRE) mode.


Part of this update will also include a refactoring of the Viper Sensor Point of Interest (SPI) logic. This results in more accurate Cursor Zero action, TGP and Maverick slaving, and functional Snowplow mode of the TGP. This video also explains the proper use of TGP inertial (INR) mode when the TGP designation point becomes masked.




The ED team

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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

  • BIGNEWY featured this topic
  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

Dear all,


As has been mentioned earlier, we have two, dedicated engineers assigned full-time to the Viper, and other engineers participating when available. Once the Hornet leaves early access, additional resources will be brought to bear on the Viper.


Items currently being worked on for the Viper include:


  • Updated flight model dynamics for G and angle of attack.
  • Addition of IAM weapons that include JDAM, JSOW, and WCMD.
  • Pre-Briefed (PB) mode for the AGM-88C HARM.
  • Air-to-Air radar improvements.


After which, important development items will include:


  • Air-to-Ground radar
  • CRUS page
  • JHMCS Air-to-Ground mode
  • HARM Targeting System (HTS)
  • Electronic Countermeasures
  • And more.



In parallel, we are also addressing many bugs and needed and adjustments.


Kind regards,


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