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  • ED Team
Posted (edited)

Much of the team is now focused on big updates for the Hornet! This entails Track While Scan radar mode, AACQ, SPOT, new targeting pod features, improvements to the flight dynamics (like ground effect issue), and others. December should be a great month for the Hornet.


Thank you for your patience.




Edited by Wags
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team

Hi everyone,


A little update on TWS for the Hornet... Progress has been very fast with the remaining items just being:


1- L&S HUD steering

2- Expand (EXP) sub-mode

3- SCAN RAID sub-mode


Other than that, it is functionally complete, and certainly on track for later this month.



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  • ED Team

In our march to added TWS on 18 December for the Hornet, we've now added SCAN RAID and EXP (Expand) sub-modes to TWS.


Expand (EXP). When there is an L&S target in TWS mode and EXP is pressed, the display will change to a 10 nm range with a 20-degree azimuth scan. The display range on the right side of the display will indicate the 10 nm scan area (for example: 30 at the top and 20 at the bottom). Despite the 20-degree azimuth scan, the legend will still indicate the previous setting and the b-sweep line will not freeze on the L&S.


This mode simply zooms in on that area, but the TWS scan operation, target rankings, etc. does not change.


Filed tracks that are outside of the display will be on the edge of the display and flash.


SCAN RAID Mode. This is selected from the SCAN RAID button on the throttle and it concentrates the TWS scan to a small area to break out closely spaced targets. When enabled, the scan is centered on the L&S target. It is displayed in a standard range and azimuth format in 10 nm zoomed in display at 22-degrees of azimuth, with a 2-bar elevation. The b-sweep line is frozen on the L&S target and SCAN RAID appears at the bottom of the display.


When in this mode, track files and raw hits are displayed. If a new L&S target is designated, the RAID SCAN will move to that location. Filed tracks that are outside of the display will be on the edge of the display and flash.


When selected, AUTO scan centering is automatically selected and cannot be unselected while in this mode.




We will continue de-bugging these and TWS as a whole, and we still need to add L&S HUD indications when in TWS.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet – Track While Scan (TWS) Radar Mode





In the next Open Beta for the DCS: F/A-18C Hornet, we will be including the Track While Scan (TWS) acquisition radar mode. This is a powerful mode to create situational awareness, engage multiple targets at the same time with the AIM-120 AMRAAM, and break-out targets in close formation. It also integrates with the data link and IFF systems.


Important commands:


Undesignate button = cycle L&S, swap L&S and DT2, and

TDC designate [ENTER] = set L&S or DT2, set AUTO/BIAS center

  • ED Team
Posted (edited)

Hey everyone, I hope you all gearing up to have a very merry Christmas and well-deserved holiday break!


As most of you are aware by now, we will be releasing Track While Scan (TWS) radar mode for the Hornet today. The system is largely complete but there are couple of items we still need to address in a planned hot fix for Friday, such as the missile fly-out cue and target vector stem. We have several other great Hornet improvements for this week.


  • Added TWS radar mode.
  • F18 REDFOR (US Aggressors + NATO) will be able to use GPS.
  • Fixed significant performance drop on SA page with big amount of contacts.
  • JDAM/JSOW STEP Logic changed
  • JDAM/JSOW Power Logic changed
  • Fixed JSOW not releasing from stations 7-8
  • Fixed several AA radar mode issues.
  • Reworked AA modes transition logic.
  • Corrected target designation logic via undesignate button.

In January, after the team is back from holiday, much of the focus will be on the Hornet targeting pod, AACQ and SPOT radar modes, JDAM/JSOW improvements, Viper radar-directed gunsight and general gunsight accuracy (EEGS Level 5), and improvements to the AIM-120 AMRAAM. Once we have specific Open Beta release dates for these items, we’ll be sure to let you know.


The improvements to the Hornet targeting pod have taken longer than expected due to needed fixes to some of the air-to-air missile avionics systems. We apologize for the delay; we know how much you are looking forward to them.


In February, much of our air-to-air radar development will shift to air-to-ground radar development. This will use the air-to-ground radar API that is already being used by 3rd party developers.


Thank you for all your support and once again Merry Christmas,


Edited by Wags
  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

Hey everyone,


Now that everyone is back from holiday, work has resumed in force on the Hornet. Here is a list of the tasks the team is currently working on for the next Open Beta release. Please note though that not all of these items may make the new Open Beta (a lot will depend on internal testing results):


  • The radar directed gun sight has been updated to make it much more stable and accurate. It feels like a new weapon! I plan to create a video on this soon.
  • AIM-9X and JHMCS tones have been corrected.
  • A lot of work is being put on the targeting pod pointing modes. This includes slave to CCIP and AUTO points and the slave to the velocity vector. This should greatly improve targeting with the pod.
  • Missile Rmax between the HUD and DDI have been adjusted.
  • We are adding the ability to mount the targeting pod on the station 4 cheek station. In order to do this correctly, we must first recreate the 3D model of the pod because the current model does not support this (cooling intake is on the wrong side of the pod).
  • Corrected the B-sweep line.
  • Added fly-out symbols for TWS mode.
  • Corrected menu freeze that could potentially happen with GPS weapons.
  • There will be more items and they will all be included in the change log.


Once this release is complete, we’ll talk about the next series of additions and changes.




  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

Targeting Pod Update for 17 March 2020



In the next DCS World Open Beta, we will be introducing two new pointing modes for the Hornet Litening targeting pod.


The Velocity Vector Slave (VVSL) mode aligns the TGP line of sight with the Velocity Velocity symbol on the HUD. To use, ensure that the TDC is assigned to the FLIR page, select VVLS on the FLIR page, and depress the TDC switch when the Velocity Vector is over the desired location. Once designed, you can continue to slew the TDC on the FLIR page and designate a new location.


Waypoint Slave mode aligns the TGP line of sight with a selected waypoint. To use, select WYPT on the HSI, select the desired waypoint, and then press the WPDSG option select button.


Also, when in bombing CCIP mode, the TGP will be slaved to the pipper of the CCIP bombing reticle.


When not designated, the TGP will be in Snowplow mode.




  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team

Hey everyone,


We currently have a heavy focus on the Hornet, with a couple of very complex and time-intensive features like the TGP and AG radar. Here are the Hornet items that the team is currently working on:


Further targeting pod features

AG radar

AA radar display fixes and additions

Datalink fixes

AIM-120 behavior

AGM-65 corrections

Improvements to gun funnel




  • 3 weeks later...
  • ED Team

Dear all,


One of the biggest new items in development for the Hornet is the Air-to-Ground (AG) radar. We will start with the Real Beam MAP mode, and then implement other modes that include Ground Moving Target (GMT), Sea Search (SEA), and Terrain Avoidance (TA).


Today was a milestone in that we introduced the AG radar rendering into our internal development version (what we term the trunk). This is still very much work-in-progress, but as we flesh it out, I’ll be sure to bring you updates.


Kind regards,



  • ED Team

Dear Community and Hornet Pilots,


Today I would like to discuss with you our DCS: F/A-18C Hornet roadmap. We look forward to working with you in a constructive and efficient manner to create an achievable and transparent roadmap that covers the features to be delivered by the end of 2020 that will bring the Hornet out of Early Access.


I have also included the features that we plan to work on in 2021 to sustain the Hornet after Early Access completion.


DCS: F/A-18C Out of Early Access Features:


1. Completion of the Litening Targeting Pod (to be delivered with next update)

2. Dynamic launch zone, AUTO mode for JDAM (to be delivered with next update)

3. AG radar. MAP + Fixed Target Track (FTT) (to be delivered with next update)

4. SLAM air-to-surface missile (to be delivered in next update)

5. [ complex ] AG radar. EXP modes (1-2-3), GMT and GMTT modes, and SEA search mode

6. [ difficult ] Azimuth / Elevation air-to-air radar mode with AUTO IFF modes

7. [ difficult ] Coupled autopilot modes

8. [ difficult ] ACLS mode

9. [ difficult ] Datalink symbols, EW symbols, and AG mode for JHMCS

10. [ normal ] Correct possible flare number loaded

11. [ normal ] ASPJ ECM jammer

12. [ normal ] Adjust countermeasure programs when on ground

13. [ normal ] Mark points

14. [ normal ] Offset waypoints

15. [ difficult ] SLAM-ER air-to-surface missile

16. [ difficult ] Harpoon, SEA radar directed mode (FTT)

17. [ iterations during 2020 until completed] Update flight model for ground effect, takeoff pitch effects, auto-pilot based on FPM, touch and go handling, and other remaining flight model issues


Complex - 12-20 weeks of development

Difficult - 4-8 weeks of development

Normal - 2-3 weeks of development


DCS: F/A-18C Hornet Improvements in 2021:


1. Jamming targets not displayed on radar, should be in dugout

2. Aircraft Setup Card in Options

3. Mission Card for 60 waypoints with properties (Sequence 1, 2, 3, PP, PB, Initial, etc.)

4. RWS RAID air-to-air radar sub-mode missing

5. Radar SPOT mode

6. AG radar interleaved mode (SEA and GMT)

7. AG radar. AGR (air to ground ranging) mode

8. HARM Pre-Briefed mode

9. GBU-32 JDAM

10. Select AA and AG on ground

11. TALD decoy

12. AIM-7P

13. Mk-77 firebomb

14. GBU-24 Paveway III LGB

15. IN LAR cue is missing

16. The missing function of WIDE radar auto acquisition mode, cannot slew it

17. UFC BU page

18. Flight member TGT ground target SA page symbol missing

19. Fuel BIT (FLBIT) Page

20. MUMI Page

21. Gun sparks at night

22. INS / GPS full simulation and alignment (carrier and ground)

23. LOFT modes, ARM, JPF, and other JDAM and JSOW remaining functions

24. BDU-45 Training Bomb

25. GEN-X decoy

26. S/A and AUTO countermeasure modes



We decided to first focus on the most difficult features to develop and finish them this year. This, however, will slow down our F-16C Viper development efforts. However, F-16C will continue to be updated in 2020, and it will receive updates to the targeting pod, updates for HUD and HSD, steerpoint creation, and the addition of more weapons.


We are open and look forward to your comments and requests. Let’s discuss it and finalize the plan!



The Eagle Dynamics Team

  • 4 weeks later...
  • ED Team

Open Beta Update, 20 May


Dear All,


We are planning to deliver the Open Beta update tomorrow, May 20.

According to the previous post we planned to have:


1. Completion of the Litening Targeting Pod

2. Dynamic launch zone, AUTO mode for JDAM

3. AG radar. MAP + Fixed Target Track (FTT)

4. SLAM air-to-surface missile


All the features are done but we can't technically include AG radar due to terrain enhancements we made for better radar realism that currently break our third party radars and we cannot include SLAM missile due to intercommunication of weapon systems of third parties. This work is underway and will be fixed for June 3rd release.


In addition, we changed Fixed Target Track (FTT) to Navigation Stabilized Cursor Designation because FTT requires additional enhancement for all terrains that will be developed later on.


Update for Litening Targeting Pod and Dynamic launch zone and AUTO mode for JDAM will be delivered as expected.


Litening Targeting Pod will not include updates for LTD/R and LST (laser), automatic laser illumination, OFFSET cursor and AA mods. The features will be delivered with update for June 3rd.



The Eagle Dynamics Team

  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team

Hi all


DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Targeting Pod Offset



Once a target is in a tracked area or point, the offset function allows you to shift the aimpoint or move the targeting pod track center. This is a useful function when changing targeting from the initial designation point without having to revert back to snowplow mode.


Note: This video is based on an internal, work-in-progress build that may not 100% match the current public version.


Thank you


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

  • ED Team

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Targeting Pod Moving Target Track



To track a target with the Hornet targeting pod, we recommend using the FLIR camera as it provides more contrast to lock on to. Place the crosshairs in front of the target in an stabilized action slew mode, then set to no-action slew area track, and then to a no-action point track mode.


We are tuning the values, but for now:


CCD camera: 6 nm

FLIR camera: 11.5 nm

  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

Dear pilots,


I apologize for the long gap between Hornet mini updates. Things have been rather hectic here, and this fell off my to-do list for too long.


We have several engineers actively working on the Hornet, and below is a summary of several items in-work or already completed internally.


  • Implementing the AGM-84K SLAM-ER
  • Further updates to the JDAM and JSOW to also include the GBU-32
  • Addition of the EXP 1, 2, and 3 sub-modes for the AG radar MAP mode
  • Addition of AGR mode for the AG radar
  • Started work on AG radar SEA/FTT mode
  • Improvements to the flight model / FCS to also include the auto pilot
  • Adjusting wheel brake performance
  • Adding Mark Points
  • Adjusted sensor displays brightness (Maverick, Walleye, and SLAM)
  • Added Contrast option for DDIs
  • Reduced density of gun smoke
  • Corrected Time on Target (TOT) calculation
  • Added POS/ADC caution message
  • Corrected INS GND alignment when GPS is not available
  • Added Aided INS (AINS) position mode
  • Corrected AIM-120 mid-course L&S and DT2 swap
  • Corrected GBU-31(V)3/B fuze
  • Adjusted Range No Escape (Rne) calculation
  • Corrected AMPCD DAY/NIGHT switch
  • Corrected mixed AIM-120C / AIM-120C count on HUD
  • Added default control profile for Winwing Hornet HOTAS

Thank you and kind regards,


  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Expand AG Radar Modes



DCS: F/A-18C Hornet: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/hornet/


In the next DCS World Open Beta update, or potentially the one after based on testing, we will be introducing the Expand (EXP) modes of the Hornet Air-to-Ground (AG) radar, MAP sub-mode. The EXP modes allow progressively higher resolutions or ground-radar mapping of defined Sector, Patch, and SAR areas. This will be a useful function to designate targets through cloud cover and ranges outside of TGP resolution.


This technology will also allow us to accelerate the development of the Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS) functions of the F-16C A-G radar.

  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team
Posted (edited)

Dear Hornet pilots,


For the next Hornet update, we plan for the addition of two new features: mark points and AGR radar mode:





Markpoints provide a simple and quick way to store locations of interest. Functionality is as follows:


A markpoint can be created by pressing the MK# OSB in the HSI/SA formats. The number # (1 through 9) indicates exactly which markpoint will be created when the button is pressed and it increments sequentially.


Up to 9 markpoints can be stored at a time, and it's possible to overwrite them after creating the 9th one (in sequential order).


Upon pressing the MK# button, a markpoint is created at the overfly location if there is no target designation or at the target designation otherwise.


Markpoints are stored after the 60 onboard waypoints, however, it's not necessary to increment the waypoint selector in the HSI/SA formats all the way past 60, as it's possible to decrement it below waypoint 1 to access markpoints (starting at markpoint 9 and decrementing).


Markpoint selection in the HSI/SA formats is denoted by a letter M preceding the markpoint number identifier.


Functionally, they are very similar to conventional waypoints. They may be selected as the steering reference, designated by pressing WPDSG and other cues and symbology remain the same.


When a markpoint is selected as the steering reference by boxing WYPT in HSI/SA formats, its identifier preceded by the letter M and range will be displayed in the HUD.


Air-to-Ground Ranging (AGR) radar mode


Air-to-ground ranging (AGR) mode is an indirect radar mode—it is commanded automatically by the MC when deemed necessary and cannot be directly selected. Its purpose is to provide slant range to an aimpoint to allow a more precise calculation of altitude above target. When commanded, the AGR legend will appear on the HUD and the RDR ATTK format will display the AGR sub-format. If the radar was operating in MAP mode, it's possible to exit AGR mode and return to MAP by assigning TDC priority to the RDR ATTK format.


GRID Coordinates

While it will probably not be ready for the next Hornet update, we have also implemented GRID/UTM coordinates for the Hornet internally. It is now undergoing testing.



The next weapon for the Hornet will be the SLAM-ER and is far along into development. While it shares much in common with the SLAM, there are some substantial differences like the terminal seeker video, multiple steerpoints, and terminal attack options.


Thank you to Santi for helping to prepare this text.


Kind regards,


Edited by Wags
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  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet Update - 30 October 2020


For the next Open Beta, we have several important additions planned that includes data link information to the Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) that will display friendly, unknown, and hostile air contacts. After which, we will add the Air-to-Ground mode of the HMD. The new GRID function will allow you to edit and create waypoints based on GRID coordinates; this is particularly useful when working with a JTAC. Third, the new Azimuth / Elevation (AZ/EL) air-to-air radar page will display contacts in relative elevation from you. Later, we will add the automatic-IFF and FLIR elements to this page. In addition to these great additions, we have also corrected the ground effect for the Hornet, corrected lofting for the HARM, fixed the laser-Maverick after first using the IR-Maverick, and many more improvements.


Kind regards,



  • Like 7
  • ED Team


DCS: F/A-18C Hornet | November 2020 Update


For the next DCS World Open Beta update, we have several new and corrected features coming for the Hornet. This video demonstrates some of most important changes. A complete list of changes will be provided in the upcoming change log. Additionally, each item will be instructed in greater detail in an updated edition of the Hornet manual.


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Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

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  • ED Team

Using GRID Coordinates in the Hornet


Prior to the Hornet manual being updated, I asked our tester, Santi, to create a little write-up on use GRID coordinates in the Hornet.


We hope you find this useful with the next update.


Kind regards,


Using GRID Coordinates.pdf

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team


In an upcoming update for the Hornet, we’ll be including two important features: Air-to-Ground (A-G) mode for the Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) and the ability to designate target points through the HUD in CCIP mode.


This short video provides the basics of taking advantage of these new features once available.

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Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

1146563203_makefg(6).png.82dab0a01be3a361522f3fff75916ba4.png  80141746_makefg(1).png.6fa028f2fe35222644e87c786da1fabb.png  28661714_makefg(2).png.b3816386a8f83b0cceab6cb43ae2477e.png  389390805_makefg(3).png.bca83a238dd2aaf235ea3ce2873b55bc.png  216757889_makefg(4).png.35cb826069cdae5c1a164a94deaff377.png  1359338181_makefg(5).png.e6135dea01fa097e5d841ee5fb3c2dc5.png

  • ED Team

Hello everyone


In addition to setting display symbol options for the Helmet Mounted Display (HMD), you also have the option to determine the display priority for datalink symbols provided via the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) datalink. This short video provides an explanation of this option.



thank you

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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

  • BIGNEWY locked this topic
  • 2 weeks later...
  • ED Team


Hello everyone,


While have had Mode 4 manual Identify Friend of our Foe, or IFF, capability in the Hornet for some time, we will next be adding the automatic IFF functions for the Combined Interrogator Transponder, or CIT.
This system uses the APX-111 antennas to automatically interrogate a Launch and Steering, or L&S target, all contacts within a defined azimuth, or both at the same time. Combined with data link donor information and the Non-Cooperative Interrogation (NCTR) system, the Hornet can more easily identify friendly and hostile contacts.
Thanks from the ED team
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

  • ED Team


The next weapon coming for the Hornet is the GBU-24 laser-guided bomb. The GBU-24 provides a much-expanded Launch Acceptable Region (LAR) compared to Paveway II series of bombs and a large, penetrator warhead that is ideal against hardened, high-value targets.


In this video, we’ll look at delivery of this weapon in CLAR Pre-Planned and CLAR Straight Lines modes.

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Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

1146563203_makefg(6).png.82dab0a01be3a361522f3fff75916ba4.png  80141746_makefg(1).png.6fa028f2fe35222644e87c786da1fabb.png  28661714_makefg(2).png.b3816386a8f83b0cceab6cb43ae2477e.png  389390805_makefg(3).png.bca83a238dd2aaf235ea3ce2873b55bc.png  216757889_makefg(4).png.35cb826069cdae5c1a164a94deaff377.png  1359338181_makefg(5).png.e6135dea01fa097e5d841ee5fb3c2dc5.png

  • 3 weeks later...
  • ED Team


DCS: F/A-18C Hornet | Ground Moving Target (GMT) Radar Mode


Locating ground targets can be a difficult task in the real world and DCS World. An important tool to assist with this is the Ground Moving Target (GMT) Air-to-Ground (A-G) radar mode. When enabled, this mode can detect moving ground units and allow you to designate them for tracking. Note that GMT will not detect stationary targets.
When paired with the AGM-65F Maverick and laser-guided bombs, GMT can be a useful tool for detecting, tracking, and engaging mobile targets.
Thank you
The ED team
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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