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[REPORTED]Oculus View Reset No Longer Works (Hotfix 3)

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Posted (edited)

Hi, I see you have closed the other thread stating that it is user error.


This is incorrect.


I have done some testing and I can no longer reset the Oculus view in cockpit under


I do not have a numpad on my keyboard, I do not have numlock on. I have "View Center" assigned to the pinky paddle on my Warthog, This is being seen perfectly by the sim in the controls options menu but It still doesn't work in-sim. I have also tried changing the keyboard key binding to something I do have on my keyboard and it still doesn't work.


So something is definitely screwed.:helpsmilie:

Edited by BIGNEWY

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.


Well this looks like a more informative report of your problems. It is a good practice to include as much detail in your bug report as possible.


  • What module are you playing when this happens?
  • Which control menu is the button setup in? Is the key are are using unbound in every other context.
  • Are your running any mods?
  • Are you running any keyboard macro tools or utilities?
  • Take screenshots and post them ... you might be missing something really unusually that someone will spot in a screenshot.


Good luck. Finding bugs is frustrating.


Ok. I will do some testing with different modules when I get a second today.


Let me clarify something though. I am having no problems re-assigning the key to anything I want. But it simply has no effect inside the rift. View Center works exactly as it should when not using the rift ,regardless of what I have the key assigned to.


When I open up the control options menu and tap the pinky paddle on my warthog (what I have assigned as View Center on all aircraft) the control menu list automaticly goes to View Center showing that the keybinding on the Warthog is working as it should.


Anyway, I will do some testing and get back to you.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.


I have been experiencing similar problems relating to views, view-resets and cockpit camera adjustments since the latest patch - mostly when using the DK2 but also (with the '109K-4) on normal monitors (with or without TrackIR5 ). I have been experimenting with the FW190D-9, the Me109K-4 and the Su25T in the Open-Beta DCS1.5. The main issues have been with "Num5" (centre view default key) sporadically working, inability to assign the "Num5"-function to other keys (reassigned keys confirmed as mapped but not working) and non-functioning of the cockpit-camera keys (default and reassigned) for left/right/up/down functioning.

I am no computer-wizard (dating, as I do, from the first half of the last century!) so these issues could be entirely due to my own bungling and not be "bug"-related.

At the present time I seem to have the functions working most of the time in the FW190D-9 and Su25T but seem to have lost the functioning of both the default and re-assigned view-related "Numpad" keys as regards the Me109K-4, except for the (default, centring) "Numpad5" key in all the various configurations. I don't have any modifications set in the DCS1.5 Open Beta, and all the current view-related issues were not present prior to the latest patch.

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding sorting this out?


Deano is correct, same issue here... num5 can be resigned but centering in cockpit with DK2 does not work anymore. I have tested and reported earlier this problem. There is not need for any other info as the bug is obvious and is present on all aircraft! Please do not move this post so the devs can see and rectify!

Posted (edited)

Ok guys,


I've done some extensive testing over the past couple of hours. Here are my findings.



1. "View Center" No longer re-centers the Oculus Rift when in cockpit view. I have tested this in all the modules I own and I have the same results. Up until Hotfix 3 this has been working perfectly for OR users to reset their view.


2. I have confirmed that the pinky paddle on the bottom of my Warthog stick is correctly mapped as "View Center" on all aircraft, this is confirmed by the control options menu taking me to "View Center" when I press that button.


3. I don't have a keyboard with a numpad on my gaming PC so I re-assigned "View Center" as the "/" key so I could also check to see if that works. This also doesn't work to reset the Oculus Rift view in all aircraft.


4. Both of my methods of activating "View Center" (Either on my HOTAS or / on KB) work perfectly when NOT in the oculus rift. If I'm flying in non-VR and I look around the cockpit, both the pinky switch on my Warthog and / on my KB resets the view. This is true for all aircraft I own.


I'm not sure there is anything else I can test.




Fresh install of DCS 1.5 with no-mods

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

i7 4790K

16GB Ram


Oculus Rift DK2 running on OR Runtime 0.7

HOTAS Warthog


Purchased Modules, All of which I tested:















Edited by Deano87

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

Posted (edited)

Deano87, I've just found the time to test this with my DK2. It's the same story for me with DCS 1.5 Hotfix3. No view reset for VR mode unless you use existing bind "5".




Combined Arms


I noticed with Hotfix3 that it looks like there is now only one set of controls for VIEWS which is common for all modules. I'm pretty sure this is a arrangement.

Edited by vicx

oculus rift center pilot key not working?


Before I could re-center my pilot hitting num5. Will the latest update it doesn't seem to work on any aircraft. I tried searching for oculus in the controls menu but didn't see anything. Is there a new command for it?

  • ED Team

Try changing the view centre in the general section as well, just tested reassigning view centre to my button box and all was working as intended.


let me know how you get on. thanks


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

Posted (edited)
Try changing the view centre in the general section as well, just tested reassigning view centre to my button box and all was working as intended.


let me know how you get on. thanks


Nope, No luck for me there.


I re-assigned View Center in General to "/" on my KB and the pinky paddle on my warthog. Still no joy reset the rift view when in cockpit.


Just to be absolutely sure that its not my input files that are corrupted or something I renamed the dcs.openbeta folder in saved games to something else, restarted DCS, and the ONLY thing I changed was the assignment for View Center which again i made the pinky paddle on my HOTAS and "/" on my KB. Still no luck :(


This is really frustrating because as of Hotfix 3 the sim is now unplayable for me, I cannot reset my Rift view so on entering the aircraft my head is usually sticking through the top of the canopy


Interestingly view reset still works in external views perfectly, both with the pinky switch and "/" on my KB. Maybe that can point you in the right direction?



Edited by Deano87

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

  • ED Team

Thanks for the reply Deano87, I don't have a keyboard without a numpad available, otherwise I would test that theory, do you have a spare keyboard with a numpad to see if that is the issue?


I will make further enquires in the mean time.


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

Thanks for the reply Deano87, I don't have a keyboard without a numpad available, otherwise I would test that theory, do you have a spare keyboard with a numpad to see if that is the issue?


I will make further enquires in the mean time.


I don't currently, but i'm sure I can scrounge one off a mate. I will let you know if that works.

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.


Ok this is interesting.


I just found an old USB keyboard in my loft and gave that a try...


Here are my findings.


With numlock on 5 on the keypad resets the the rift view REGARDLESS of what you have it assigned to in the options. I have "View Center" in both General and in the aircraft i flying set to "/" and the pinky paddle on the WH (Button 4) and yet they do nothing, but num-5 which as far as I can tell isn't assigned to anything still resets the rift view... very confusing.:huh:


numlock on or off doesn't make any difference to weather the joystick assignment works or not.


And as I said in my earlier post the assigned buttons, in my case "/" and pinky paddle work to center the view in external view while in the rift and in cockpit and external when not using the rift.

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

  • ED Team

Thanks for climbing into the loft :)


It is very strange, and as I do not have a DK2 I am unable to test directly :(


Could you rename your dcs.openbeta folder in your saved games folder, then allow dcs to create a new one, then adjust your option and key choice in game for the recentre just to rule that out. If there is no difference delete the new folder and revert back to the old one.


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

Could you rename your dcs.openbeta folder in your saved games folder, then allow dcs to create a new one, then adjust your option and key choice in game for the recentre just to rule that out. If there is no difference delete the new folder and revert back to the old one.




I actually already did this as I mentioned in post 10 of this thread. But it made no difference.

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

  • ED Team
Posted (edited)

Must have overlooked that.


I will make enquiries when I know more I will post.


can you zip and attach your logs folder and dxdiag for me thanks

Edited by BIGNEWY


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal


Here you go,


Since I use T.A.R.G.E.T for profiling my throttle I thought I would supply 2 dxdiag outputs one with T.A.R.G.E.T running and one without.


Hope This Helps.




Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

  • ED Team

NUMPAD 5 actually mandatory used for Rift and Vive reset because of i was in need to get it working in main menu , previously reset was not available there.

(and actually yes , numlock affected to it's state , sorry this is bug:) )


I will look to alternatives how to make it reassignable again and keep working everywhere same time.

NUMPAD 5 actually mandatory used for Rift and Vive reset because of i was in need to get it working in main menu , previously reset was not available there.

(and actually yes , numlock affected to it's state , sorry this is bug:) )


I will look to alternatives how to make it reassignable again and keep working everywhere same time.


Thank you! Its really important to have it on joystick. :D

Proud owner of:

PointCTRL VR : Finger Trackers for VR -- Real Simulator : FSSB R3L Force Sensing Stick. -- Deltasim : Force Sensor WH Slew Upgrade -- Mach3Ti Ring : Real Flown Mach 3 SR-71 Titanium, made into an amazing ring.


My Fathers Aviation Memoirs: 50 Years of Flying Fun - From Hunter to Spitfire and back again.

Posted (edited)

I'm in the same boat with this situation. I can set the desired button on the desired controller within the controller configuration screen, but it doesn't work when in the plane.


Here's how I get around it until ED sorts out the the matter: I use Joy2Key to remap my stick button to KP5 so when I hit the button DCS simply reads it as KP5/Num5 and all is good.


There are three remappers folks can use: Joy2Key, SVMapper and Xpadder.

Edited by DerekSpeare

Derek "BoxxMann" Speare

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