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Devs need a detailed a sound log to understand what happens. I cannot reproduce this bug, but surely someone here can.


Download this autoexec.cfg and place it into your "Saved Games/DCS.../Config" folder. It will generate a "sound.log" file in your "Saved Games/DCS.../Logs".


Once you reproduce the issue, attach your sound.log file here.


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  • 2 months later...

Great! Now let's ask for ED's help.

Hello @btd👋 Users have a long time issue with the F-86F: the aircraft engine sounds suddenly stop at random, but only in F1 view (engine can still be heard in external views). This is rare but it keeps happening. Can you please study nzteddy's detailed sound log above?

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  • ED Team


sorry, but I don't see any problems in the sound.log. 

@nzteddy can you provide me with more info please, maybe a fresh track and video. Sometimes video can help

I've tried to fly F-86 by myself for a long time - no issues 😕

Best regards,

Kanstantsin Kuzniatsou (btd)


I have flown the F-86 for quite some number of hours. I can go weeks or even months without the sound bug... or have it happen twice in the same session. I haven't logged any information, so my memory is suspect, but I think I experience this bug more when I am flying multiplayer. 


Posted (edited)

ok, it's happened again.

log file attached, seems like lot's of "sound del" events for engines and cockpit right at the end for no obvious reason

this time I saved the track, and the replay shows it happening @ 15:04.12 

sound bug.logsound bug.trk

Edited by nzteddy
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@FlappieYes, the track consistently replicates the bug for me. But only on where it occurred. I tried it on OB, it did not replicate.

Unfortunately I don't run 277 as VR performance is too bad for me, so I have manually reverted to 276.

1 hour ago, btd said:

But as I see in the latest version we don't have the bug. Are we?

We're not really sure, because nzteddy made a track with 2.7.6 and this track allows one to reproduce the bug at will in 2.7.6 only.

Now, we need to know if someone can still reproduce this bug in 2.7.7. If the bug made it to 2.7.7, we'll find out in a few days.

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Whatever the current open beta version was last Sunday still had two people experience the problem, so I don't think it was fixed.

I haven't had the problem for a month or so, as I have been spending most of my time learning to script missions and use MOOSE, MIST, CTLD, etc.

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@btdSSo, the bug is still around and, as strange as it may sound, a track of this bug does not show the bug when replayed with another version.

Can you please test nzteddy's track in the latest 2.7.6?  It's 100% reproducible on my end.


  • ED Team

Finally, I managed to get this bug in And I find out that there are the errrors with calculating the oxygen system. And they broke the sounds in the cockpit.

I will report the bug to the proper developers. Many thanks to everybody! Please wait for the fixes.

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Best regards,

Kanstantsin Kuzniatsou (btd)


Great work Detectives! Cheers.

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I can't wait for the fix. You don't know how important cockpit sounds are until they suddenly stop working. In a dogfight, I can't stare at gauges, so I count on the sounds to provide feedback, such as hearing the engine respond to throttle changes and the changes in wind noise with speed/angle of attack.

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