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Su-33 refuelling

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In previous versions of Lock on, it was scripted, get close enough and the autopilot takes over. This was changed in (correct me if I'm wrong) 1.12. You have to do everything manually now, ie. altitude, speed, etc. It takes practice and patience, but it works. Also try setting the speed of the refueler at at least 600Kph, makes it much easier to connect to a fast tanker than a slower one. Hope this helps.

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In previous versions of Lock on, it was scripted, get close enough and the autopilot takes over. This was changed in (correct me if I'm wrong) 1.12. You have to do everything manually now, ie. altitude, speed, etc. It takes practice and patience, but it works. Also try setting the speed of the refueler at at least 600Kph, makes it much easier to connect to a fast tanker than a slower one. Hope this helps.


Setting your autothrottle at least 5 or so kph faster is recommended and your target altitude is generally 2 meters below the altitude of the tanker that should help as well. I will admit... I just reinstalled LOMAC up to 1.12a so I have got my feet "wet" slightly by shaking what was admittedly a light coat of rust with some low-level work and VFR landing, but haven't yet got around to air-to-air refuelling, so I'll have to see... But the above should help anyways even if it's not scripted.

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Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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Well I guess I put my foot in my mouth.. sorta. It's been a long time since I did refuelling, but what the hey....




Lock On 1.12a


Looks like you have to match the speed of the tanker at the last second, but like I said, I'm a bit rusty :D

LOMAC Section| | Gaming Resume (PDF) | Gallery | Flanker2.51 Storage Site |

Also known as Flanker562 back in the day...

Steam ID EricJ562 | DCS: A-10A/C Pilot | DCS: Su-25T Pilot | Texture Artist

"...parade ground soldiers always felt that way (contempt) about killers in uniform." -Counting The Cost, Hammer's Slammers

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You have to do everything manually now, ie. altitude, speed, etc.


Not exactly, at least in my case. I set the altitude hold once I'm few meters below the tanker, and do the refuelling by just correcting speed.


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