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A-10, Sabre, Mustang & Spitfire Mission questions


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I currently have Flaming Cliffs 3 and Nevada.


I'm very interested in purchasing other planes such as the Sabre, Mustang & Spitfire. I know more maps are in the works, but what content is offered as far as terrain/maps/targets/missions for the other DCS plane modules? Is it the same content that is offered in FC3?


I'm also wondering about the A-10 standalone vs. A-10 FC3. I know the plane and systems are more complex, but what else would I gain in A-10?


Thank you in advance.


Looking forward to Normandy, SOH & F/A-18!

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As for the maps, you could check the DLC Maps section to get a good idea. Strait of Hormuz and Normandy for WW2 planes + a big upgrade of Caucasus.


As for the A-10, in FC3 you get the A model, without lots of features introduced in C - so no Targetting Pod, no JDAMs, no CDU and advanced navigation, no autopilot, no TAD and moving map.. plus of course a clickable cockpit. I think you can't even compare the two. For me A-10C is an absolute must-have.


Oh, and welcome to the forums!

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First of all, lack of WWII/Korea maps and ground/naval units makes all warbirds and both Korean birds somewhat "out of place" in current DCS and that obviously affects availability of missions for these planes. There are some unofficial WWII units to be found in "mods" section of the forum, so with mission editor at hand, You can try to dish out something Yourself.


Straight out of the box, for 2.0 there's almost next to none mission content, as Nevada it still is a test build, mostly for flying around anyway.


For 1.5, full sets of tutorial missions are offered, plus a few fast and single combat ones for each plane, plus a short, free campaign for the Mustang. For the Sabre, there's also a payware campaign available at ED store, but You need to own MiG-15 as well to play it.


That's it for the official content. There might be more, user created missions and campaigns somewhere, but I've never searched for these.

Edited by Art-J

i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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The best place to start is Caucasus map (1.5 version) if you didn't download that yet. Being the free map its basically the hub of DCS. This is where all free training missions can be found as well as free campaigns and single missions for all modules.

Flaming Cliffs planes, although fun and great for beginners, are a far cry from all other full sim modules.

The A10C has more single missions than most and several inexpensive DLC campaigns available. P51 only has a few single missions and a "challenge" campaign as opposed to a war-time campaign. Spitfire ,being brand new, may not have much to offer at first but when Normandy map is released I'm sure all WWII planes will be getting missions based there and DLC campaigns for that map.


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