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Changes to TAS / CCRP bombing in 1.5.5 ?


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I'm totally lost, when I want to do a CCRP bombing,and select TAS


- a large cross appears over my HUD, I do not understand what it means?


- When I lock a ground target the marker doesn't appear anymore ?


- It just releases the bombs anywhere instead of over target?



Did I miss a major change or so? Anyway for me it looks all screwed up now ?


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I think the missing crosshair correctly reflects the real aircraft. Not sure why the real one doesn't have it.


Small, pedantic detail, the precision (grouping of bombs) is fine, the accuracy (how far from aim point) is not, but Zeus is working on it.

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Because the real aircraft is an A-A dedicated fighter and users here want to transform it in an muscle A-10 ground pounder car.

" You must think in russian.."



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Whats not true?


That the M-2000C is a dedicated fighter?


That some users are using the M-2000C mainly as a ground pounder? A role the real M-2000C never was used?


That the real M-2000C hasnt the HUD symbology some users demands for air to ground operations?


Yes, the M-2000C is able to launch bombs. But dont ask to much about it, precision, symbology, dedicated systems. The M-2000C is a fighter. Period.


This doesnt mean that people can´t use the M-2000C for whatever they like. Its up to them.

Edited by Esac_mirmidon

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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Whats not true?


That the M-2000C is a dedicated fighter?


That some users are using the M-2000C mainly as a ground pounder? A role the real M-2000C never was used?


That the real M-2000C hasnt the HUD symbology some users demands for air to ground operations?


Yes, the M-2000C is able to launch bombs. But dont ask to much about it, precision, symbology, dedicated systems. The M-2000C is a fighter. Period.


This doesnt mean that people can´t use the M-2000C for whatever they like. Its up to them.


As far as bomb release is concerned, Mirage 2000N seems to have the same HUD symbology.


But overall I agree with you.

Mirage fanatic !

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Because the real aircraft is an A-A dedicated fighter and users here want to transform it in an muscle A-10 ground pounder car.


I see a difference between transforming the aircraft in a A-10 ground pounder car and make it strike where it actually aims :thumbup:.

Badoo 4 | iPod

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Yes, there is a big difference to simulate the Mirage 2000C capabilities to release bombs by using the radar and other systems in board as designed for multirole fighter, and then turn it as a A-10 with armored cockpit and duplicated engines and other systems, capability to carry larger weapon loads, fly slow and low etc.


It is nothing more than just to get the targeting system fixed by the ED side to be calculated correctly and not like wanted this to carry weapons it never had capabilities or do something it shouldn't (like guide GBU on target).


So I don't get from where this hate comes toward the fixing the problem? Is Mirage 2000C now a threat to A-10 fans? Is that aircraft taking over the roles in missions?

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I dont have nothing against bug fixing. If the CCIP-CCRP is not accurated enough i´m sure Razbam are going to improve it as real as it could but what i´m trying to argue is that there are some functions and symbols on the HUD that are not present in the real plane ( Cross in the HUD where the radar is locked for example ). Some people are very focused in the Air to Ground role, asking for more and more capabilities, functions and modes the real plane doesnt have.


So bug fixing, of course, unreal air to ground aids, no thanks. It´s enough to see how the GBU-12 employment ( fun as hell ) is obscuring almost totally the real A-A role of this fighter.


And again everyone can use the M-2000C for whatever they liked, not a single problem with that but please keep the plane inside his real capabilities. No unreal functions for fun. Is fun enough like it is in real.

Edited by Esac_mirmidon

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


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I haven't seen anyone in this topic asking for unrealistic HUD symbology. People may be wondering why the cross marker is gone (because they didn't know the real aircraft doesn't have one), or why the real aircraft doesn't have one, but nothing more.

Possibly elsewhere there are people asking for unreal capabilities, and maybe that's what you had in mind.


As for using the Mirage 2000C mainly as an air-to-air fighter, remember that when it was released, it was effectively unusable in that role (not finished enough), and it took a while adding functionality and correcting bugs (especially radar-related stuff), so that while now it is rather usable (but still with issues, eg. the slow TDC), it has only been so for a rather "short" time.

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Video showing the latest accuracy changes to CCRP with TAS:


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I just want to add to this. Yes, the M2000C is mainly an interceptor and you'll find that most people use it for exactly this on Blue Flag and Open Conflict etc. However, the M2000C is a multirole fighter and as such it is able to deliver bombs and rockets with reasonable accuracy as would any other 4th gen multirole fighter. The fact that the French Air Force never used it for such a role is irrelevant, they had enough funds to have dedicated strike aircraft. In an alternate reality, an air force with only M2000C would certainly be using it for the A-G role too. This is all we're asking for here, We'd like to use the real M2000C capabilities to their fullest, because we can in our simulated environment.

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Video showing the latest accuracy changes to CCRP with TAS:




Thanks, Zeus :thumbup:

"You want me to fly in the back of a tiny little jet with a crazy fighter pilot who thinks he´s invincible,

home in on a SAM site in North Vietnam and shoot it before it shoots me?

You´ve gotta be shittin´me!"


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My point is, again:


Real A-G capabilities, yes of course.


Armat, Exocet, MICA, A-G non existing modes-simbology. No thanks.

" You must think in russian.."



Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´


Hotas Rhino X-55-MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals -Track IR 4

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