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Through The Inferno - A randomized + endless task-based mission for DCS 2.0 (NTTR)

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This mission is out-dated and is no longer being supported. Please go here for the latest version of Through The Inferno for NTTR:





Mission update changelog (old outdated version):

ARCHIVED AND OLDER Mission update changelog:



UPDATE 10/20/2016:

- Added Helos to the mission

- Changed the A-10C hot start to Su-25's (FC3 Variant)


UPDATE 10/21/2016 A:

- Fixed a few typos and errors where some tasks were not removed from the F10 Other menu

- Made it possible so that all tasks/missions work with any and all modules that are available to play

- Added a few more places to possibly deliver supplies for a supply run mission

- Supply run has new SFX and actually adds cargo weight

UPDATE 10/21/2016 B:

- Added F-5E module

- Added MiG-21bis module

- Added Air to Air (Easy) mission for an easier experience, or more level playing field for pre-1970's jets

- Ambient Friendly AI Air Traffic Script changed to spawn only NATO planes.

- More interesting supply run mission

- Ace Combat 5 UI sounds for extreme nostalgia


UPDATE 10/29/2016:

- Added an option to take on a secondary task while another task is in progress.

- Added options to continue with the same task without having to RTB.

- Removed random air to air spawn during ground attack missions.


UPDATE 10/30/2016:

- Added simple JTAC to multi-role and air to ground missions.

- Added +3 of each plane type for multiplayer.


UPDATE 10/31/2016:

- Cleaned up and improved JTAC tasking for more realism.

- Improved mission help guide and text to help players better understand the mission conditions.


UPDATE 11/01/2016 A:

- Cleaned up secondary tasking.

- Cleaned up an error where requesting an easy A2A mission resulted in a hard/normal A2A mission.

- A2G mission will now have a random chance of a popup group (nothing too difficult for an attack plane to take care of) spawning during the mission.


UPDATE 11/01/2016 B:

- Changed some units on A2G and Multi-Role Missions

- Changed JTAC frequencies to be 1xx (some frequencies were too low for M-2000C to contact) So if previous frequency was 37, it is now 137.

- Changed JTAC frequencies from FM to AM

- Removed my personal snap views from miz file.


UPDATE 11/02/2016 A:

- Added custom kneeboard to the mission that contain the mission help guide and important/relevant radio frequencies to the mission.


UPDATE 11/03/2016 A:

- Fixed and optimized the random enemy runway attack/scramble all jets event to work properly

- Added custom skins to the mission (optional). Skin download is included below.



UPDATE 11/04/2016 A:

- Added new audio clips for when enemy pilots eject

- Added new audio clips for when ground targets are destroyed


UPDATE 11/07/2016 A:

- Adjusted JTAC tasking

- Made A2G missions a little more interesting with varied unit types and weapons employment asked by JTAC


UPDATE 11/08/2016 A:

- Adjusted JTAC tasking

- Added one more A2G mission

- Less of a chance of A2A enemy planes spawning during an A2G mission

- Updated custom kneeboards.


UPDATE 11/10/2016 A:

-Fixed a bug where AWACS was leaving the AO and triggering a death message

-Fixed a bug where some A2A missions will not complete


UPDATE 11/10/2016 B:

-Added the choice of E-3A or A-50 AWACS aircraft and the option to switch mid-mission


UPDATE 11/10/2016 C:

-Added the L-39ZA module

-Fixed the E-3A spawning when A-50 was chosen and vice versa



UPDATE 11/11/2016 A:

-Added the A-10A

-Added new scripting for kill messages

-Added new kill message voice clips



UPDATE 11/13/2016 A:

- Adjusted a few air groups that spawn for A2A missions for difficulty balance

- Added a .zip file instead which contains a version with AI wingmen for LEAD planes and a regular version without AI wingmen for lead planes.


UPDATE 11/13/2016 B:

- Fixed an issue where L-39 and A-10A were not triggering mission start events.


UPDATE 11/19/2016 A:

- Fixed an issue where the UH-1H was not triggering supply run events properly

UPDATE 11/20/2016 A:

- Adjusted JTAC frequencies so that the M-2000C, and other aircraft can manually tune in to the frequencies.

- New kneeboard and text within the mission adjusted to reflect the new frequency changes.

- Adjusted AI wingmen (SP version) to not spawn on top of other aircraft at mission start.



UPDATE 12/19/2016 A:

- Removed AI ambient air traffic. Issues with game update, JTAC getting drowned out. Will add new script as updates/fixes for it come along.

- Fixed UH-1H scripting for supply run missions.


UPDATE 2/10/2017 A:

- Added AJS-37 Viggen Module

- Added Anti-Ship Strike Missions


UPDATE 2/14/2017 A:

- Changed Russian Aircraft to Ukraine for comms in Russian for METRIC units of measurement.


UPDATE 2/24/2017 A:

- Fixed erroneous anti-ship mission scripts.

- Changed time and weather.


UPDATE 2/24/2017 B:

- Added a cleanup script that removes enemy AI planes once they RTB and have fully retreated from combat.


UPDATE 2/25/2017 A:

- Re-added MiG-29S

- Added Hawk, C-101, F-86F, MiG-15bis modules

- Added friendly ground units to be controlled by players (Combined Arms required) during multi-role and air-to-ground missions

- 'Beefed up' enemy unit groups for more intense gameplay (better for multiplayer and coop)

- Due to lack of parking, moved some friendly units to Krasnodar-Pash. Airbase.


UPDATE 2/26/2017 A:

- Multi-tasking information fix; You can now view tasking info for ALL current tasks in the [F10 - Other] menu.


UPDATE 2/27/2017 A:

- Combined Armed units need to be activated first to be used


UPDATE 2/28/2017 A:

- New task added "All fronts offensive" -- This will generate one of each mission type at once. Best used in Multiplayer or for very long co-op play.


UPDATE 2/28/2017 B:

- Tasking information system re-worked. Will now correctly show info of ALL CURRENT tasks correctly.

- Message typos fixed

- Scramble alert is now randomized; The scramble alert enemy unit groups will be randomized.

- A-10C LEAD and non-LEAD group now has 4 slots.


UPDATE 3/16/2017 A:

- UH-18 and Mi-8 groups can now load troops, and then unload troops at the combat area for Air to Ground missions to support the ground offensive.

- Added tankers.


UPDATE 3/17/2017 A:

- Debug option added. This removes all tasking and enemy units. Only the TF-51D group can do this.



UPDATE 3/19/2017 A:

-Air to Air now results in a second menu to choose NORMAL or EASY

-Removed tasking from other airports. Only Krasn. Center gets tasking.

-Debug plane now has an option to RESET TANKERS

-Debug plane options optimized

-JTAC frequencies are now consistent between all missions. (One for A2G and one Multi)

-Kneeboard and text help now reflect JTAC frequencies correctly

-Added Debug instructions kneeboard

-Changed AI aircraft difficulty

-Annapa Airbase is BLUEFOR for refuel and rearm


UPDATE 3/20/2017 A:

-Some A2G and MR did not have JTAC spawn. JTAC spawns for all A2G and MR missions now.

-Adding HARD to A2A missions.

-Adjusted difficulty of NORMAL A2A Missions.

-Adding ‘secret’ INSANE A2A Mission (Land Su-27 at Guadata)

-Secondary tasking available at all times.

-Special Huey missions added


UPDATE 3/21/2017 A:

- Cleaned up tasking, balance difficulty

- added EWRS script (a more intuitive AWACS)

- Fixed an issue where planes were not showing up on the F10 Map


UPDATE 9/22/2017 A:

- Fixed an issue with despawning player vehicles when loading in

- Fixed an issue with enemies despawning when landing



UPDATE 12/12/2017:

- Initial Release of Georgian Coast Region


UPDATE 05/03/2018:

- Converted many trigger list items to lua script to make edits, updates and conversion to new maps easier.

- Added new airframes: J-11A and SA-342 Minigun.


UPDATE 05/04/2018:

- Fixed an issue with repeating messages and missions not spawning.


UPDATE 05/07/2018:

- Re-added L-39 module.


UPDATE 05/24/2018:

- Changed Tankers to use Y-band TCN

- Changed Drogue/Basket Tanker to KC-130

- Fixed CTLD to work properly. Building and transporting vehicles was not working previously

- Changed CTLD pickup zone smoke to WHITE.

- Removed some redundant spawns.

- Added 5 more A2G Helo/Infantry Assault Missions.


UPDATE 05/30/2018:

- Added F/A-18C Hornet Module

- Fixed TCN Frequencies/Callsigns for AI Logistics



UPDATE 06/30/2018:

- Added more units, SAMs and aircraft to the random unit pool to expand the dynamic mission generation.

- Added a readme.txt to help players create more slots for multiplayer.



UPDATE 07/10/2018:

- Each A2G Mission type now has 10 zones, making for 40 possible mission locations, with endless unit variety/composition/placement within zone.

This change brings a much more unpredictable dynamic to the mission generation script.



HOTFIX 07/13/2018:

- Fixed an issue with an anti-ship mission that was not working properly



UPDATE 07/18/2018:

- Mission file updated and saved with this DCS Update Patch

- Added ICLS Channel 5 to Carrier CV-74 Stennis


- Added/Changed CV-74 Stennis ATC Frequency to 115.5 AM


- Added Changed LHS-1 Tarawa ATC Frequency to 125.5Mhz AM


- Added the aforementioned frequency information to the in-game briefing.



UPDATE 07/21/2018:

- Added custom kneeboard page with frequencies/tacans



UPDATE 12/16/2018:


- Added "Zeus" spawning/destroying feature.

- Added "ALIVE" versions which act similarly to the multiplayer version of TTI.

- Added more objects to Stennis Carrier.

- Added Random Air Traffic for "ALIVE" versions.


UPDATE 12/16/2018 B:


- Added many more spawnable units to zeus spawnable list, including armor groups as well as allied bluefor units.

- Stennis Carrier will now shoot at enemy planes.

- Changed smoke colors. Smoke colors specified in briefing/readme.



UPDATE 12/16/2018 C:


- Hotfix (v1.26a) for issues where STANDARD version was auto-spawning missions and ZEUS triggers/commands were not working in some of the STANDARD versions.


UPDATE 12/16/2018 D:


- Added "BULLSEYE" waypoints for the F/A-18C in preparation for an upcoming update to the module.



UPDATE 12/17/2018: v1.27


- Added option in F10 Other Menu to request backup friendly AI CAP Reinforcements; F-15C, F-16A, F/A-18C (Takes off from carrier where applicable)








UPDATE 01/05/2019 - 1: v1.27b

- Fixed an error in the scripting that would cause crashes occasionally.



UPDATE 01/05/2019 - 1: v1.27c

- Added a fix to optimize online stability.



UPDATE 01/05/2019 - 1: v1.27d

- Fixed an issue with the 'standard' version where ground missions were not working.



UPDATE 01/17/2019 - 1: v1.28


- Added 'configurable' mission settings for TTI SP. Check the readme file on editing mission settings for more details.



UPDATE 01/22/2019 - 1: v1.29


- Added waypoints to all missions except anti-ship for F/A-18C, AV-8B, A-10C and M-2000C. The intel reports will specify which waypoints to use to go to an active mission zone.




- Fixed "AI friendly A2A Backup" logic. They will now properly patrol and will also takeoff from the runway directly.




- Fixed the spawned in "ZEUS" aircraft to not just fly straight and/or RTB. They will now do CAP and orbit.



- Fixed the SA-2 unit group to be more active than to just be an extremely close range SAM site.



- Added an SA-11 battery to the unit pool of SAMs.



- Changed frequency presets in the F/A-18C. If you decide to add A2A wingmen to the hornet slots, they will speak to you on 305mhz AM



- JTAC Autolase script now tells you when units are destroyed and when new units are being lased.


- Adjusted tanker paths on TTI SP Caucasus map.





Edited by deadlyfishes
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"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Stellar work Deadlyfishes! Thank you for sharing this with the community.

Now that the NTTR map extension is out, we may see additional missions / tasks from the new airfields and bases?


Yeah for sure! Good bye Friday afternoon!

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Stellar work Deadlyfishes! Thank you for sharing this with the community.

Now that the NTTR map extension is out, we may see additional missions / tasks from the new airfields and bases?


I went ahead and updated the map. Moved a few mission areas to airfields, and made all the airfields either RED or BLUE.


I'll be working on some of the other airfields give you tasks as well.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Hey fishes,

Tried a multirole in the F-5 last night: the tasking was 3x unarmed Su-25s and a group of light armor inside of McCarran.


After shooting down the first Frogfoot I seemed to receive a near continuous stream of "good kill" messages every 30 seconds or so. I had to disconnect before I could finish the tasking but everything looked like it was working otherwise.

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Creating a custom frequency set for this mission should solve that for you. :)

Open in the ME, select the mirage, and you'll find it in the tabs with advanced waypoint actions.


Just so you know the Mirage cannot tune to 152Hz on the radio and therefore cannot contact the JTAC.


Thanks for the advice. I tried this, but anytime I tried typing a frequency that the plane didn't like, the text reverted itself...


I solved this issue by just changing all the JTAC frequencies to be compatible with the M-2000C. So now Multi-role ranges from 121-127hz


This change was made to the 1.5 Caucasus map version as well.


NTTR Version - 1.11 ---- Caucasus Version - 1.32 --- Enjoy!


Hey fishes,

Tried a multirole in the F-5 last night: the tasking was 3x unarmed Su-25s and a group of light armor inside of McCarran.


After shooting down the first Frogfoot I seemed to receive a near continuous stream of "good kill" messages every 30 seconds or so. I had to disconnect before I could finish the tasking but everything looked like it was working otherwise.



I did some testing myself, but I didn't really run into this issue, I even forced my game to run that specific mission and didn't have an issue. Might've just been a bug for you that one time... It's possible the pilots died on the way down, so you heard the initial kill message from the plane being destroyed, another for their ejection, and then their death soon after.


The kill messages trigger on PILOT KILLED, and if they eject, another "PILOT EJECTED" message appears a few moments later.


I had a lua predicate script in the works to optimize this but still couldn't get it to work. I'll probably necro an old post I made a few months ago regarding this....

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Hey thanks for this. Its really great. Not sure where to put bug reports.


I tried doing different air to ground missions in the M2000 and I'm having trouble getting the JTAC / laser / GBUs to work together. Everything seems correct but I don't think the laser gets switched on at all. This is on 2.0.4. I was running 2x Matra, 2x rockets and 4x GBU-12.

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Love the missions in DCS 1.5, for some reason, with NTTR (mission version 1.16) won't load. It starts to load and about half way DCS crashes. I'm using it with DCS 2.0.4. Anyone else experiencing this? Looks like it draws a lot of resources and makes my DCS run out of memory.

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Hey thanks for this. Its really great. Not sure where to put bug reports.


I tried doing different air to ground missions in the M2000 and I'm having trouble getting the JTAC / laser / GBUs to work together. Everything seems correct but I don't think the laser gets switched on at all. This is on 2.0.4. I was running 2x Matra, 2x rockets and 4x GBU-12.


I have some issues at times, but you have to take note of where JTAC is in relation to the designated target. The bomb may not see the laser at all. Also, it's possible some of my missions have some poor placement, so let me know what location if you could next time which area you were having issues with. Did it seem to work alright on other missions?


Love the missions in DCS 1.5, for some reason, with NTTR (mission version 1.16) won't load. It starts to load and about half way DCS crashes. I'm using it with DCS 2.0.4. Anyone else experiencing this? Looks like it draws a lot of resources and makes my DCS run out of memory.


Interesting. I just loaded up the mission file with the latest update of DCS with no mods.


What are your system specs? I have a pretty high-end setup, so it's possible your hardware just ran out of memory for DCS.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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I run an Intel i7 4790K CPU, 16GB RAM and a GTX 1070. All other missions load up fine.


Weird, I haven't had an issue or heard of anyone else with the issue.


I just tried loading up the mission in the latest DCS 2.0.4 update and re-exporting it. Try downloading the hotfix attachment and let me know if that works.

NTTR RPG TTI NTTR v116hotfix.miz

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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I have some issues at times, but you have to take note of where JTAC is in relation to the designated target. The bomb may not see the laser at all. Also, it's possible some of my missions have some poor placement, so let me know what location if you could next time which area you were having issues with. Did it seem to work alright on other missions?


I only tried A-G. I'll try again and send a track.

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Weird, I haven't had an issue or heard of anyone else with the issue.


I just tried loading up the mission in the latest DCS 2.0.4 update and re-exporting it. Try downloading the hotfix attachment and let me know if that works.


Thanks Deadlyfishes, I will test it out tonight and let you know if it helped.

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No joy :(

I ran your updated file but I still get the same error messages. The weird thing is that every other mission / instant action / campaign that I run in 2.0.4 works okay. This is the only mission that crashes the sim, and it's the one I like the most!

Hopefully it will be sorted once ED will roll out their next NTTR update.

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No joy :(

I ran your updated file but I still get the same error messages. The weird thing is that every other mission / instant action / campaign that I run in 2.0.4 works okay. This is the only mission that crashes the sim, and it's the one I like the most!

Hopefully it will be sorted once ED will roll out their next NTTR update.


Dang! Well, I did update the mission file for everyone to 1.17 for NTTR. Works on my rig, with and without my mods (I use quite a few).


Which modules do you own? That may have something to do with it.


I know it might be troublesome, but you could try re-installing DCS? I know I had some issues before with DCS in general, not just one mission and re-installing helped.


Also, is there a crash log file you could attach for me to look at? Might be somewhat helpful.


The last thing you could try is opening the file in the mission editor and remove some of the planes at Nellis AFB that you either don't own or don't use.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Thanks Deadlyfishes.

Reinstalling sounds like a potential solution, perhaps I will try that.

When DCS crashes it doesn't give me an option to see a log (dump) file. Do you know where I can find it?

I run all the modules except the Mi-8, FW-190, Bf-109, Gazelle, C-101 and the Hawk.

I will try the mission editor tip.


Thanks again!

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You can attach a zipped logs file found here

Windows (C.) / Users / "user name" / Saved Games / DCS.openalpha / Logs


May want to try a repair or opening mission in ME and resaving. Not sure if either could work but worth a shot.

I did have a crash first time I tried this mission but not since. Also had an error message pop up after being given first mission but hit wrong button trying to get screenshot. It was something about not being able to load ground unit or something like that. The mission semed to work fine after that.


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Thanks for the help guys. I tried to open the mission in ME and save it - still crashes :(

I removed the Mi-8 and Gazelle helicopter from the mission (since I don't have these modules) and it still crashes. I'll attach the relevant logs once I'm back home.

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You can attach a zipped logs file found here

Windows (C.) / Users / "user name" / Saved Games / DCS.openalpha / Logs


May want to try a repair or opening mission in ME and resaving. Not sure if either could work but worth a shot.

I did have a crash first time I tried this mission but not since. Also had an error message pop up after being given first mission but hit wrong button trying to get screenshot. It was something about not being able to load ground unit or something like that. The mission semed to work fine after that.


Yeah the error is due to me being dumb and not calling enough units within a "DO SCRIPT" I think I've gotten rid of all of those as far as I know...


I don't know what's causing the crash, but I've never had an issue... It's possible there's too much, but I know of many other missions that have more units on the map that don't have the same issues.


Thanks for the help guys. I tried to open the mission in ME and save it - still crashes :(

I removed the Mi-8 and Gazelle helicopter from the mission (since I don't have these modules) and it still crashes. I'll attach the relevant logs once I'm back home.


Thanks, I hope I can get this working for you and anyone else who is having the issue :)

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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All right. Attached are three log files, zipped. Hope this helps in sorting out the crash issues.


Weird... It looks like a Direct X issue.


Update nVidia drivers, Direct X and MS Framework? Also, maybe let DCS run as admin?


Looked into the error a bit, and it's something people get with faulty installations of DX and gpu related drivers... Still going to continue to look at the dmp file... I'll let you know :)

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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