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Through The Inferno (Syria) - Highly dynamic and endless task-based mission

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Designed for Singleplayer or Private Co-op Only


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TTI SP Mission Changelog


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  2. CUSTOMIZABLE IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT - Fly it your way, adjust settings for difficulty, immersion or for fun extreme scenarios! Change various settings that affect your living and breathing air combat arena of operations.
    - This mission can generate a WIDE VARIETY of mission scenarios.
    - Ground missions are generated in a random location on the map, with a random pool of units, and placed in different positions within the mission zone. Each ground mission generation will be completely different every time one is generated.
    - There are many potential areas for ground missions that utilize the majority of the map, you'll be able to explore many areas of the map for a wide variety of terrain challenges and experiences.
    - Air missions will generate a random flight of enemy bandits. The airframe, of the bandits will be random. Their initial spawn point will be random. Their altitude, waypoints and waypoint altitude will be randomized every time as well. A simple yet very comprehensive dynamic A2A mission generator makes for an amazing and unpredictable A2A experience! Choose from a variety of A2A difficulties as well.
  5. You can switch (pause, choose slot) to change aircraft at ANY TIME without having to quit the mission to reload a new one!
    You'll never need to create your own scenarios (too predictable) again!
  6. Amazing Auto-lasing JTACs will designate targets for you without any interaction menu fumbling (no 9-line, readback, buggy comms) Other scripts include CSAR (helo search and rescue) CTLD (helo menu for crates/building/sling loading) and an AWACs reporter to help you locate bandits.
  7. The highly dynamic mission generation engine of this mission is FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE. You can edit mission spawns to your liking, disable or enable auto-spawning missions/a2a ai/random air traffic, and you can even customize the amount and types of ground targets at mission zones!
  8. The mission is ENDLESS. Repeat or do new missions as long as you'd like.



  • Wide variety of aircraft to choose from
  • Choose between several eras of war
  • "Never the same experience" for every type of mission.
  • Ground and Sea Mission generate enemy units dynamically, at random positions within an AO, and their unit composition will be random as well.
  • Dynamic moving convoy hunt missions! Hunt down convoys that are dynamically generated, they will compose of random unit types and spawn in random locations. You will have the proper tools via the F10 Map and Intel reports to help you track them down.
  • Air to air missions will generate random enemy aircraft types, and they will spawn at a random position, and will have random tasks/waypoints of their own each time an air to air mission is generated!
  • Do things on your own time. Want to fly around a bit before you start? Sure, accept and start missions on your command.
  • Several types of missions to choose from
  • Do several missions at once (multiplayer recommended) for a larger-scale operation
  • Configure all and any aspects of all of the spawnable missions with configurable mission options
  • Configure other mission options to play the way you want
  • JTAC Autolase
  • Airboss Carrier Ops Script
  • Repeatable/endless missions that are never the same each time
  • Call in for backup friendly AI CAP reinforcements
  • Great for co-op
  • Great for beginners and veterans
  • Wide variety of aircraft to choose from
  • "Never the same experience" for every type of mission.
  • Ground and Sea Mission generate enemy units dynamically, at random positions within an AO, and their unit composition will be random as well.
  • Dynamic moving convoy hunt missions! Hunt down convoys that are dynamically generated, they will compose of random unit types and spawn in random locations. You will have the proper tools via the F10 Map and Intel reports to help you track them down.
  • Air to air missions will generate random enemy aircraft types, and they will spawn at a random position, and will have random tasks/waypoints of their own each time an air to air mission is generated!
  • Do things on your own time. Want to fly around a bit before you start? Sure, accept and start missions on your command.
  • Several types of missions to choose from
  • Do several missions at once (multiplayer recommended) for a larger-scale operation
  • Configure all and any aspects of all of the spawnable missions with configurable mission options
  • Configure other mission options to play the way you want
  • JTAC Autolase
  • Airboss Carrier Ops Script
  • Repeatable/endless missions that are never the same each time
  • Call in for backup friendly AI CAP reinforcements
  • Great for co-op
  • Great for beginners and veterans


Modules and add-on compatibility:

All DCS modules, both fixed and rotary wing are available to fly and operate in TTI. Since the mission era/time period can be changed as desired, this gives any and all modules a compatible mission combat environment.

WW2 Asset Pack is optionally supported. If you own the WW2 Asset Pack, you can enable these units to fully experience and utilize them however you'd like.

You can optionally add your own client slots for co-op, they can be modded add-on aircraft as well. Please read our guides for more detail.

Mission Types:

Air to Air - Spawns a dynamically created enemy element flight. Choose between different difficulties. NOTE: These missions can infinitely stack, but an option is available to prevent stacking of forced air to air missions in the mission settings. It is advised to spawn one at a time, and only spawn new A2A missions when one is complete.

Air to Ground  - The mission will dynamically generate ground targets in a random location. There are several difficulties to choose from:

HARD - SAMs may be present.
EASY (Multirole) - No SAMs will be present.
Helo - These missions will spawn closer to the home base.
Helo Infantry Assault - These missions are designed for dropping off troops and/or utilizing gunship helos.
Anti-Ship - This will spawn a group of enemy ships.
Convoy Hunt - Hunt down moving enemy ground vehicle convoys.

Mission WPT Label definitions (the labels that appear on your HSI/planning tools in-aircraft)

MR - Multirole/A2G Easy
AG - A2G Hard
AGH - A2G Helo/Infantry

Labeled same as mission zones in mission editor.

Random/Ambient Events:

- Random enemy A2A groups will spawn from time to time. This can optionally be configured and/or disabled in the mission settings.

- Random enemy vehicle or troop reinforcments might show up at active ground missions at random times. This can optionally be configured and/or disabled in the mission settings.

- Random air traffic for both friendly and enemy airbases will do random routes and patrols if this feature is enabled.

Additional feature highlights, but not limited to:


You can CREATE and DESTROY units out of thin air at ANY location you choose on the F10 map, like in "Zeus" mode from ArmA 3. (Tutorials available in the TTI SP Tutorials/Guides Google Drive, linked above)





 Highly customizable SUPER CARRIER Deck Layout Menu:

You can create your own Static Unit layout on the Super Carrier deck using this awesome menu:


Big thanks to Redkite for allowing me to add these amazing static deck layouts for the Super Carrier.

Layout Scripts Created by Redkite






Dynamic AI Helo Troop Transport Scripts:




 TTI: Eras of War


Experience the vast world of aerial combat operations past and present by selecting your desired conflict time period.

The mission experience will automatically generate suitable ground, air and sea missions based on your mission era selection without the need of loading a separate mission file!

Current Mission Eras include: World War 2, Korean War, Modern. Unit spawns are still editable!
Optionally; If you own the WW2 Asset Pack, you can enable the units to be added in your mission.
Mission attributes such as setting how many ground units and ground unit type at missions and many other options are now editable in the mission editor! Check the tutorial text file how to go about editing the mission settings and what each setting does!


Other versions of Through The Inferno on other maps/regions:


DCS Caucasus Map:


DCS Pesian Gulf Map:

DCS Syria Map:

DCS Mariana Islands Map:

DCS South Atlantic Map:

DCS Sinai Map:

DCS Kola Map:

DCS Normandy Map:





F10 Other Menus and available scripts/utilities (Quick Reference Guide):
Reminder there are specific guides availabe for EVERY feature in TTI via our documentation folder on Google Drive

Mission Spawning Menu
- Force spawn ground missions
- Force spawn enemy aircraft to engage with
- Force spawn friendly combat air patrol backup via airfield or carriers

Navigation Tools
- ATIS Menu and ATIS broadcasts (when enabled, and when not in FC3 aircraft)

Intel Tools
- Get detailed info on active missions
- Show reports from AFAC/JTAC drones that designate targets
- EWRS: Get AWACS reports via text-pop up to locate enemy aircraft

Random Air Traffic
- Force spawn random air traffic if desired
- Add Military and/or Civilian Aircraft mod aircraft with the optionally installed expansion scripts, included with TTI zip download.

Zeus Real-Time Spawning System:
- Spawn in assets at-will while in-game on the F10 Map using map markers

AI Helo-Troop Transport Script
- AI will send a troop transport to attack a nearby mission. You can configure AI troop transport options in the mission settings.
- CTLD Extract/Pickup DOES WORK with these troops!
- You can initiate a troop transport to deploy on ANY point on the map with the Zeus system.

***Third Party Scripts***
Helicopter Ops and Logistics Transport by ciribob
CTLD Script (Build air defenses, transport troops and more!)
Realistic sling loading can be changed via the menu or in the mission settings.
CSAR Script (Combat Search and Rescue)

Carrier Ops Tools
Airboss Script
Carrier Deck Static Assets Menu (Spawn statics for an immersive look and feel on the carrier deck)

Mission Enhancer Package by daemon1808

Script Frameworks used:




MOOSE Framework

Mission Enhancer Package







Issues, comments, questions? Please let me know here in this thread.

You can also join our discord community for support as well:

TTI Community Discord Server



Edited by deadlyfishes
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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UPDATE 08/20/2020 - 1: v1.68b

- Fixed an issue where Super Carrier Static Deck object menu was not working

- Added JF-17 slot which was not initially added by mistake.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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UPDATE 08/20/2020 - 2: v1.68c

- Fixed an issue where CTLD wasn't working with the helicopter slots.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Hi guys,


First of all thank you for making this game playable for the community <3


I'm new to this so be easy on me please :)


I can make my own mission based on the targets that are on the map?

If I destroy some target are they going to disappear from the map?

The enemy (and allies) a/c are spawning automatically?

Are there any hidden targets?, or everything is visible on the map?


Sorry it the questions are simple or obvious I just never played a campaign in DCS before.


Thank you!

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Hi deadlyfishes,


First off, big thanks for all your hard work. If I could make a suggestion... a number of times when I clear a mission, the next one to spawn is the same one, and if I was using guns for example on the last target, suddenly a SAM spawns under me and blows my doors off... May I recommend a small change to your script, I did it as follows for easy/hard/helo/etc...



function a2gh_start()
trigger.action.setUserFlag('AGH-STARTING', true)
local switch;
switch = math.random (1,5)
until switch ~= lastA2Ghelo;
lastA2Ghelo = switch;

Initialing lastA2Ghelo = 0 plus the 3 other ones at the top of the script. This simply prevents the same AO from spawning back to back.


Also, I could be wrong, but "-create hmv" doesn't work for me, I had to add:

    elseif text:find("hmv") then
       zeusSpawn = hmv

to zeus_markers.lua to make it work.

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Hi guys,


First of all thank you for making this game playable for the community <3


I'm new to this so be easy on me please :)


I can make my own mission based on the targets that are on the map?

If I destroy some target are they going to disappear from the map?

The enemy (and allies) a/c are spawning automatically?

Are there any hidden targets?, or everything is visible on the map?


Sorry it the questions are simple or obvious I just never played a campaign in DCS before.


Thank you!


I can make my own mission based on the targets that are on the map?

The missions on the map are randomly and dynamically generated. Those will only exist within that session and cannot be persisted.




To make randomly generated mission in your own mission you'd have to do your own mission scripting and setup.


If I destroy some target are they going to disappear from the map?


Destroyed targets will go away from the F10 map when they have 0 health, but their destroyed vehicle model will still be there in the world.

The enemy (and allies) a/c are spawning automatically?

Yes. This is the default setting. You can turn off automatic spawning of missions and many other mission options, please read the text file on how to change mission settings.


Are there any hidden targets?, or everything is visible on the map?

By default, everything is visible on the F10 Map. You can change the F10 map settings yourself in the mission editor.




Hi deadlyfishes,


First off, big thanks for all your hard work. If I could make a suggestion... a number of times when I clear a mission, the next one to spawn is the same one, and if I was using guns for example on the last target, suddenly a SAM spawns under me and blows my doors off... May I recommend a small change to your script, I did it as follows for easy/hard/helo/etc...



function a2gh_start()
trigger.action.setUserFlag('AGH-STARTING', true)
local switch;
   switch = math.random (1,5)
until switch ~= lastA2Ghelo;
lastA2Ghelo = switch;

Initialing lastA2Ghelo = 0 plus the 3 other ones at the top of the script. This simply prevents the same AO from spawning back to back.


Also, I could be wrong, but "-create hmv" doesn't work for me, I had to add:

    elseif text:find("hmv") then
       zeusSpawn = hmv

to zeus_markers.lua to make it work.





This code change is amazing, I didn't do this because of how I'm used to handling it in MP, which is put the next spawn on a 5 min delay. Sometimes it was fun to have the same mission again, but I never got around to adding that to SP.





This is a fix that has been on my backlog for sometime.



I went ahead and fixed it, and it will ship with the next update, same with the Zeus lua mission the hmv.. Thanks so much!

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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This code change is amazing, I didn't do this because of how I'm used to handling it in MP, which is put the next spawn on a 5 min delay. Sometimes it was fun to have the same mission again, but I never got around to adding that to SP.


This is a fix that has been on my backlog for sometime.


I went ahead and fixed it, and it will ship with the next update, same with the Zeus lua mission the hmv.. Thanks so much!


My pleasure, it's a drop in the bucket compared to all your hard work. By the way, have you released the zeus functionality as a separate mod somewhere? It's extremely useful, I hope you don't mind, I've incorporated it into a few of my co-op missions on private server. It's great for training and teaching others without having to go to ME. I would love to see an MP server with a dedicated game master leveraging this to create a dynamic scenario on the fly for a group of players.

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UPDATE 08/27/2020 - 1: v1.68d

- Fixed an issue where spawning "hmv" via Zeus map marker command wasn't working


- New logic in A2G Mission spawning will now prevent the same mission from re-spawning after being completed. A different mission will be randomly selected.


- Ground mission vehicles will now spawn with a random heading/azimuth.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Thanks for the update mate. If only there was a way to prevent units from spawning on rooftops...


I noticed the switch to poly zones instead of the trigger radius, very cool. I noted that, at least on the Syria map that I was testing the poly zones outline the suburb, but typically don't include the road outlining the particular suburb. It's obviously personal taste, but I would expect to see vehicles on the surrounding road, and it would also reduce the frequency of units spawning on rooftops since the road is a safer place to spawn. My 2c. Thanks again.

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Hi Deadly,


Many thanks for another great mission.


There seem some minor discrepancies in the details of the mission when it comes to the tankers in the briefing:


It reads as follows:



KC-135 (Boom) “Texaco”

@15,000 FT 205 KTS ------- SHOULD READ @19,000 FT 270 KTS

255 Mhz AM 41Y-AA TCN


KC-135 (Boom) “Arco”

@19,000 FT 270 KTS ------- SHOULD READ @15,000 FT 205 KTS

256 Mhz AM 39Y-AA TCN


KC-135 MPRS (Basket) “Shell”

@19,000 FT 270 KTS

254 Mhz AM 40Y-AA TCN


Texaco and Arco have the Speed and Altitude lines mixed up.

Also the Waipoints allocated with the tankers are named wrong. The SLOW Arco is mentioned as FAST in the waypoints.


no criticism :D I think the mission is awsome;) just wanted to make you aware

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I know under mission templates it says 'dont use for AI' with ascend descend etc

But doing offensive air , and some stuff is near impossible without it

will the AI work in spite of that warning?

lot more questions but I can probably work em out

Im really liking it. just trouble finding dogfights in WW2 and Korea type maps

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Thanks for the update mate. If only there was a way to prevent units from spawning on rooftops...


I noticed the switch to poly zones instead of the trigger radius, very cool. I noted that, at least on the Syria map that I was testing the poly zones outline the suburb, but typically don't include the road outlining the particular suburb. It's obviously personal taste, but I would expect to see vehicles on the surrounding road, and it would also reduce the frequency of units spawning on rooftops since the road is a safer place to spawn. My 2c. Thanks again.



Hey Vangaurd. Thanks for looking into this issue. I personally was OK with the open-field missions since they were a bit on the easy side, however I think these zone polygons add a bit more realism in mission feel, and doesn't feel cheap.



I can take another look at the zone polygons, but you are more than welcome to editing the zone shapes!




If you had any mission setup in mind, let me know, send a pic of an ideal zone you'd like to see and I can see about making an improvement in this department.






Hi Deadly,


Many thanks for another great mission.


There seem some minor discrepancies in the details of the mission when it comes to the tankers in the briefing:


It reads as follows:



KC-135 (Boom) “Texaco”

@15,000 FT 205 KTS ------- SHOULD READ @19,000 FT 270 KTS

255 Mhz AM 41Y-AA TCN


KC-135 (Boom) “Arco”

@19,000 FT 270 KTS ------- SHOULD READ @15,000 FT 205 KTS

256 Mhz AM 39Y-AA TCN


KC-135 MPRS (Basket) “Shell”

@19,000 FT 270 KTS

254 Mhz AM 40Y-AA TCN


Texaco and Arco have the Speed and Altitude lines mixed up.

Also the Waipoints allocated with the tankers are named wrong. The SLOW Arco is mentioned as FAST in the waypoints.


no criticism :D I think the mission is awsome;) just wanted to make you aware



Thanks, I've added this to my issues list :)



hey I just wanted to point out... for example in syria golan heights battle.. the camp will spawn a ship on the land



Sorry, I can't find that mission, which mission number is it? Which version of TTI Syria is it, damscus or aleppo?




I know under mission templates it says 'dont use for AI' with ascend descend etc

But doing offensive air , and some stuff is near impossible without it

will the AI work in spite of that warning?

lot more questions but I can probably work em out

Im really liking it. just trouble finding dogfights in WW2 and Korea type maps



Where do you see this warning? It might not hurt to try it, but they probably warn of this to prevent incorrect behavior or crash issues.



what kind of AI behavior are you trying to achieve?

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Hi Deadlyfishes


Nothing but respect for your missions. They're great!


However, and I have been meaning to ask you this for a while now, what's with the extremely low QNH 27.64? :P


Our Viper's altimeter doesn't go below 28.10 (and I'm pretty sure I've seen that with other modules as well). Is there a reason why you've set the value this low? Or am I missing something perhaps?

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH

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Hi Deadlyfishes


Nothing but respect for your missions. They're great!


However, and I have been meaning to ask you this for a while now, what's with the extremely low QNH 27.64? :P


Our Viper's altimeter doesn't go below 28.10 (and I'm pretty sure I've seen that with other modules as well). Is there a reason why you've set the value this low? Or am I missing something perhaps?



Honestly it's probably something I overlooked when porting the mission over from the Caucasus version...



Feel free to change QNH, do you have one you recommend for me to change it to for all the other maps as well?

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Well... If you wanna be nerdy (and let's face it, we wouldn't play DCS if we weren't :P), QNH is location dependent. I know here in the Netherlands it's generally around 29.92inHg. At the moment this website says at Damascus Int. airport QNH is 1008hPa (which is aproximately 29.77inHg). But in Tbilisi it currently is 30.12inHg...




You could set it to 29.94



(by default in the DCS cockpits it is set to 29.92, but I like to manually correct it because... well.. yeah.. I guess I'm a nerd :D)

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH

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Well... If you wanna be nerdy (and let's face it, we wouldn't play DCS if we weren't :P), QNH is location dependent. I know here in the Netherlands it's generally around 29.92inHg. At the moment this website says at Damascus Int. airport QNH is 1008hPa (which is aproximately 29.77inHg). But in Tbilisi it currently is 30.12inHg...




You could set it to 29.94



(by default in the DCS cockpits it is set to 29.92, but I like to manually correct it because... well.. yeah.. I guess I'm a nerd :D)



Great info, I'll add this to my issues list and work on this for next udpate

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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