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Awfully quiet around here....... Dev news?


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Awfully quiet around here.......


Could we get some dev teasing?




Pretty please?


Even a few hints? Pics? Anything???


I promise to be good..............:D


(For a little while anyway!)

"Yeah, and though I work in the valley of Death, I will fear no Evil. For where there is one, there is always three. I preparest my aircraft to receive the Iron that will be delivered in the presence of my enemies. Thy ALCM and JDAM they comfort me. Power was given unto the aircrew to make peace upon the world by way of the sword. And when the call went out, Behold the "Sword of Stealth". And his name was Death. And Hell followed him. For the day of wrath has come and no mercy shall be given."

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As I understand it that bug is down to ED and not PC, but that said it's still highly annoying and has meant I fly the Gazelle a lot less lately.


It's actually forced me to get a lot better at Gazelle.

Reformers hate him! This one weird trick found by a bush pilot will make gunfighter obsessed old farts angry at your multi-role carrier deck line up!

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