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Ground attack weapons


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Now that we are very close to release


May I ask you from where you got this?


do we know what types of ground attack munitions will DCS: F-14B have at launch?


Mk-82, 83 & 84?

GBU-12 & other precision munitions?


take a look at this post: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2567767&postcount=2


from this thread: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=153274&highlight=bombcat

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May I ask you from where you got this?



He probably got it from the fact that the last thing we heard from heatblur about the F14 release was that it is on track for a 2017 release. 2017 only got 2 more months.

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Don’t hold your breath though :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


TBH im not really expecting it this year altho im hoping im wrong ^^ But we can only go by what they tell us and atm that is 2017 :)

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Very old data you got there.


It's been confirmed so far that LANTIRN is not coming. (at least initially, but that does not mean that people should expect it)


What I'd like to know is, what is coming at launch.


May I ask you from where you got this?


It's been repeatedly stated that it's coming in 2017.


You can even find it on their official Youtube channel.

"DCS: F-14 Tomcat has been in development for the past 3 years, and is slated for Early Access in 2017."

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