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Posted (edited)

1) Sorry i stand corrected i never nail the correct translations. My literature in czech simply states the name "cooling flaps".


This is direct citation from my source in czech:

"U verze A-5 byly standardně montovány pilotem ovládané chladicí klapky místo původních štěrbin na boku motoru. Pilot tak mohl přímo kontrolovat množství vzduchu protékajícího kolem agregátu a přesněji tak regulovat jeho teplotu. Klapky byly zpětně instalovány i na část pozdějších strojů Fw 190 A-4"

Which i translate roughly into:

"On version A-5 it became standard to install cooling flaps instead of fixed slats on the side of the engine. Due to this pilot could directly control the amount of air flowing around the engine and more precisely regulate its temperature. Flaps were retroffited to the A-4 models aswell."


Anything regarding the oil and water radiators was auto and i stand again corrected not through the Kommandogerät(it controlled RPM,pressure and such).


2) Yes, you dont have to open the cooling flaps for the MW50 thats correct but as you say youll overheat and destroy your engine very quickly(not accurate in my opinion)


3) I can post a list of czech literature as source if its any use to you?

Edited by Marduk879

our A-8 will be limited to 1.42 ATA so no c3 or mw50 injection

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor

our A-8 will be limited to 1.42 ATA so no c3 or mw50 injection


MW50 injection was never used by Antons.


2) Yes, you dont have to open the cooling flaps for the MW50 thats correct but as you say youll overheat and destroy your engine very quickly(not accurate in my opinion)


It's a bug, which was reported long time ago.

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X | 32GB DDR4 RAM | NVidia RTX4080 | MSI B550 TOMAHAWK | Creative X-Fi Titanium | Win 10 Pro 64bit | Track IR4 Pro | Thrustmaster Warthog | Thrustmaster TPR Pedals


I think that max continious D9 using 1.4something ata and 3000 rev/min is approximately equal to A8 on 1.42 ata emergency power setting at deck and low altitudes.


So you can probably already test the A8 if you have the D9 right now.

I think that max continious D9 using 1.4something ata and 3000 rev/min is approximately equal to A8 on 1.42 ata emergency power setting at deck and low altitudes.


So you can probably already test the A8 if you have the D9 right now.


hmm i would more incline to d-9 at 3250rpm will be as much as a-8 at 1.42 ata

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor

MW50 injection was never used by Antons.


Wrong there were some Fw 190 A from A4 to the last A version with MW 50. This wasn't common but there were some of those planes in combat units.


It's the GM-1 system that wasn't placed on any Fw 190A. Only on TA 152 (and I think only on TA 152 H which had MW 50 and GM-1) had it.


Fw 190 A used another kind of emergency power for the most of them but I don't find the name anymore :music_whistling:

Wrong there were some Fw 190 A from A4 to the last A version with MW 50. This wasn't common but there were some of those planes in combat units.


It's the GM-1 system that wasn't placed on any Fw 190A. Only on TA 152 (and I think only on TA 152 H which had MW 50 and GM-1) had it.


Fw 190 A used another kind of emergency power for the most of them but I don't find the name anymore :music_whistling:


are you sure that any of the D series didnt use gm-1 ?? like D-13

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor

Wrong there were some Fw 190 A from A4 to the last A version with MW 50. This wasn't common but there were some of those planes in combat units.


It's the GM-1 system that wasn't placed on any Fw 190A. Only on TA 152 (and I think only on TA 152 H which had MW 50 and GM-1) had it.


Fw 190 A used another kind of emergency power for the most of them but I don't find the name anymore :music_whistling:


Here we go again. :helpsmilie:


The MW50 injection was tested by BMW and Rechlin at the end of 1943. The increase of performance was negligible, approx. 16 km/h at 100m.


Instead they used the much simpler C3 injection and/or Ladedruckerhöhung -> erhöhte Notleistung.


FW-Änderungsanweisung 104 combined with BMW-Monteursanweisung 15/43 approved in july 1943.


Source: Dietmar Hermann / Peter Rodeike

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X | 32GB DDR4 RAM | NVidia RTX4080 | MSI B550 TOMAHAWK | Creative X-Fi Titanium | Win 10 Pro 64bit | Track IR4 Pro | Thrustmaster Warthog | Thrustmaster TPR Pedals

I think that the Mustang will be better at pretty much everything.


maby mustang will loose in climb at low alt but thats it

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor


Is the Ramp Startup for the Anton, nearly the same as for the Dora?

Playing: DCS World

Intel i7-13700KF, 64GB DDR5 @5600MHz, RTX 4080 ZOTAC Trinity, WIN 11 64Bit Prof.

Squadron "Serious Uglies" / Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/2WccwBh


Posted (edited)
Is the Ramp Startup for the Anton, nearly the same as for the Dora?

There should be no difference in startup from Dora. Maybe youll need ground power for the engine ignition but i really dont know i have feeling theres a battery for it in Anton aswell.


EDIT: Ok checked my sources and its identical with Dora, theres a battery for the engine start or ground crew can start the engine using a handle.

Edited by Marduk879
There should be no difference in startup from Dora. Maybe youll need ground power for the engine ignition but i really dont know i have feeling theres a battery for it in Anton aswell.


EDIT: Ok checked my sources and its identical with Dora, theres a battery for the engine start or ground crew can start the engine using a handle.


inertia starter right ??

germans were short on copper from beggining of war that impacted dificulties in introducing electric starters

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor

  • ED Team
inertia starter right ??

germans were short on copper from beggining of war that impacted dificulties in introducing electric starters


Do not think so. For example, Erich's Dora was equipped with Eclipse-type instant starter.

Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

Posted (edited)
Do not think so. For example, Erich's Dora was equipped with Eclipse-type instant starter.


i said only that about dificulties, lots of copper went in to u-boot manufacturing iirc

it was common that germas widly avoid using electric starters for their engines

Edited by grafspee

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor

inertia starter right ??

germans were short on copper from beggining of war that impacted dificulties in introducing electric starters


I really dont know if this is the exact translation from what i have in my sources but you might be right.

Tho with the copper shortages it certainly didnt cause for this system to not be in FWs.

This type of electrical starters was in 190s since the very first versions and never changed.

I really dont know if this is the exact translation from what i have in my sources but you might be right.

Tho with the copper shortages it certainly didnt cause for this system to not be in FWs.

This type of electrical starters was in 190s since the very first versions and never changed.


agree but those were inertia electric starters which required much smaller electric engine for job be done

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor


even ferdinand porsche could not be able to force his hybrid drives for tanks even when adolf H was his best friend. Too much copper. But he finaly managed to do it by building mouse tank

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor

  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

With the near end of the free trial I'm close to my own D-day and encountered an odd description in the DCS store:



for the A-8:

"The Anton could also be loaded with unguided rockets and bombs."



for the D-9 no rockets are mentioned in the store.




the A-8 is not EA any more. Are the rockets still WIP? Bc in the game I see them at the D-9 but not at the Anton.



Am I missing something?

Edited by Tom Kazansky

Yes the A8 has rockets the big boys for anti bomber ops but they work well A/G too once you get the aim down:thumbup:

Intel 8700k @5ghz, 32gb ram, 1080ti, Rift S

Yes the A8 has rockets the big boys for anti bomber ops but they work well A/G too once you get the aim down:thumbup:


D9 has rockets as well

System specs: I7 14700KF, Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite, 64GB DDR4 3600MHz, Gigabyte RTX 4090,Win 11, 48" OLED LG TV + 42" LG LED monitor


FW 190 D-9


Fw 190 D-9 is a gentlemens WW2 prop plane that uses speed, rate of climb and precision to obliterate flying bicycles also known as spitfires. Fw 190 D-9 is a plane that can do anything as long as it's going fast. Unlike Spitfire which gunsight is jumping everywhere like it's having parkinsons disease, Fw 190 D-9 has rock solid, calm gunsight because german quality lol...


You don't get into close turn chasing, actually you don't turn at all except when you are to gain speed or when you need that few extra degrees to kill those inferior quality planes. You fly fast! You leave your teammates to entertain your enemies while you are accumulating speed and altitude, then you storm one unsuspecting who has risen his nose too much with your blistering 700 km/h speed with 1,5 second burst you tear his wings and climb to safe altitude again out of combat. If you loose your speed you DIE. If you turn to much you DIE.


Fw 190 D-9 is the best warbird in DCS and is OP in right hands.


Fw 190 A-8


Fw 190 A-8 is a nice radial engine plane that can fight at low altitudes and abuse it's fast roll rate maneuvers to gain advantage over it's enemies. It's generally considered very bad warbird (in DCS) for dogfights because she has weak engine and your opponents are usually two very best late WW2 warbirds like Spitfire IX and Mustang.


Fw 190 A-8 can carry 2 "rockets", bombs and has tons of armor that can (with some luck) survive few strong bursts from OP B-17 gunpods. Rockets can be used for AA and AG. This warbird will be more and more popular as more A.I. WW2 content becomes released.


FW 190 D-9


Fw 190 D-9 is a gentlemens WW2 prop plane that uses speed, rate of climb and precision to obliterate flying bicycles also known as spitfires. Fw 190 D-9 is a plane that can do anything as long as it's going fast. Unlike Spitfire which gunsight is jumping everywhere like it's having parkinsons disease, Fw 190 D-9 has rock solid, calm gunsight because german quality lol...


You don't get into close turn chasing, actually you don't turn at all except when you are to gain speed or when you need that few extra degrees to kill those inferior quality planes. You fly fast! You leave your teammates to entertain your enemies while you are accumulating speed and altitude, then you storm one unsuspecting who has risen his nose too much with your blistering 700 km/h speed with 1,5 second burst you tear his wings and climb to safe altitude again out of combat. If you loose your speed you DIE. If you turn to much you DIE.


Fw 190 D-9 is the best warbird in DCS and is OP in right hands.


Fw 190 A-8


Fw 190 A-8 is a nice radial engine plane that can fight at low altitudes and abuse it's fast roll rate maneuvers to gain advantage over it's enemies. It's generally considered very bad warbird (in DCS) for dogfights because she has weak engine and your opponents are usually two very best late WW2 warbirds like Spitfire IX and Mustang.


Fw 190 A-8 can carry 2 "rockets", bombs and has tons of armor that can (with some luck) survive few strong bursts from OP B-17 gunpods. Rockets can be used for AA and AG. This warbird will be more and more popular as more A.I. WW2 content becomes released.



Very nice to read. ED could hire you as a salesman ;). Guess I'll take a Dora. Thank you.

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